Did you know that 60% of college students change their majors at least 3 times? That is a lot of time and money wasted! We're here with Greg and Beth Langston, owners of the College Flight Plan to learn more about how we can start our children on a path of self-discovery, to save them precious time and money down the road. Have you wondered what age your kid should start preparing for college? Have you wondered if college is even the right choice for your child? We tackle these tough...
Published 12/06/21
Why does she have to be constantly texting her or video chatting her friends? What is with these mood swings? Why are spats with her friends emotionally equivalent to armageddon? Find out what's literally going on in your teen girl's brain in this episode. Want to learn more? We recommend the book The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine M.D. Pregnancy Homicide? We thought it sounded crazy too, but we want you to be informed about the statistics. Please be sure to rate our podcast, follow us...
Published 11/22/21
Would you like to feel like an amazing parent? Listen to these Worst and Best Parent stories we've gathered. Some are so far back in history, you won't even feel guilty! You can't compare yourself to someone from the 800's. So tune in for some fascinating stories about who we think are the best and worst parents in history. Shownotes Balloon Boy on CNN - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI6UONWCq7A&t=68s Smoking Baby - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4c_wI6kQyEChampion Stepdad...
Published 11/08/21
Being in a blended family is challenging, especially during the holidays. You may have heard some of these before, but since your life is always changing, give yourself a refresher or you might even learn something new! If you have holiday survival tips, email us at [email protected]. Please don't forget to tell your friends about us if you like our show! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/unqualified-parenting/message
Published 10/25/21
Are you feeling extra short tempered? Overwhelmed? Are you even starting to wonder if you're depressed? You might be experience parental burnout! Learn more about what this is, how to see it coming, and how to get out of the cycle you're in. Article on the impact of parental burnout - https://www.apa.org/monitor/2021/10/cover-parental-burnout. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline  Help is available Speak with someone today 24/7 800-273-8255 If you have a story or tips about parental...
Published 10/11/21
What age is appropriate for learning how to call 911? How do I make teaching this topic less scary? How will they know what a real emergency is? We break it down for you! Also check out this awesome website for tips https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/911.html. If you have a story or tips about teaching kids to use 911, email us at [email protected]. Please don't forget to tell your friends about us if you like our show! --- Send in a voice message:...
Published 09/27/21
Coach Kim Giles shares her insight on how fear can often impact how we handle situations with our step-kids. There are 3 common step-kid dynamics, and she shares tips on how to deal with each. If you struggle with feeling confident, or feeling like you don't know what or what not to do when dealing with your step-kids, then this episode is for...
Published 09/13/21
Are you a dad with daughters and aren't sure if you should or shouldn't be involved in conversations about THAT TIME of the month? Well we're here to help you normalize it! Plus, Toddler Issues! Sometimes as parents we lose our way and get caught in cycles. We fall into traps and it's hard to climb back out of them even when you see it happening! This is why Jen was glad Cody had already gone through a lot of lying issues, because she saw what she had started doing was not the right...
Published 08/30/21
When you realize that the reason you're getting worked up with your stepkid, is yourself and how to address that. Also, an awesome tip on how to avoid conflict with your own parents, or anyone really! And hear about Cody's basement flood and how to tackle a high stress situation together. If you find yourself particularly angry at a certain scenario or subject with a spouse, a kid, or your parents, ask yourself why? Find the true reason, the emotions behind it, and decide if it's something...
Published 08/16/21
We cover a lot in this episode, the death rate of new babies in America compared to other countries (check out the book The Body, and no this is not a paid advertisement: https://www.amazon.com/The-Body-Bill-Bryson-audiobook/dp/B07RB2C1LV/ref=sr_1_1 ), summer anxiety about hot cars and swimming pools when you have a toddler or baby, feeding pets, long-hauler covid symptoms, liquor in Utah, and more! As always thank you for listening, don't forget to follow us on...
Published 08/02/21
This episode we recorded a couple years back, and while our personal info might be outdated, the facts aren't! So if you struggle with weight loss, as tons of parents do, then tune in! And as always, please don't forget to rate, subscribe and follow us @unqualifiedparenting on instagram! And if you like the show, please tell a friend. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/unqualified-parenting/message
Published 07/19/21
This topic was requested via email by one of our listeners. We were so intrigued by this situation, one neither of us have personally had to deal with, that we couldn't help but make it our very next podcast episode! There are a lot of articles out there on coping with jealousy if you're a stepparent. But what about if you're a bio mom or dad, and you're jealous of the stepmom or stepdad in your child's life? It may feel like you don't have anyone to relate to when you're googling or looking...
Published 07/05/21
What questions will your doctor ask when you come to them with sleep issues? When should you go to your pediatrician with your child's sleeping problems? We aren't doctors, but one of us did just have to go through a sleep study with their toddler! Jen's toddler was recently diagnosed with mild obstructive sleep apnea, and mild central sleep apnea, and also had desaturated oxygen levels during sleep. What lead mama to question if this was happening? How do you prepare your child for a sleep...
Published 06/21/21
A continuation of the YouTube addiction, spoiler alert, a bio-parent disengages?! How to get rid of any solicitor politely, and an update on how 2021 is looking for us as parents. Questions? Suggestions? Comments? Stories? Hit us up! [email protected] or send us a message on instagram @unqualifiedparenting. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/unqualified-parenting/message
Published 06/07/21
Cody failed hard at parenting this last week, but he also turned it all around in the end! Lessons were learned, heads were banged against walls (literally), passive aggressive teen-ness was at an all time high, and he has dusted himself off and risen from the ashes to share with you what to do, and what not to do, when your teen gets addicted to YouTube! So grab your favorite adult time beverage, sit back, and listen to the relatable drama unfold! And as always, please don't forget to...
Published 05/24/21
The brain obviously plays a huge role in how we perceive things, react to things, and why we lash out. If we can talk to our kids about how, and why, our emotions seem to get away from us sometimes, they might just be able to use this new found emotional intelligence to interact in a more constructive way. Find out more in this week's episode! Find more information on Dr. Sarah Allen, or to find her books and parenting classes http://brainbehaviorbridge.com - Dr. Sarah Allens...
Published 05/10/21
What's it like having a laparoscopic hysterectomy? We discuss the process, and the recovery, which may not be for the faint of heart!  Have you ever taken your kid to a funeral? Learn how to properly prepare them, and when you might want to just leave them home Reminder, we are not doctor's, morticians, or qualified parents and anything learned here on unqualified parenting should always be taken with a healthy dose of logic and taking into your account your own situation!  Check out Epic...
Published 04/26/21
When your doctor tells you the only way to fix your issues is a hysterectomy, you need to decide sooner than you may have planned! Jen decided no way and here is her journey, reasonings, and tips on how to support others who may be going through the opposite problem (infertility). If you have any questions about deciding not to have kids or on having a hysterectomy, or you'd just like to wish Jen luck, email us at [email protected] and don't forget to rate, comment and...
Published 04/12/21
Is school becoming a fight? Is your kid acting scared of trying new things? Does your child feel safe failing in your home? Do you? Learn the importance of letting your kid fail and why it's so healthy! As a parent, we want our kids to succeed, it is ingrained in us, and the judgement from other parents when your kid isn't succeeding can be a lot to handle. So sit back, tune in, and find solace in letting go. Do you have fail stories that turned into successes? We want to hear all about...
Published 03/29/21
What is it like to find out you have ADD as an adult? Is it really that common in children, and what can you do about it? Do you suspect your child or stepchild might have ADD? How do you help those with ADD? Our co-host Cody goes into detail about his ADD, his daughter's recent diagnosis, and a short history of ADD. If you have an ADD story, or if you have any other blended family questions, email us at [email protected]. As always, don't forget to subscribe! Article about...
Published 03/15/21
It's winter and you're a parent, trapped indoors in an ever changing pandemic, trying to keep your sanity. You're trying to entertain your kids. Trying to work in a totally new way that no one saw coming. We're here to help you take care of yourself! If you have any questions, comments or concerns, email us at [email protected] and don't forget to rate, comment and subscribe! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/unqualified-parenting/message
Published 03/01/21
All good parents always mean well, but what are we saying to our kids that night affect them later in life? Her book discusses 13 common traps parents fall in, and how to avoid them! Also, spoiler alert, we're starting a book club! Join us Clean Your Plate! Thirteen Things Good Parents Say That Ruin Kids' Lives. If you want to learn more about Liz and her parenting workshops, check out her website...
Published 02/15/21
Do you have a kid who resists bedtime? Do you have a coparent who doesn't respect bedtime? Sleep consultant Shannon answers questions about infants, toddlers, kids, teenagers and blended family situations in this informative episode! If you are having sleep battles, or concerned about how much sleep your little one is getting, you don't want to miss this episode. If there are any guests you'd like to have on, or if you have sleep questions for the next time we have Shannon join us, send them...
Published 02/01/21
What were our resolutions in 2020 and did we nail them? What are our new ones? What are your new ones? Send them to us! We have all kinds of tidbits in this episode, how to deal with a kid who breaks a macbook, what happens when you steal cigarettes as a kid, and guess who is finally potty trained (pee pee only but still)! Correction from Jen: Did I say, "distance makes the heart grow fonder," let me just correct myself here and yes it is absence. ABSENCE. We forgot what that word was...
Published 01/18/21
What are some things that really stood out to us that we learned doing this podcast this year? Here's a short recap of some of our top tips, and interesting tidbits about the year. We grew a lot in 2020, so we would never say it was a waste of a year, and we hope if you're listening to this podcast, you can say the same. However, we are all very ready to say goodbye to 2020 and excited to bring on 2021. Please rate and subscribe if you enjoy the podcast, and send us what you've learned...
Published 01/04/21