What do spiral galaxies, pinecones, and your body have in common? They all display a "golden ratio" of fundamental universal harmony. The only problem is: they don't. Visit http://uncomplication.com for the links mentioned. Thanks for listening : )
Published 12/01/16
Happy Election Day! If I had a dime each time someone said "I can't wait for this s**t to be over" I could afford to run for office. In this rabbit hole I attempt to uncomplicate the thoughts, feelings and fears that grip us as we fill in these little black bubbles that seem to determine the fate of the free world...
Published 11/09/16
We often live on auto pilot, conditioned for the roles and situations we're used to. But there come moments that just feel bigger... turning points in the story of our lives. These moments carry a strange gravity, and the feeling that even the smallest actions can change the course of history. What then is the balance between manifesting our intentions and embracing what is?
Published 10/26/16
"Mama" and "Dada" are among the first wordlike noises babies make. But is there more to these simple sounds than meets the ear? In this rabbit hole, we take a short trip down to the roots of our first feminine and masculine monikers. Is your baby saying "dada"? Don't flatter yourself...
Published 09/08/16
Why would anyone want to step out of their comfort zone when they have something good going on? In this little rabbit hole we peer down from atop our life-long stack of concepts and wonder what it's all sitting on. Maybe the danger we fear in "breaking down" is only an opportunity to realize how fluidly creative our lives really are.
Published 08/25/16
A solitary moment leads to musings about how our individuality and its infinite potential is always sacrificed when we enter a relationship. But who is the sacrifice to? Could we redefine the recipient of our sacrifice to redefine the problems we encounter in love, marriage, and enjoying the company of others?
Published 08/10/16
An evening walk/meditation on helping others turns into an ironic cosmic entanglement with a young fox... Where is the line between helping and harming when it comes to the many issues facing friends and family? What consequences do our actions have when we get involved in other people's business? What does the fox say?
Published 07/09/16
"Time" is the most commonly used noun in the english language, but if you start looking into the "reality" of time you’ll find a galaxy of speculation, theory and rejection of this most basic of common sense experiences. This "rabbit hole" muses through three of my favorite ideas about time: relativity, orientation and the creative power we have to alter past, present and future.
Published 05/28/16
A morning musing on the interplay of serendipity, judgement and grace. Enjoy : )
Published 04/15/16
This uncomplication "rabbit hole" was recorded the morning after the late-night conversation with Tori Reynolds and Ben Rivet that ultimately became the "Go W/ The Flow - A Traveling Yogi Podcast." https://soundcloud.com/uncomplication/go-wthe-flow-a-traveling-yogi-podcast Are we swimming in the river of life or are we actually in a boat with the other people who make up our lives? What happens when we quit worrying about the destination and instead focus on the construction of a craft that...
Published 02/21/16
What does it mean to "go with the flow?" Many a free-spirit has adopted this mantra in open affirmation of life's inherent rightness. To let go and flow with the river of our lives can free us from the weight of thoughts and expectations that distract us from the present moment and weigh us down. But as many who "go with the flow" know, giving in to the river entirely can sometimes take you over a waterfall. Is there a way to "go with the flow" that doesn't involve passively bobbing along...
Published 02/18/16
A curious idea hit me on my walk to work. With a busy day ahead and a lot of challenges to solve, I began to wonder if I was actually at the forefront of my own experience, or existing in the past, as seen from my children later on?
Published 01/19/16
In this episode of the uncomplication podcast we are joined by British author Seymour Jacklin – a master storyteller whose beautifully crafted, dreamlike narratives carry listeners from all over the world to the borders of sleep – where imagination and reality are braided together. Seymour’s podcast, “Stories From the Borders of Sleep,” is a striking example of a talented creator pursuing his passion and in this interview, Seymour not only shares a behind the scenes look at his inspiration...
Published 10/08/15
Can pregnancy be uncomplicated? In a culture that places intense pressure on expecting mothers, what can be done to cultivate the time and space needed for a new human to grow – and more importantly – welcome a child into a world they will actually enjoy living in? In this episode, Kayla & Ryan Stover dig to the roots of our culture's inherently complicated customs for child rearing and explore ways soon-to-be-mothers can pause, breathe, and savor the miraculous mystery they are part...
Published 10/03/15
One Saturday afternoon I jumped out of an airplane from 19,000 ft. Now, I find myself reflecting on how we anticipate, experience and assimilate the events of our lives… glorifying some, overlooking others, and forever grasping at “the meaning” of it all.
Published 06/12/15
These are the rough notes recored in the creation of the essay "Anticipation, Experience and Meaning" on uncomplication.com. Author Ryan Stover digs into a recent skydiving experience, reflecting on how we anticipate, experience and assimilate the events of our lives… glorifying some, overlooking others, and forever grasping at “the meaning” of it all.
Published 06/11/15
It's one thing to talk about "finding balance in life"...it's another thing to experience that balance while standing on one leg. Even if you will never set foot on a yoga mat, you'll find uncomplication in these ten life-lessons I've learned from a decade of practicing yoga. Cover photograph is of Libby Lyons of ElanYoga.com
Published 04/29/15
This is a "Rabbit Hole"... a rough recording of notes that lead to a finished work on Uncomplication.com. Down this hole are ideas relating to life lessons learned from yoga. Recorded 2/20/15, immediately following a very difficult yoga class. Good stuff. Enjoy.
Published 04/29/15
A "daily uncomplication" meditation on the tranquility and violence of the gardner's weed-pulling pastime.
Published 04/25/15
Recorded on the side of a mountain, in the trees in waist deep powder, this short "Daily Uncomplication" is a musing on digging down to the moment to find simplicity and space in our otherwise hectic lives.
Published 04/25/15
Human’s are story tellers. We have been sending imagined characters on epic journeys since the dawn of time, using well-worn patterns of events to overcome adversity, turning zeros into heroes and providing the template for living a life of meaning. However, in the almost-unimaginable world of today, where our thoughts and symbols are dominated by corporate interests and the consumer is the base unit of culture, we witness new spins on the ancient “hero’s journey.” Presented here is a...
Published 04/23/15
It was my pleasure to spend an afternoon with the brilliant and provocative Stephen Hatch, a "worldly monk" who has spent his life in the purist of truth and the sharing of life's wonders through photography, philosophy and community. In this uncomplication.com podcast Stephen and I explore a wide field of topics ranging from his upbringing amidst the diverse spiritual traditions of Southeastern Pennsylvania, to the beauty and wisdom of the natural world, to the practice of observing silence...
Published 04/02/15
This is a reading of Droping the Ball – The Art of Juggling by Ryan Stover on Uncomplication.com. We often think we’re juggling life’s responsibilities when we are actually carrying more things than we can count, contorting into bizarre positions for fear of something touching the ground. How can we bring the playful spirit of juggling back into the performance of our daily lives?
Published 03/19/15
Beautiful Hypocrisy is an essay by Ryan Stover exploring the quote, "Those who know, do not speak. Those who speak, do not know." What is true authority? This is the AudioPost version, for those too lazy to read : )
Published 03/05/15
This is a reading of "Unwrapping the Present", an essay by Ryan Stover on Uncomplication.com. In this post, Ryan explores his motivation and the mystery that has brought him to share uncomplication with the world. Music is by Maxwell Hughes, one of the most talented guitarists on the planet. Find more of his music at http://maxwellhughesmusic.com
Published 03/04/15