Welcome to Episode 69 of Webflail with Jack Redley.   I'm your host, Will Redley, not your failure connoisseur but your editor, and today my guest is Jack Redley.  Now today’s episode is a bit different. We’ll be reviewing 2023 highlights. Then we’ll be talking about Jack’s biggest failures and then, we’ll talk about what’s coming in 2024. LET’S GOOOOO. The fails that we’ll discuss today are: 1. 10K client 2. Failed to continue Webflowing 3. Failed to remote work successfully 👀 Check out...
Published 12/25/23
In this moment, we dive back into the  debate of retainer vs. project-based web design in this episode. Keith discusses the benefits of long-term client relationships in retainer models, contrasting them with the one-off nature of project-based work. Key points include the ever-evolving nature of web design, the importance of balancing aesthetics with functionality, and financial implications for design agencies. This episode is perfect for web designers and business owners looking for...
Published 12/20/23
Welcome to Episode 68 of Webflail with Keith Armstrong.   In the about section of Keith's LinkedIn, it simply says 'a Canadian website developer with a stubborn drive to make the web better'. This undersells Keith in my opinion. He is the founder of Flowsparrow, a subscription based Webflow service. He’s been involved with Flowparty, I’ve heard him share wisdom on Twitter Lives, he had a newsletter for a while called the div dive. He’s keen to help others is what I’ve seen and that goes a...
Published 12/19/23
In this moment, Isabel and Jack have a compelling conversation about challenging job experiences and how they can serve as unexpected catalysts for personal and professional development. Jack and Isabel explore the idea that every job, good or bad, contributes valuable skills and perspectives, such as relationship building and communication enhancement. We also address the common fears of starting new ventures, like podcasting, and the paralysis that can result from overanalyzing choices such...
Published 12/18/23
In this moment, Jack and Isabel discuss overcoming the challenges of traditional education and finding one's true potential. Isabel shares their transformation from a primary school star to struggling in grammar school, highlighting the misalignment between their learning style and the conventional academic system. She explores the importance of practical learning and self-motivation, drawing parallels with Webflow's approach to problem-solving. It's a compelling tale of resilience,...
Published 12/15/23
In this moment, we explore Isabel's journey from a newcomer at the Webflow conference to a community leader in Manchester's Webflow scene. Isabel shares her initial experiences and how they motivated her to create a local Webflow community. She discusses her goals of meeting like-minded people, building a supportive network, and embracing diverse perspectives. The episode also teases Isabel's ambitious plans for a large-scale event, uniting Webflow enthusiasts in the North of England.  LINKS...
Published 12/14/23
Welcome to Episode 66 of Webflail with Isabel Edwards.   Now, I know Isabel from a Webflow meetup that I organised in London at the start of this year, and then I met her again at Barcelona meetup organised by Tambien Studios. She is a good egg who is passionate about community. She has set up two events this year and both were a massive success. She is also the head of brand for Versori, a platform that integrates, migrates, transforms and automates your business systems backed by Y...
Published 12/12/23
In this moment, Silvia, despite starting small, explains her bold strategy to take on large-scale projects in a field dominated by industry giants. She shares her journey from gaining confidence at big agencies to targeting midsize deals in web design and branding, blending expertise with content and search experience. The conversation also touches on personal challenges, including navigating family expectations and the pursuit of happiness over financial security, offering a candid look at...
Published 12/09/23
In this moment, we delve into the often-overlooked aspects of web design and content creation, exploring how web creators can enhance their work beyond visual appeal. Silvia covers the critical importance of SEO and its impact on client acquisition and website functionality. She also offers practical advice for web creators on crafting more effective content, understanding audience needs, and leveraging personal branding to establish thought leadership. We uncover the secrets to creating not...
Published 12/08/23
Welcome to Episode 66 of Webflail with Silvia Li Sam.   Silvia is the founder of Slam Media Lab, a Webflow, brand and SEO agency. Since the pandemic, she has now grown the agency into a $2M business. The agency works with mission-driven organizations, from non-profits to social impact VC firms, and universities.  The failures that we will talk about today are: Positioning and winning big dealsBranding beyond WebflowReduced scopes just to win the deals, sacrificing our processLINKS FOR...
Published 12/05/23
In this moment, we explore the challenges Martina and Juan faced with their dream project: a significant hotel development near New York. What began as an ideal assignment quickly turned more complicated when an unexpected creative director from a partner company took control, altering the project's direction. They grappled with maintaining creative authority and the importance of assertive communication in collaborative environments. This narrative underscores the lessons learned in...
Published 12/01/23
🗓 Change Your Calendar Game: SAVVYCAL HERE In this moment, Martina and Juan, a design duo from Argentina, recount their bold but challenging venture into the U.S. market. Despite early success and acclaim in their home country, they faced a stark reality check upon entering an unfamiliar landscape where their past achievements carried little weight. This humbling experience led them to rediscover the essence of their craft, re-engage with hands-on creative work, and redefine what success...
Published 11/30/23
🗓 Change Your Calendar Game: SAVVYCAL HERE In this moment, Martina and Juan explore their design agency's shift from pleasing clients to embracing their unique, coriander-like identity. They discuss how they have learned to assert their creative vision, and how the client often appreciates this approach, plus the power of standing out in the design industry. LINKS FOR MARTINA AND JUAN 💻 See Website: https://www.473.agency 📬 Connect on LinkedIn:...
Published 11/29/23
🗓 Change Your Calendar Game: SAVVYCAL HERE Welcome to Episode 65 of Webflail with Martina and Juan.   These two are the dynamic duo of 473 agency based in Argentina. Their work is stunning - clean, colourful and well-considered. They leave no stone unturned. What I love about them too is that they are quietly very funny people. In fact, on their website it says '98% of the time, our clients return. It's actually 100% but for some reason 98% sounds even better'. I love this. I got to know...
Published 11/28/23
🗓 Change Your Calendar Game: SAVVYCAL HERE In this moment, Fabio explains the power of 'No', making sure to turn down work that doesn't align with their values. He shares insights on building self-respect, recognizing red flags, and the art of the polite refusal. Whether you're grappling with the awkwardness of saying no or seeking to enhance your client interactions, this episode is packed with practical advice to empower your freelance career. LINKS FOR FABIO 💻 See Website:...
Published 11/24/23
🗓 Change Your Calendar Game: SAVVYCAL HERE In this moment, Fabio uncovers his love for freelancing and freedom. From tackling tough client acquisition to mastering the art of business, he explains how passion, perseverance, and a learning mindset have transformed his struggles into success. LINKS FOR FABIO 💻 See Website: https://www.fabionobile.de 📬 Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roberto-fabio-nobile/ 🐦 Connect on Twitter: https://twitter.com/fabionobile_ TRY OUT...
Published 11/23/23
🗓 Change Your Calendar Game: SAVVYCAL HERE In this moment, Fabio's dives into his journey as a freelancer learning that success isn't just about chasing paychecks. He shares his early struggles with self-marketing and the pitfalls of taking on any and all projects for the sake of money. This moment is all about how to turn your freelance journey from feeling like a routine job into a passionate pursuit. LINKS FOR FABIO 💻 See Website: https://www.fabionobile.de 📬 Connect on LinkedIn:...
Published 11/22/23
🗓 Change Your Calendar Game: SAVVYCAL HERE Welcome to Episode 64 of Webflail with Fabio Nobile.   He makes unique websites for ambitious businesses, which we'll dig into today. He's also had a very interesting route to Webflow. He started studying law at university, got interested in journalism, then got interested in communications and marketing and now is a freelancer doing brand identity, web design and web dev. So we're going to get into some of those during this episode. The failures...
Published 11/21/23
🚩PATREON - Want to support us and have AD FREE podcasts? Then become a Webflailer HERE 🗓Get started with SAVVYCAL HERE In this moment, we explore Andrea's journey into UX design, marked by a few bumps in the road. Facing a big professional rejection, Andrea navigates the complexities of entering a new field with limited experience. This episode delves into the emotional impact of this rejection and her resilience in blending UX with her development skills. LINKS FOR ANDREA 💻 See Website:...
Published 11/15/23
🚩PATREON - Want to support us and have AD FREE podcasts? Then become a Webflailer HERE 🗓Get started with SAVVYCAL HERE Welcome to Episode 63 of Webflail with  Andrea Morgan.  I first came across Andrea on Twitter. She's part of both the Flowmex and Floxies communities. And she's super active sharing what she's up to, not just in Webflow, but also in Slater. We've done some live streams together and she is just such a big part of the Slater community, always sharing, getting involved in...
Published 11/14/23
PATREON - Want to support us and have AD FREE podcasts? Then become a Webflailer HERE Get started with SAVVYCAL HERE Welcome to Episode 62 of Webflail with  Samuel Gregory. Samuel is the founder of Jupiter and the Giraffe, a company that delivers world-class immersive website experiences for businesses in the XR, AR, VR, metaverse, web 3.0, digital interactive, and live experience space. What a list! The website is wild though, so go check it out below. He also has FlowSt8 which is Webflow...
Published 11/07/23
PATREON - Want to support us and have AD FREE podcasts? Then become a Webflailer HERE In this moment, Witt shares a story of facing a challenging work environment that ultimately led to his termination. It just so happened that the termination took place on his birthday. However, the unexpected dismissal became a life-changing event. Sometimes rejection can be a stepping stone to a better future. LINKS FOR WITT 💻 See Website: http://www.somegood.co 📬 Connect on LinkedIn:...
Published 11/03/23
PATREON - Want to support us and have AD FREE podcasts? Then become a Webflailer HERE  Welcome to Episode 61 of Webflail with  Victor Okwegada. I first came across Victor on Twitter when I saw posts of Webflow community watch parties and then scrolled to find him teaching large classrooms of kids about digital skills with his Great Minds In Tech Foundation. Besides doing a lot of community work, Victor is a product designer too. The failures that we’ll talk about today are: 1)...
Published 10/31/23
PATREON - Want to support us and have AD FREE podcasts? Then become a Webflailer HERE In this moment, Ayush explains why his productized design model failed. He explains  the complexities of scaling and how this can really affect your bottom line, the importance of quality assurance, and the ever-evolving landscape of design subscriptions. He also talks about the inner workings of the design industry and the art of pivoting towards a more efficient model. LINKS FOR AYUSH 💻 See Website:...
Published 10/27/23
PATREON - Want to support us and have AD FREE podcasts? Then become a Webflailer HERE In this moment, Jess, Nelson and Jack explain how fundamental client relationships are. Nelson shares his experience with a project that took an unexpected turn due to mismatched collaboration. Jess details the handling of client challenges and the significance of learning from these experiences. Learn how red flags can help you avoid troublesome projects and lead to more harmonious client...
Published 10/26/23