this week, Tony Khan decided that he loves us and he wants to give us nice things, because this week on Dynamite we got chatty bits with the Young Bucks and Hangman Adam Page, a banger of a main event with Samoa Joe vs HOOK, plus the return of Rey Fenix and Chuck Taylor!!!!! we are beside ourselves. what a time to be alive. quick technical note: uh, Sarah’s microphone died at approx the one-hour mark and her computer automatically switched to the in-line one on her headphones, we know it...
Published 01/19/24
hey, look, if three of the Elite are going to make an appearance with moustaches, we can’t be held accountable for our reactions. this week, we are feeling very silly, and oh my god isn’t it nice to chat about wrestling without having to get too serious about it? this episode: Claudio vs Hangman, tributes to Brodie Lee, the relative sizes of wrestling rings, instant coffee disbelief, and we just love the Young Bucks so much it basically defies explanation.  also, we’re working on defining...
Published 01/13/24
okay so the main thing we need to talk about this week is Hangman’s moustache. what a glorious thing that was. also, hi Hangman! welcome back! we missed you lots! this week we also got to welcome back Private Party, and MJ would like to assure you that she’s definitely not a bot, no matter what some people on Twitter might like you to think. 100% organic human over here. and maybe we’re jumping the gun a little, but honestly, we’re kind of welcoming back the feeling, too. has Tony Khan...
Published 01/06/24
happy new year! time to talk about the end of the world. Or Worlds End, at least. MJ and Sarah talk through the latest AEW pay-per-view, match by match, and do our best Meltzer impressions by giving each match a Heart Rating. also? advocating for women, always. in 2024 we want some actual activism and not just lip-service point-scoring nonsense from some quarters. look, we’ll be honest, this PPV wasn’t our favourite, but we do have lots of reasons to be optimistic. you know what we’re...
Published 01/02/24
coming in hot, it’s your final episode of 2023! (probably!) we’re here to chat through our suspicions about the identity of the Devil before it’s revealed at World’s End (it is going to be revealed at World’s End, Tony, right? right??) as well as our delight at Riho nabbing a title shot and at the women’s street fight. more women’s hardcore matches in 2024 please!! other topics include Trent’s little worried face, festive BritWres chaos, an unlikely new sad wet kitten, and a secret hack...
Published 12/23/23
surprise! it’s a bonus mid-week episode from your favourite Ring of Honor-loving girlies. yep, this is our Final Battle episode, where we talk through the entire card of this not-really-a-pay-per-view-because-it’s-part-of-the-Honor-Club-subscription event and tell you why it’s so good. (it’s really, really good!) as per our self-imposed PPV rules, we’re giving every match on the main card a Heart Rating (™), which is a lot like a Meltzer star rating except better. don’t ask, just go with...
Published 12/20/23
bit of a sad one, this, because your girls are absolutely heartbroken to hear that Kenny Omega is seriously ill. we wish him all the best, and we will never complain about anything ever again because we just want Kenny to be okay. other topics of discussion include why the Devil should do a face reveal over Skype, a hotter-than-usual Hangman, and the moral imperative to put on intergender matches. plus!! it's time to announce our Waffly Bollox Listener Awards 2023!! did your fave win? only...
Published 12/16/23
not to speak too soon or anything, but that elusive feeling? the one that needs restoring? we’re kind of feeling it! firstly, we saw Hangman, which is always a pleasure, but he was feeling extra spicy and that was a particular highlight. then there was a banger of a Kip Sabian match, and we’ve got Kenny treats to look forward to. we dug Nick Wayne’s mum doing badass mum stuff, we love seeing Abadon when it’s not October, and we’re super into the build up to Athena vs Billie Starkz at Final...
Published 12/09/23
you already know what we’ve got to talk about this week: CM Punk made his big triumphant return to WWE, and we say: good, have fun with that, see you never!!!! meanwhile, Athena is teasing us with the promise of intergender matches in Ring of Honor, and yes, please, we would like that very much, put all of the belts on Athena and let us worship her as our queen. we’re also happy to see the launch of Being The Dark Order, but in BritWres news, Kid Lykos has broken our hearts and we may never...
Published 12/03/23
this is a being-mean-to-Tony-Khan episode. so if you are Tony Khan… we’re sorry, but also, we are here to give you the girlie (gn) world view, and we think you need to listen. it’s been about a week since Full Gear, and the Continental Classic tournament has kicked off, and Danhausen is back, and, you know, there are just some things we’d like to give feedback on. in particular: dear god do we really have to see that energy drink branding so often? also: WHERE’S HANGMAN? we miss his...
Published 11/25/23
sports maths, goth-baiting, and fake tan hospitals: your girlies watched AEW Full Gear 2023, and then had lots of thoughts about it! maybe watching five hours of wrestling in one sitting is actually good for us though because on the whole, we’re feeling pretty zen about everything. wrestling, you know? it’s good, that. speaking of, you can find us at @wafflybollox on X, Bluesky, and Instagram, you can email us at [email protected], and you can grab a t-shirt over at MJ's ko-fi...
Published 11/20/23
have you lost that lovin’ feeling? not to worry, here comes professional wrestler Daniel Garcia to bring it right back!  this week, your girlies discuss Adam Cole’s beard, realigning the Elite, big meaty men slapping meat, appreciating AEW's broadcast team, Orange Cassidy’s friendship bracelets, and a brand new woman!!!  also we got worryingly obsessed with the literary and cinematic parallels various wrestlers are drawing with their storylines and we’re definitely gonna be disappointed...
Published 11/11/23
right, so, this week? this week we’ve got beef, and our beef is with you, Tony Khan, and we’re not joking this time, because some of your hiring decisions lately are seriously not OK. elsewhere, we do still love Kenny Omega, MJF, the Young Bucks, Hangman, Orange Cassidy, Claudio Castagnoli, Jon Moxley, Abadon, Hikaru Shida, and of course Chuck Taylor, always Chuck Taylor. but we are angry girlies, and Tony? you won’t like us when we’re angry. find us at @wafflybollox on X, Blusky, and...
Published 11/04/23
Mox is back! well, maybe not in AEW yet, but he wrestled in a warehouse in Wolverhampton, and we were for every last blood-smeared second of it.  in other news, we’ve decided MJF is an honorary girlie (he just gets it, you know?), Jeans Omega entered the chat, and Swerve put his dirty shoes all over Hangman’s nice clean sofa and we’re not happy about it. plus! as it’s our 20th episode, we asked you guys for your questions, and then we answered them. it's nice, like. if you enjoyed this...
Published 10/28/23
this week’s mysteries include: who are the four hyenas? what were Prince Nana and Don Callis plotting? can you be a moody goth and still dress up as Scooby Doo? and what on earth was Chuck Taylor eating, and do you think it’s relevant to the plot? your two favourite horrible geese are back to chat all things AEW, checking up on the Elite, on MJF and his many challengers, on the women’s world championship, and on Orange Cassidy, of course, always Orange Cassidy. we also found some sympathy...
Published 10/21/23
we’re in full on fight mode this week, because the internet discourse has just been so tiresome, and some people’s behaviour has really made us despair. (not you Tony, you’re golden.) sometimes you gotta do it, as our lord and saviour Orange Cassidy might say. as always, we are pro-women’s wrestling, we love our baby boy Cole Karter, and we didn’t like it when FTR sat on the tag titles like grumpy dragons hoarding their gold. we’ve also got more ideas for Hangman, and for OC, and for all our...
Published 10/14/23
here’s the thing: if you’re the kind of person who laughs when other people are laughing, do not listen to this episode on the bus, or at work, or really anywhere else where you don’t want to feel embarrassed about laughing yourself sick, because this is one giggly goddamn episode. things discussed include the ups and downs of Wrestle Dream, how broken-hearted we are about poor Mark Davis’s poor broken wrist, witchy girl gangs, alternate ideas for Don Callis’s family portrait, and the...
Published 10/07/23
there was more talking than fighting on Dynamite this week, but that’s okay, we’re still having fun! MJ and Sarah discuss Aussie Open in suits, poor Cole’s poor leg, and MJF’s naughty shenanigans, as well as trying to learn to count to eight men, pondering the nihilism of black mist, and admitting when we’re wrong (Will Ospreay is in the Don Callis family now???). mostly, then, we’re in a pretty good place heading into Wrestle Dream.  except we do have to protest about this whole “putting...
Published 09/30/23
the wrestling cannot be stopped, and neither can we! despite MJ being poorly sick with COVID, we’re battling on to chat about the week in graps.  topics include the brilliance of Rina Yamashita, concussion safety practices (love you Mox, hope you’re taking some time off!!) and the off-putting nature of WWE-generated wrestling names. also, Sarah is still cursed to lose all her favourite indie wrestlers to foreign promotions, Kris Statlander is amazing, Eddie won much-deserved gold, and...
Published 09/23/23
this might be our widest ranging episode yet, which is either brilliant or terrible, depending on your perspective. from the PWI top 10 to the joys of indie wrestling to the latest AEW rumours to neck health to our dream cast for the Great British Bake Off, we sure are talking about things. best enjoyed sitting down with a cuppa. follow us on Twitter: @wafflybollox @awfullywaffly @wrassletrash Also! there are t-shirts, did you know there are t-shirts? check em out:...
Published 09/16/23
what a week it’s been, eh? WHAT A WEEK. MJ and Sarah are here to dissect why a dark cloud has been lifted from All Elite Wrestling, fall into a Kenny Omega hole, and sing the praises of Maria Kanellis-Bennett. we’ve also got ideas about the potential future of the Dark Order, and we spend quite a long time (although maybe not as much time as previously advertised) talking about how much we love, respect, and adore Orange Cassidy.  we’re also going to need Tony Khan to start doing a better...
Published 09/09/23
hey, did you know you can get off the computer and go and talk to other wrestling fans in real life?? MJ and Sarah took a trip to Wembley Stadium for All In, and were pleasantly surprised to find everyone was much nicer than they are online. also discussed: the joy of seeing a favourite wrestler 33 years after buying the action figure, the importance of staying hydrated and not sinking into the swamp of sadness, the rules of Queen-based disrespect, the genius of MJF, and the significance of...
Published 09/02/23
going out of date faster than that bag of salad leaves at the back of your fridge: this is our last episode before AEW All In 2023! which is TOMORROW. what the f**k. how did that happen. someone should have warned us. before we get there, though: we take a moment to reflect on the passing of Terry Funk and Bray Wyatt, chat about the necessity of heels and faces (do we need ‘em?), and attempt to answer some of history’s greatest dilemmas, including: which of the Young Bucks is our favourite...
Published 08/26/23
what a week it’s been, huh? we’re doing our best to keep our eyes firmly on the prize (aka All In), even if the wrestling drama just will not stop. but we’ve got so much to look forward to next week!!!  this episode, we run down what we know about the card for Wembley, fantasy book some more nonsense, and debate which wrestlers do or don’t need to be keeping journals. we’re also a fan of Cole Karter’s newfound himbo turn, we think the Bucks need more screen time, and MJ explains Charlie lore...
Published 08/19/23
was this the least sexy Dynamite ever? it might just have been. but it’s okay, we’re nothing if not resourceful. we’ve also got thoughts about the matches currently announced for All In, plus ideas of our own - we’re just gonna have to get on the bat-phone to Tony Khan and let him know. elsewhere, we’re sad to say goodbye to the JAS, we’re definitely not ready for Shida’s championship reign to come to an end, and we do not know what we’re going to wear to All In. one thing we do know? we...
Published 08/11/23