Judy chats with marketing expert Souad Christina Saied, about embarking on a new career, her journalling process which has amassed a stack of invaluable data about herself  (not only personally but professionally too) and her experience of racism and discrimination and what she's doing about it. Souad’s journaling habit, the signature exercise of  her practice as a budding life coach, has enabled her to assemble a mountain of self-revelatory intelligence; putting paid to the notion that your...
Published 11/24/20
Judy chats with Jane Bridge, Founder of Boardroom Partners. This is the Board intel everyone needs to hear but rarely accesses. For years, Jane ran Boardroom Partners, a board recruitment and advisory firm in Sydney. As a result, she is ideally placed to bear witness to the pitfalls and perils facing the board novice. If you’re considering a shift to a board role, or just wondering how the arcane world of board appointments works, then this is one interview you don't want to miss. It’s full...
Published 11/12/20
'Sheryl Sandberg was right: the single most important career decision a woman makes is her choice of life partner. Brooks ignites that conversation for a new generation.' JAMILA RIZVI on The First Move by Emily Brooks  Emily Brooks, author of The First Move (a book about the awakening of the young dating feminist) puts her case for a woman working out her own wants and needs before taking a leap into the world of love, or, equally as I see it in the context of unpausing , into the world of...
Published 09/17/20
Famous today as a human rights giant, feminist pathfinder and role model, few have had to overcome the glaring life pauses that Eleanor Roosevelt experienced, to achieve so much. ⁠ Yet most of the active steps she took to "unpause", especially in the critical period after her child-bearing years had come to an end, and her marriage was imperilled, are there to see.  ⁠ ⁠This is the second of two bonus episodes of Unpaused, in which I chart the early life of Eleanor Roosevelt and her...
Published 06/25/20
Famous today as a human rights giant, feminist pathfinder and role model, few have had to overcome the glaring life pauses that Eleanor Roosevelt experienced, to achieve so much. ⁠ Yet most of the active steps she took to "unpause", especially in the critical period after her child-bearing years had come to an end, and her marriage was imperilled, are there to see.  ⁠ ⁠In this first of two bonus episodes of Unpaused, I chart the early life of Eleanor Roosevelt and her awakening as one of...
Published 06/25/20
After one whole year of Unpaused the Podcast, we thank you wholeheartedly for listening.  We are now looking for your thoughts, via this 5-minute anonymous survey, so that we can make Unpaused as useful and entertaining for you as we can. Your responses will be especially helpful for thinking about guests for the next season and pondering how we might make Unpaused even more useful for people wanting to reconsider their career. We want to find out more about what you -  as a listener -...
Published 06/18/20
After 30 years in business, Parisian Marie Daâge is a model of the truly modern woman. Her eponymous brand of exquisite hand painted dinner porcelain, has endured turndowns, lockdowns and the inevitable ups-and-downs of the economic cycle. Thirty years on, the brand and business prosper: Marie launched her first dedicated store and studio on Paris’ Left Bank in January 2020 and, on the easing of restrictions, has reopened her doors. ⁠ ⁠Somehow, Marie also found the time and wherewithal to...
Published 06/10/20
Maggie Beer is defined  by many things, not least of which her culinary ambassadorship of the Barossa Valley. Rather than being defined by her age however, she is instead defined by her grit and longevity in an industry that churns through the gifted and talented more than most. While Maggie acknowledges her periods of burnout, she has come back to be bigger and more influential than ever before. I call it playing the long game. At 75, she is both wise and, even in lockdown, hard at work in...
Published 05/28/20
When the working world feels like it's shrinking, it's time to start enlarging your foothold. This week we change direction to give some practical help on how to make your network come to life with small habitual steps you take from your own desk. No gatekeepers to hold you back, no permission needed. Molly Beck and Carly Valancy tell all.⁠ // Hosted by Judy Stewart // Produced by Leonie Marsh // Sound Engineer: Jason Millhouse // Research Assistant: Claudia Cameron // Instagram: @_unpaused...
Published 05/15/20
Former Editor in Chief of T: The New York Times Style Magazine, Deborah Needleman shares her enchantment with the world of the composed and handmade on Unpaused. It's a timely reflection of how time was once measured: when a basket, woven by hand, was the diary of a person's day. ⁠ // Hosted by Judy Stewart // Produced by Leonie Marsh // Sound Engineer: Lana Kristensen // Research Assistant: Claudia Cameron // Instagram: @_unpaused // Website: www.unpaused.net
Published 05/04/20
A recap by Judy and Leonie who were both struck by how Fran Kelly and Gillian Nasato seemed to have found exactly the role they were born to do. We've put our thoughts about these two extraordinary women on record in a conversation about what we loved and learned from their two interviews. It's a quick recap of what we thought were the highlights, in our own words, in our own way. We hope you like it. Hosted by Judy Stewart // Produced by Leonie Marsh // Sound Engineer: Jason Millhouse //...
Published 04/14/20
As 2IC of one of Australia's largest hospitals, Gillian Nasato knows a thing or two about adapting on the job to a massive health crisis. She draws on lessons learned at her mother's knee and 30 years of operational experience across multiple medical disciplines, to make sure that hospital staff on the frontline of the COVID 19 pandemic feel safe doing their job. A voice we need to hear more from in this strange and anxious time.⁠ Hosted by Judy Stewart // Produced by Leonie Marsh // Sound...
Published 04/13/20
Easter is to a baker what Christmas is to a pig farmer... it's peak time. The joy of baking, even in a lockdown,  permeates every word of this interview with Nadine Ingram, owner and creator of Flour and Stone, Sydney's beloved petite bakery and salon. Nadine's astute quick-step from purveyor of countertop treats to a takeaway queen of cake, pastry and homespun groceries is evidence that even in difficult times, those who have a Plan B well thought through can keep their business going and...
Published 04/10/20
Fran Kelly, host of ABC RN’s flagship Breakfast program, opens up with Judy about the positives of finding a rhythm, in the maelstrom of news that COVID 19 has brought… If you’re feeling overwhelmed and dispirited by the news, this is a how-to, from one of Australia’s leading media professionals, on coping,  regrouping, and even celebrating a few unexpected wins…⁠ Hosted by Judy Stewart // Produced by Leonie Marsh // Sound Engineer: Jason Millhouse // Research Assistant: Claudia Cameron...
Published 04/07/20
Struggling to structure your day? Finding the hours bleeding into one another and that your productive time is shrinking? Judy talks to Leonie about who she turns to for advice on making time for the million and one things you want to make time for every day.⁠ Hosted by Judy Stewart // Produced by Leonie Marsh // Sound Engineer: Jason Millhouse // Research Assistant: Claudia Cameron // Instagram: @_unpaused // Website: www.unpaused.net ⁠ ⁠
Published 04/06/20
You may remember book publisher Julie Gibbs, in Season 1 of the podcast; in fact, she was our very first guest. ⁠Today, we revisit Julie's story, as her pause comes to an end and her new role, as Head Consultant of the Australian Culinary Archive project, is formalised and acclaimed. ⁠Julie's steadfastness to her professional circle, and her regard for the culinary culture of Australia, which she brought so artfully to print for so long, has now brought her full circle. It proves the merit of...
Published 04/01/20
The pandemic has brought Unpaused into the here and now. So today, and in coming weeks Unpaused is changing direction temporarily, to help you focus on the many ways of getting your house in order. With hours to fill at home, there’s good work to be done that will stand you in great stead when the world returns to some sort of normal.  ⁠ ⁠Listen too for practical ways to uplift the spirits and distract you from the relentless cycle of news; good books, great YouTube videos and other creative...
Published 03/24/20
Judy looks back over Season 2; summarising all the gems in each episode in one easy listen. ⁣ Make sure you have a pencil and paper to hand! 
Published 01/01/20
In this episode you will hear Part 2 of Ruth Ribeaucourt's magical tale.  www.unpaused.net | Instagram: @_unpaused 
Published 12/25/19
Ruth Ribeaucourt’s great unpause was occasioned by the discovery that her husband’s family was the last of St Etienne’s highly skilled jacquard ribbon makers, and supplier to the haute couture houses of Paris and Milan. Ruth’s electrifying story of how the ribbons claimed her imagination comes to life over two fairytale like episodes. A wonderful tale in time for Christmas...  www.unpaused.net | Instagram @_unpaused 
Published 12/18/19
Olivia Rubie is a young Swedish professional photographer, looking for the essence of what makes a woman arresting, whatever her age. She is increasingly fascinated by how women change as they get older: how they move, the subtle changes in how they hold themselves. She is also troubled by how our culture values only the young as subjects. Judy Stewart speaks to Olivia about viewing a woman through her lens at a recent workshop conducted by The French Muse in June 2019. www.unpaused.net |...
Published 12/11/19
When she was at British Vogue Fiona Golfar, journalist and long-time editor-at-large, she went deep into the private lives of women from all walks of life: in fact, you could say she is something of an 'everywoman' herself. ⁠The story of her dramatic pause, hard on the heels of a change in the editorial leadership at Vogue and her comeback are detailed in this episode of Unpaused. | www.unpaused.net | Instagram: @_unpaused
Published 11/27/19
Episode 3 features Australian Annabelle Hickson, an accomplished woman. Listen to Annabelle's story of her transition from big-city journalist to Tenterfield flower forager, podcaster, photographer, published author, pecan marketer, and so much more, recorded on the other side of the world, in deepest, hottest Provence. | www.unpaused.net | Instagram: @_unpaused
Published 11/20/19
Marc Blazer, long-term investor in Rene Redzepi's renowned restaurant, noma, and now co-investor in PRIOR, is our second guest for Season 2 of Unpaused. ⁠Marc, who created Overture Investment Partners, to invest in talent-driven  - and often disruptive - consumer businesses, outlines what he looks for when he’s weighing up an investment opportunity, how that approach to investing evolved and the value he believes he brings to the table. www.unpaused.net | Instagram: @_unpaused
Published 11/13/19
We launch Season 2 with the wonderful Skye Gyngell of Spring restaurant in London. Skye has the wisdom of someone whose approach to work has been forged in everything- to-lose Michelin-starred kitchens in Paris and London; some of the most exacting work environments imaginable. ⁠Her more seasoned view of life at work is no less exacting in its commitment to perfection now than it was when she first realised that cooking was going to be her chosen vocation, but it’s tempered by a still...
Published 11/06/19