The Warburg Institute The Stone Age Origin of Art: What, When, Where, Why and by Whom? Professor Steve Mithen (University of Reading) Recent discoveries have pushed the boundaries of art making into unimaginable depths of time and across diverse geographies bringing to light the crucial role of images in the cognitive development of the human mind. Taking up Aby Warburg’s lead in the questioning of the formations and fundamental principles of image making and its cultural values,...
Published 01/18/17
The Warburg Institute The Stone Age Origin of Art: What, When, Where, Why and by Whom? Professor Steve Mithen (University of Reading) Recent discoveries have pushed the boundaries of art making into unimaginable depths of time and across diverse geographies bringing to light the crucial role of images in the cognitive development of the human mind. Taking up Aby Warburg’s lead in the questioning of the formations and fundamental principles of image making and its cultural values,...
Published 01/18/17
Warburg Institute Lachmann today: The debate on the method of textual criticism and its consequences for the history of ancient art Luca Giuliani (Humboldt Berlin)
Published 11/25/16
Warburg Institute Lachmann today: The debate on the method of textual criticism and its consequences for the history of ancient art Luca Giuliani (Humboldt Berlin)
Published 11/25/16
Warburg Institute The Role of Erasmus in the Career of Gilbert Cousin of Nozeroy (1506-72) Ann Blair (Harvard University)
Published 05/31/16
Warburg Institute The Role of Erasmus in the Career of Gilbert Cousin of Nozeroy (1506-72) Ann Blair (Harvard University)
Published 05/31/16
Warburg Institute Per Monstra ad Sphaeram: Aby Warburg and the Future of the Humanities David Freedberg (Warburg Institute)
Published 05/17/16
Warburg Institute Per Monstra ad Sphaeram: Aby Warburg and the Future of the Humanities David Freedberg (Warburg Institute)
Published 05/17/16
Warburg Institute Contemporary Image Conflicts: Violence and Iconoclasm from Charlie Hebdo to Daesh Hugh Kennedy (SOAS) The Iconography of ISIS Workshop organised by the Warburg Institute in conjunction with the Bilderfahrzeuge Project.
Published 01/14/16
Warburg Institute Contemporary Image Conflicts: Violence and Iconoclasm from Charlie Hebdo to Daesh Johannes von Müller (Bilderfahrzeuge) Introduction Christiane Gruber (University of Michigan) ISIS, Truculent Iconophilia, and Extinguishing the Gray Zone Workshop organised by the Warburg Institute in conjunction with the Bilderfahrzeuge Project.
Published 01/14/16
Warburg Institute Contemporary Image Conflicts: Violence and Iconoclasm from Charlie Hebdo to Daesh Hugh Kennedy (SOAS) The Iconography of ISIS Workshop organised by the Warburg Institute in conjunction with the Bilderfahrzeuge Project.
Published 01/14/16
Warburg Institute Contemporary Image Conflicts: Violence and Iconoclasm from Charlie Hebdo to Daesh David Freedberg (Warburg Institute) Making Images, Breaking Images. Iconoclasm in the Age of Digital Reproduction Workshop organised by the Warburg Institute in conjunction with the Bilderfahrzeuge Project.
Published 01/14/16
Warburg Institute The Scholastic Origins of a Renaissance Humanist: The Isagoge of Symphorien Champier Professor Brian Copenhaver (UCLA) Symphorien Champier made his medical career as an advocate of the new classicism of Quattrocento Italy, and he has often been called a ‘humanist.’ His earliest work is pure scholasticism, however: an Introduction to Instruction in Grammar and Logic. The chronology of this nominalist polemic is uncertain. Its target is speculative grammar, often...
Published 10/28/15
Warburg Institute The Scholastic Origins of a Renaissance Humanist: The Isagoge of Symphorien Champier Professor Brian Copenhaver (UCLA) Symphorien Champier made his medical career as an advocate of the new classicism of Quattrocento Italy, and he has often been called a ‘humanist.’ His earliest work is pure scholasticism, however: an Introduction to Instruction in Grammar and Logic. The chronology of this nominalist polemic is uncertain. Its target is speculative grammar, often...
Published 10/23/15
Warburg Institute Nutrire il corpo, nutrire lo sprito: alcune cene rinascimentali tra cibo e parola Professor Nuccio Ordine (Calabria)
Published 01/22/15
Warburg Institute Nutrire il corpo, nutrire lo sprito: alcune cene rinascimentali tra cibo e parola Professor Nuccio Ordine (Calabria)
Published 01/22/15