An article has been making the rounds in which Shannon Harris, ex-wife of 90’s purity culture icon Josh Harris, claims that complementarian theology caused her harm and trauma. In the late 1990s, purity culture emphasized abstaining from sex until marriage while often employing a lot of unfortunate fear and shaming tactics along the way. Fast forward to 2018. Josh Harris disavowed the book and apologized for the harm he says he caused with his writings. A year later, he announced he was...
Published 09/20/23
So much happened while we were on hiatus this summer! In today’s episode, Natasha and Alisa hash through all the stuff we missed. We talk about drag queens taking the #1 spot on Christian itunes, Oliver Anthony going viral with a modern day protest song, the Barbie movie, Taylor Swift Eras tour, and the strange Christianity today article that praised Barbie and Taylor Swift for bringing us all together while panning Oliver for dissing welfare.
Published 09/13/23
Should Christian parents send their kids to public school in order to be a light and influence on their local campus? What do we do about people who claim that their new age practices or beliefs from other faiths have produced long term good changes in their lives? How do I have any right to tell someone to live more like a Christian when I am a sinner? And finally, Paul said in 1 Timothy 2:12 "And I do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man, but to be in silence." How does...
Published 05/24/23
Whether you’re a Christian, a secular humanist, a Muslim, a Mormon, or anything else, you almost certainly agree that love is one of the most important values for humans. In recent years, love has taken such pride of place in the American culture that it has ousted pretty much every other value. People have boiled everything in life down to a singular focus on love, and in a very practical sense they have made it their religion, effectively claiming that if everyone would just choose love,...
Published 05/10/23
Jesus often clashed with members of a Jewish sect called the Pharisees, who were strong opponents of His ministry. The Pharisees strictly kept the law given to Moses centuries earlier and followed an elaborate system of oral tradition to help them do so. Today, many people have an inclination to label a Christian a “modern day Pharisee” when they don’t like what that person has to say. The Pharisees are trotted out for all kinds of claims that have nothing to do with the problems Jesus...
Published 05/03/23
Jimmy Donaldson, better known as MrBeast, has over 147 million subscribers, and is a favorite among American families everywhere. Until recently, Jimmy has remained fairly neutral when it comes to politics and religion. That all changed when one of his best friends and costars Chris Tyson, recently announced that he is transitioning from male to female. Since then, Jimmy has ardently defended his friend’s choices and his Wikipedia page now describes him as an “American YouTuber,...
Published 04/26/23
The Orange organization may be the most influential organization you’ve never heard of when it comes to church curriculum for the next generation. According to the Orange website, at thinkorange.com, they have 10,000+ partner churches, influence over 1 million kids and teens per year, and serve over 80 denominations. They also report that 49 percent of the fastest growing churches use Orange. We have long had concerns that this widely used curriculum is primarily moralistic (meaning it’s...
Published 04/19/23
Today, Natasha and Alisa respond to a social media comment that read, “In my opinion, red letters/Jesus’ words are the most important in all the Bible.” Some progressive Christians will say that the word of God is Jesus himself, not the Bible. For Christians who are trying to live their lives according to God’s word, this can be incredibly confusing…especially if they can’t even agree on who or what the “Word of God” even is. Are the Red Letters more important than the black letters?
Published 04/12/23
What happens when one person refuses to bow their knee to the cultural gods? Others tend to follow because courage is contagious. That’s exactly what has been happening in the world of professional hockey. It all started back in January, when Ivan Provorov, a defenseman for the Philadelphia Flyers decided that he would not join his team in the warmups while they wore Pride-themed jerseys and wrapped their hockey sticks in rainbow-colored tape. After some significant backlash, his team and the...
Published 04/05/23
Russell Moore, David French, and Curtis Chang are coming out with a small group curriculum for churches called "The After Party." In anticipation of the presidential election cycle next year, they say they want to counter the "dangerous trend" of evangelicals having their political identity "formed by partisan forces, not by true Biblical faith." Russell Moore says that this After Party Curriculum was originally going to be titled, "The Post-Partisan Church." But should that be the goal? ...
Published 03/29/23
Theological conversations can be stopped in their tracks if someone simply pulls out the old, “Don’t put God in a box!” The most common way this phrase is used is by those who don’t want to be confined by the moral teachings of the Bible. Today, Natasha and Alisa discuss the implications and logical inconsistencies of this conversation stopper.
Published 03/22/23
A public school district in Arizona recently terminated a contract with a Christian University who provided free labor for the past 11 years. Why? Not because any complaints or incidences had involved the Christian students. It's because school board members claimed the University's religious beliefs about biblical marriage and sexuality would make local students feel "unsafe." Today, Natasha and Alisa dig into the implications of this very important story, as well as unpack why woke...
Published 03/15/23
There is so much information available online. From where to find good Thai food to how to find a good pediatrician to how to fix your dishwasher, there is no end to the tutorials, websites, and social media platforms just waiting to answer all your burning questions. People also turn to the internet for church recommendations. It can be tricky to discern what’s going on at churches from looking at their online presence. Whether you’re looking for a new church for yourself, helping a friend...
Published 03/08/23
Are Christians required to reach out to an author/speaker/pastor privately before criticizing their comments publicly? Sometimes when we bring up a current book or author to help our audience discern the ideas being taught by reasoning through whether or not they are true and reflect a biblical worldview, we receive comments like, “Hey, did you reach out to this person privately before calling them out publicly?” or “You should have that person on your show so they can explain their view...
Published 03/01/23
Word Salad Poppycock: this is what a well-known Christian influencer called Natasha's comments on the He Gets Us campaign last week. This was just a tiny part of a whirlwind of criticism she received for sharing concerns about the He Gets Us campaign. Meanwhile, Alisa was on the receiving end of her own wave of criticism this week in response to her comments regarding the question of revival at Asbury University. In this week’s episode, Alisa and Natasha reflect on the subject of how to deal...
Published 02/22/23
We held our first Unshaken Conference last month in Dayton, Ohio. One of the sessions was a Q&A, where people could submit questions using their phone. We allotted 45 minutes to answer what we could, but attendees submitted dozens of questions…so we only had the opportunity to answer a small percentage of them. In today’s episode, we’re going to answer some of the ones we couldn’t get to at the conference. We’ll cover progressive Christianity, judging others, convincing people they are...
Published 02/15/23
It’s no secret that many progressive churches started out as congregations that held to the historic Christian faith. It’s typically a slow slide, one compromise at a time, and before you know it your church is woke and progressive. Natasha and Alisa discuss how this happens and what you can do about it.
Published 02/08/23
Did Jesus promote a woke, liberal, leftist movement? Today we discuss a recent article from popular progressive author John Pavlovitz which makes that claim. But is this a conclusion supported by the Bible?
Published 02/01/23
Today we analyze a TikTok video that portrays the doctrine of Original sin as toxic, which is a common claim made by deconstructionists. Is the doctrine of Original Sin—the idea that humans are inherently sinful—any different than domestic abuse? TikTokers and other Social Media evangelists everywhere are making this claim, and Natasha and Alisa respond.
Published 01/25/23
"He Gets Us” is a $100 million advertising campaign that’s aimed at helping rescue Jesus’s reputation from the so-called “damage” done by His followers. It features a website, billboards in major cities, and ads that have been viewed 300 million times. Social media posts feature statements like, “Jesus ran with a tough crowd too,” and “Jesus was a refugee.” The ads are everywhere, but does the He Gets Us campaign get Jesus?“word before the world, from Well Watered...
Published 01/18/23
The new American Girl “Smart Girl’s Guide” book called, “Body Image: How to Love Yourself, Live Life to the Fullest, and Celebrate All Kinds of Bodies,” which aggressively serves up transgender ideology, critical theory, and LGBTQ+ activism to little girls. What’s up with the agenda to push our kids into transgenderism? Natasha and Alisa discuss this question, and offer a better way forward. 
Published 01/11/23
A first glimpse at the podcast, coming January 2023 from Alisa Childers and Natasha Crain.
Published 12/04/22