“I don’t get all the complaints. The fact that all these recordings are kept from all those years ago, albeit with technology that is not as good as today’s, really brings the podcast to life. To be able to hear the real voices, accents and emotion or lack-there-of adds a dimension that brings you right into the time, the environment, and the mood and people surrounding the tragedy and helps you understand. It wouldn’t be half as interesting without them.
Every YouTube video I’ve watched that has a northern English, Scottish or Irish accent (or any accent) you see Americans claim they can’t understand anything. I think their entitlement that the world should all have an American accent is to blame for the typical complaints. It is disappointing. If they spent some time trying to listen instead of being superior, they might understand more than their narrow world views currently allow, or demanding being spoon fed everything.
Please don’t change the format! More people like it than don’t, and often people think to complain more than they do to praise.”
Songtresses via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·