In the second week of A Praying Church, Timothy Ateek encouraged the body to pair prayer and fasting together to maximize enjoyment in Christ with a goal to develop a growing conviction that nothing is more important than fellowship with God.
Published 01/21/24
In the second week of A Praying Church, Timothy Ateek encouraged the body to pair prayer and fasting together to maximize enjoyment in Christ with a goal to develop a growing conviction that nothing is more important than fellowship with God.
Published 01/21/24
This week we begin our new sermon series on the topic of prayer. We want to be a praying church, not just a church that prays. Prayer is the primary pathway to greater intimacy with God and the people who experience the greatest intimacy with God are the people who have tapped into the joy of prayer.
Published 01/14/24
This week we begin our new sermon series on the topic of prayer. We want to be a praying church, not just a church that prays. Prayer is the primary pathway to greater intimacy with God and the people who experience the greatest intimacy with God are the people who have tapped into the joy of prayer.
Published 01/14/24
Today was "Vision Sunday," in which Timothy Ateek shared the elder's answer to this question, "What is the most God-glorifying, Christ-exalting, gospel-believing, proclaiming, and advancing version of Watermark?"
Published 01/07/24
Today was "Vision Sunday," in which Timothy Ateek shared the elder's answer to this question, "What is the most God-glorifying, Christ-exalting, gospel-believing, proclaiming, and advancing version of Watermark?"
Published 01/07/24
A new year is a great time for a new path. From Psalm 1, Marriage & Family Director, Chris Sherrod, shows how God’s people can experience God’s blessing in Christ in 2024.
Published 12/31/23
In this message, Timothy Ateek walks through 1 John and challenges Christians to reflect on our lives in light of the gospel by examining what we believe, how we live, what we love, and where we live.
Published 12/17/23
In this message, John Elmore shows what Jesus came to do and how he came to do it. Jesus came to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God.
Published 12/10/23
Christmas is a reminder of the intensity and intentionality of God’s pursuit of us and the joy that comes from being found. Timothy Ateek begins a new series today called Born. Each week we are looking at an explicit statement in Scripture that unpacks why Jesus was born. Today we see that Jesus was born to seek and to save the lost.
Published 12/03/23
The way the Savior is announced shows how the Savior is to be received. In Luke 1:26-38, Timothy Ateek shows how God’s grace, King, and power show up in Mary’s life, and as a result, everything changes.
Published 11/26/23
In Psalm 23, David gives us a glorious view of God from a sheep’s perspective. From this Psalm, Oren Martin shows how God’s people experience His never-failing faithfulness, care, deliverance, provision and protection because the LORD is “My Shepherd.”
Published 11/19/23
We want our life to count. John Elmore leads us through 1 Chronicles 28-29 as we see David's last words to leave a legacy for others.
Published 11/12/23
These chapters look at the most painful years of David’s life. Pastor Timothy Ateek guides us through snapshots in David’s life from chapters 15-18, and helps us find 5 keys to surviving the painful days, weeks, and years of life.
Published 11/05/23
In this Psalm from David's life, John Elmore shows us how the Lord saves through the sacrificial life and death of Jesus, who died for our sins and was raised from the dead so that His people might share of His great salvation with those who need saving from their sin.
Published 10/29/23
The story of David in 2 Samuel 12 shows us four things that God does to rescue His people from sin. He sees sin, interrupts sin, sobers us to sin, and in His extravagant grace prevails over sin through Christ.
Published 10/22/23
The story of David and Bathsheba shows us David’s sin and failure to take God at His Word. Despite all the progress David made in establishing God’s kingdom in fulfillment of his covenant promises, David is not God’s forever king who will finally usher in God’s people into God’s place and presence. In this passage, we see the enemy within, cycles of sin, and Jesus wins.
Published 10/15/23
How do we find lasting security in times of distress? From Psalm 16, Jonathan Linder shows how David chose God as his confidence, treasure, and counsel. Now, through faith in the greater David, Jesus Christ, Christians can have God as their confidence, treasure, and counsel, for Jesus experienced and overcame the fullness of death through his perfect life, death, burial, and resurrection so that we can experience fullness of joy in His presence both now and forever.
Published 10/08/23
The story of David and Mephibosheth shows us a burdened, helpless man with no future being brought into a covenant with the king. It shows an outcast orphan finding a family, a future, and a home. It paints a beautiful picture of the gospel.
Published 10/01/23
2 Samuel 7 is one of the most important chapters in the life of David – and the entire Bible. In this message, Timothy “TA” Ateek teaches through a story that begins with David’s plans and culminates with God showing His plans to be far greater than anything David could’ve imagined.
Published 09/24/23
2 Samuel 6 displays God’s holiness as David seeks to establish his kingdom in Jerusalem with God as the Eternally Enthroned One. Do you want God in your life? Do you fear God? Do you worship God with your entire life?
Published 09/17/23
2 Samuel 5 displays David walking and living in the “sweet spot” of God’s will as God, in his timing, makes him king over Israel. David displayed his trust in the Lord by knowing God’s priorities, being filled with God’s Spirit, and seeking God’s direction. David, however, was not perfect and sinfully took wives he should not have taken, which points beyond David to the greater David, Jesus, who will perfectly do God’s will to bring salvation to his people.
Published 09/10/23
God was working to establish his kingdom through David, but David trusted the Lord to fulfill his promises in his perfect timing. Instead of listening to his men and seizing the kingdom, David trusted the Lord in action, word, and heart. John Elmore teaches through 1 Samuel 24, giving three ways to trust God when wronged, and pointing to the greater David who perfectly brings God’s kingdom and salvation in his time.
Published 09/03/23
How we handle other people’s success reveals what we truly believe about God and His will for us. Do we try to rule over our lives, or do we recognize that a true and loving King reigns over it all for our good and His glory? Timothy Ateek teaches through 1 Samuel 18 and gives three ways to respond to God’s will.
Published 08/27/23