215: Million Dollar Vegan and Veganuary
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9 year old Vegan Evan has been making waves in the community for a few years now, but most recently his publicity has come from a collaboration with Million Dollar Vegan, where he asked President Trump to go vegan for the month of January in exchange for One Million Dollars to be donated to US Veterans. The campaign now offers $1 to charity for every person who pledges to go vegan for the month of January. In addition to Evan's campaign with MDV, Evan is the president of Animal Hero Kids, and has participated in multiple animal rescues with DxE, and has spoken in front of thousands of people. In this podcast, Evan and his mom Shannon tell their story on how they went from just hearing about veganism, to what they've accomplished today. Evan: Website: https://veganevan.com/  FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/VeganEvan/  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/VeganEvan/  YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/VeganEvan  Shannon: FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/VeganShan  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/veganevansmom/  References: Million Dollar Vegan: https://www.milliondollarvegan.com/  Animal Hero Kids: https://animalherokids.org/  Veganuary: https://uk.veganuary.com/  Sage Mountain Sanctuary: https://sagemtn.org/  Animal Liberation Conference: https://www.animalliberationconference.com/  What the Health: https://www.whatthehealthfilm.com/  Cowspiracy: https://www.cowspiracy.com/ 
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