If you're a therapist or professional counselor, working with clients who have been through trauma is an important area to be fully trained in to provide the best care. The mental health industry's current Gold Standard for therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy or EFT, whether for couples, families, or individuals, has been demonstrated through many outcome research to be one of the most effective models for helping people heal and connect. EFT is founded on attachment science and is offered...
Published 10/10/21
As a therapist, having a clear road map as to how to help your clients with Pornography and sex addiction using a model of counseling that is proven to be effective is essential. The good news is that there such a model of counseling available, Emotionally Focused Therapy pioneered by Dr. Sue Johnson. With EFT, there is literally not a clinical population or presenting issue that the model cannot help with. Join We Heart Therapy host Anabelle Bugatti, Ph.D., LMFT, and Australian EFT Trainer,...
Published 06/27/21
As a therapist, having a clear road map as to how to help your clients based on a model of counseling that is proven to be effective is essential. The good news is that there such a model of counseling available, Emotionally Focused Therapy pioneered by Dr. Sue Johnson. With EFT, there is literally not a clinical population or presenting issue that the model cannot help with. One of the populations that therapists work with that present unique dynamics and needs are Military and veterans....
Published 05/02/21
Many women don't have the kind of sex life they enjoy or desire. Many have grown up in households where they were taught not to talk about sex or that it is shameful, making it difficult to have open conversations in their relationships so they can have meaningful dialogue and be able to explore their relationship to sex, have sexual experiences that they enjoy and create a sexual relationship with their partners that they look forward to and get something out of.   Join We Heart Therapy...
Published 03/22/21
Attachment Theory and Science is widely understood as the science of love and bonding, yet Attachment Science is so much more. Attachment science is actually a science of human behavior, emotion regulation, as well as bonding and love. Understanding how these come together provides the key to understanding humanity, what motivates people and why they do the things that they do. Join We Heart Therapy host Anabelle Bugatti, PhD, LMFT and Italian EFT Trainer Andrea Pagani, PhD, as they discuss...
Published 02/15/21
While Hollywood may portray an openness about sex all the time, as therapists in clinical practice, we've learned that behind closed doors, many couples and individuals find talking about sex actually pretty uncomfortable. So what makes talking about sex so uncomfortable and how does this impact relationships and the quality of sex couples are able to have? Join We Heart Therapy host Dr. Anabelle Bugatti, LMFT & Sexpert Dr. Laurie Watson (host of Foreplay Radio for couples) as we discuss...
Published 01/11/21
As a licensed psychotherapist and supervisor of developing therapists, one of the challenges I find therapists struggle with are with recognizing the power of the present moment and being able to stay in the present process without dipping into the past, especially in Emotionally Focused Therapy. Join We Heart Therapy Host Dr. Anabelle Bugatti, Ph.D., LMFT, Certified EFT Supervisor & Therapist and special guest, EFT Trainer Nancy Gardner, Ph.D., from the Los Angeles Center for EFT, as we...
Published 11/28/20
Having ADHD can present many challenges to everyday life. As a therapist, we are also not immune to the impact of ADHD as a many practicing mental health clinicians also suffer from ADHD. Those who have ADHD can be successful when they are able to work with their symptoms and harness the unique aspects of having ADHD. Emotionally Focused Therapy is an incredibly effective model of counseling that can help someone with ADHD learn how to slow down, how to control the speed of life and...
Published 10/26/20
As a therapist using the model Emotionally Focused Therapy, we know that one of the steps within this method as part of Stage 2 work, involves helping Pursuers soften. But what does that actually mean? What does pursuer softening look like? What is the main difference between a pursuer and a withdrawer? Join We Heart Therapy host, Dr. Anabelle Bugatti, LMFT (EFT Supervisor & Therapist) and special guest, ICEEFT Certified EFT Trainer Dr. Giulia Altera from the North Italian Center for EFT,...
Published 10/04/20
As a therapist, Understanding the world of a client who shuts down and withdrawers and has a hard time opening up and sharing themselves can present unique challenges to therapists. Join your We Heart Therapy host ICEEFT certified EFT Supervisor & Therapist Anabelle Bugatti, Ph.D. LMFT, and special guest ICEEFT Certified EFT Trainer George Faller, LMFT, EFT Trainer/Supervisor and President of the NY Center for EFT as they discuss how to understand and work with Withdrawers. For...
Published 09/06/20
As a therapist working in mental health, we often work with clients from backgrounds that are diverse and different than ours. Multicultural counseling, known as the fourth force in the counseling profession, is an important asset to any practicing clinician. Join host Anabelle Bugatti, PhD, LMFT (Certified EFT Supervisor & Therapist) and special Guests, EFT Trainer Kathryn De Bruin and Certified EFT Supervisor/Therapist Carmen Morrison, PhD, as they discuss apply the model of Emotionally...
Published 08/16/20
In Emotionally Focused Therapy, EFT therapists have a phrase called "Seeding attachment" that specifically refers to the strategy in EFT of continually planting and growing the importance of bonding and relevance to attachment that occurs in relationships. As a therapist learning to use the model and methods of EFT, this video will help you better understand what is meant by Seeding attachment, and how to do this in session to help couples harvest safe and secure bonding.Join We Heart Therapy...
Published 07/06/20
Men have been one of the most neglected and under-taught groups of people when it comes to emotions. What makes understanding and acting productively on emotions instead of burying or redirecting them feel so challenging? Join We Heart Therapy host, Dr. Anabelle Bugatti, PhD, LMFT, founder of Evryman, Owen Marcus, and former FDNY Firefighter now Relationship Expert & EFT Trainer, George Faller, LMFT as they discuss Men and Emotions. If you're a guy and you're interested in learning more...
Published 06/24/20
When couples come to therapy for an affair or some other type of attachment injury, forgiveness can be challenging for the injured/betrayed partner to reach. Join We Heart Therapy Host Anabelle Bugatti, Ph.D., LMFT, and Certified EFT Trainer Sam Jinich, PhD as they discuss how therapists can help their couples heal and reach a place where they can forgive. They'll also discuss common myths people have around forgiveness. For information on Emotionally Focused Therapy, visit:...
Published 05/27/20
As an Emotionally Focused Therapist, getting a client's attachment history and connect the dots between the past and the present can provide a lot of revelations for your clients. But many therapists struggle with what to ask and how to reflect it in a way that is revelational. Join We Heart Therapy host Anabelle Bugatti, PhD, LMFT, & Certified EFT Trainer Ryan Rana, PhD as they discuss the importance of a good attachment history in Emotionally Focused Therapy. For more information on...
Published 05/06/20
Learning how to do Emotionally Focused Therapy well with clients is both exciting and challenging. One of the main area therapists struggles within the session is in being able to keep their focus. Join We Heart Therapy host Anabelle Bugatti, Ph.D., LMFT, and EFT Trainer Sharon Chatkupt Lee, PsyD as they discuss how to define and keep your focus in session. For more information on EFT, please visit: http://www.iceeft.com or http://www.drsuejohnson.comFor information on EFT Trainer Sharon...
Published 04/30/20
As a couples counselor or marriage therapist, it can be difficult to effectively intervene in session when your couple starts to escalate and one partner/spouse starts to turn and criticize, poke, jab, or verbally attack the other. In EFT, we call intervening on these moments as "catching a bullet". Join your host Anabelle Bugatti Ph.D., LMFT for another episode of EFT Talk, with special guest Zoya Simakhodskaya, Ph.D., Licensed Clinical Psychologist and EFT Trainer/Supervisor in NYC as they...
Published 04/13/20
Many of our clients and couples come into therapy and suffer from a chronic or terminal illness that creates limitations that can become barriers to connection for clients. Join certified EFT Supervisor/Therapist and We Heart Therapy Host Anabelle Bugatti, Ph.D., LMFT and Certified EFT Trainer Dr. Paul Greenman (Ottowa Center for EFT) as they discuss how medical issues can create distress in relationships, and how to use Emotionally Focused Therapy to help clients get the love, comfort, and...
Published 03/22/20
Emotionally Focused Therapy is the current Gold Standard of couples therapy, and really enriches the lives of not only people who participate in EFT Therapy, but enriches the lives of the therapists who practice it. Learning the model of Emotionally Focused Therapy is fun and exciting, but can have some stuck spots as therapists reach growing edges in their own skills and understanding of the model. Join We Heart Therapy host Anabelle Bugatti, PhD, LMFT and EFT Therapists Ed Peterson (Utah...
Published 03/11/20
Learning Emotionally Focused Therapy is exciting, life-changing and practice revolutionizing. Learning the model can seem simple, but as many therapists learn, it's a lot more complex than it first seems. Staying on the journey and becoming a certified EFT Therapist is well worth it, and is one of the best ways to become an amazing therapist. Join We Heart Therapy host Anabelle Bugatti, Ph.D., LMFT, and EFT Trainer Elana Katz as they discuss learning EFT and the developing EFT Therapist.For...
Published 02/20/20
Not all clients that come to counseling want to save or fix their relationships. Being able to help these couples break up with dignity, and have a sense of clarity and acceptance as they move through that process is also very important. This video will help therapists practicing Emotionally Focused Therapy help guide couples through this process in a way that helps them break up in a healthy and civil way. Join We Heart Therapy host Anabelle Bugatti, PhD, LMFT and special guest Ting Liu,...
Published 01/29/20
It's formerly been thought that couples with domestic violence or inter-partner violence are not appropriate candidates for couples therapy. This is no longer the case. In fact, couples therapy can help these couples directly confront violence in relationships in a safe environment and work towards reducing violent behavior and helping these couples de-escalate.Additionally, recent research has shown the effectiveness of Emotionally Focused Therapy in helping couples with violence in their...
Published 01/02/20
As a therapist using Emotionally Focused Therapy, sometimes it can be hard to explain things to clients in a way that really reaches them. Explaining emotional needs and attachment needs, especially to clients that are withdrawers can be one of those hard to explain concepts. Join We Heart Therapy host EFT Certified Supervisor and Therapist Anabelle Bugatti, PhD, LMFT and EFT Trainer Kenny Sanderfer, also known as the "withdrawer whisperer" as they discuss how to explain emotional and...
Published 12/12/19
As a therapist learning Sue Johnson's attachment-based model of counseling, EFT Emotionally Focused Therapy, there are many times where we can get stuck in the model and become unsure of where to go next. Join Certified EFT Supervisor & Therapist, We Heart Therapy host Anabelle Bugatti, PhD, LMFT and Certified EFT Trainer and director of the EFT Center in Mèrida Mexico, Ali Barbosa, as they discuss blocks that come up in the EFT Tango and how to figure out where to go next.For more...
Published 12/05/19
Welcome to EFT Tool Tips! Are you a practicing mental health therapist working with Emotionally Focused Therapy and struggle with how to talk to your clients about recording sessions? Join your certified EFT Supervisor's Dr. Teri Murphy, LMFT and Dr. Anabelle Bugatti, LMFT, as we discuss how to talk to your clients about recording sessions!For more information on EFT, visit http://www.ICEEFT.com or http://www.drsuejohnson.comVisit http://www.DrTeriMurphy.com or...
Published 12/05/19