Nina Power
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Nina Power teaches Philosophy at the University of Roehampton and Critical Writing in Art & Design at the Royal College of Arts. She has written widely on politics, philosophy, feminism and culture. She is the author of the book One-Dimensional Woman, and numerous articles. Power writes for several magazines including New Statesman; New Humanist; Cabinet; Radical Philosophy and The Philosophers. In addition, she is the reviews editor for The Philosophers and runs the film club Kino Fist. Power is based in London.
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Kay Burns is a multidisciplinary artist based in Fogo Island, Newfoundland, her practice engages in site-specific responses to locations through the reinterpretation of local mythologies, histories, and the eccentricities of people who inhabit those places. Burns is lead faculty for the Visual +...
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Heather and Ivan Morison are an artist team based in Brighton, England, and Arthog, Wales. Integral to their art practice is an active engagement with materials, histories, sites, and processes. Their diverse projects comprise of flying kite-like structures, performances, plays, puppet...
Published 07/14/15
Heather and Ivan Morison are an artist team based in Brighton, England, and Arthog, Wales. Integral to their art practice is an active engagement with materials, histories, sites, and processes. Their diverse projects comprise of flying kite-like structures, performances, plays, puppet...
Published 07/14/15