Let money works for you rather than you work for money all the time. Listen to the new podcast regarding the use of money. 
Published 08/01/21
Keep everything to the middle, do not give too much to take all your power and give none to be neglected or left. 
Published 07/24/21
It all starts from the sharp focus, once you learned how to pay deep intention and concentration to anything success will be on the way. From the podcast, hear those ways which help you to build a better you. 
Published 07/20/21
If there is a will, there is a win. It all depends on how much you think and how hard you try. Work wiser not harder. 
Published 07/12/21
Money does not grow on trees, so you have to work to achieve. Do some volunteering work, as you will meet new people and you can accumulate more experience. A bird in hand is better than hundreds on the tree, so do not lose the one in your hand for the one in your imagination.
Published 07/03/21
Indeed you need time, but still, it is not impossible. Have a listen and you will see that it is much easier than you expected. 
Published 06/26/21
Always having a backup plan is the saviour, it will save your time and day. Keep the umbrella for the rainy day, you may need it one day. Save it today so you cannot get wet tomorrow. 
Published 06/19/21
In this podcast, you will hear about personal adaptation to different situation; as resisting will not help you all the time. 
Published 06/12/21
This podcast will help you to think in a positive way and see your future from the eyes of the present. Indeed it is not very easy to be optimistic in this common world, though you do not have any other choices rather than being positive, in case you want to service and see the best of you. 
Published 06/05/21
Love, Mark, Grade, University, etc. will not create you; but you create them. Do not let those ruin your day and leave you alone. Accept who you are and accept your reality. 
Published 05/29/21
This podcast will help you to be a good public speaker and help you to attract your listeners. 
Published 05/08/21
We live in an age that we mostly depend on external appearance and beauty, though the real beauty will start from the soul. 
Published 05/01/21
Before you blame anyone, try to see yourself and start with yourself. 
Published 04/25/21
Your child is a blank page, whatever you write on him/her, s/he will behave in such a way. This podcast will illustrate some of those ways to treat your child to have a better future. 
Published 04/08/21
Do not you think it is the right time to stop blaming others? This podcast will help you to start your own path. 
Published 03/13/21
In this podcast episode, you will learn how to overcome insecurity and love yourself before you love anyone. The best way to heal such a problem is to see people as who they are and be who you are.
Published 03/06/21
This podcast talks about forgiveness and limitations. Everything should be held to a limit; it is the same for forgiveness also. Listen to the podcast and redesign your life in a better and more successful way. 
Published 02/22/21
Be aware of how to deal with your curiosity; this podcast will help you to keep everything in a limit. Once you transpassed that border, it will affect your life. Reach out to your dreams only, but never look at other's dreams. Keep up with yourself, and let others deal with their own businesses. 
Published 02/06/21
Most people cannot think alone, once they think they will get distracted. This podcast will help you out to fix those problems and control your thinkings.
Published 01/30/21
No matter how difficult your life is, still find some happy and good moments inside. This podcast will help you to think more positive and appreciate all and what you have in life. Make sure to create your own moments and colour your life with your own colours, rather than looking at other hands and steal their paintings to paint your life with. 
Published 01/23/21
This podcast deals with negativity and the process of overcoming. We face problems because we are still alive, so the best of us will see the full part of the glass rather than the empty one. As the old saying goes "there is a light at the end of the tunnel", so let's overcome the pessimism and negative thinking; also replace one by one to positive. 
Published 01/16/21
One of the signs of frustration is anger. This podcast deals with different kinds of frustrations, and it gives several solutions to overcome each. We are always in a hurry, this makes us to be less calm and dependent. 
Published 01/09/21
There are ways to overcome envy; this podcast will clarify and identify the ways to live happily together. Stop self-comparison, this is one of the major factor to envy others. The more we compare ourselves to others, the more we envy others. Though envy cannot accomplish anything, also it will decay all we have.
Published 01/02/21
Life is full of problems and we are being tested continuously; the strongest of us can overcome and solve life problems. From this podcast, we will learn how to fracture each problem into small pieces and solve piece by piece until the bigger problem can be solved.
Published 12/19/20
Our body will decay one day, our face will disappear soon. However, what will remain is our identity, behaviours, etiquettes, and good deeds. This podcast deals with different etiquettes of life. 
Published 12/12/20