===HOW I’VE BOOKED 450+ WEDDINGS THE PAST 12+ YEARS===   Sign-up for my free, 3-part training video series on how to get 5-star, raving testimonials from your past wedding couples and learn more about how that has helped me book 450+ weddings in the past 12+ years.   https://www.5starweddingphotography.com   -----   ===MESSENGER CHAT MARKETING FOR WEDDING PROFESSIONALS===   Want to learn more about a revolutionary way of getting consistent, quality wedding leads on autopilot that no...
Published 11/22/19
===HOW I’VE BOOKED 450+ WEDDINGS THE PAST 12+ YEARS===   Sign-up for my free, 3-part training video series on how to get 5-star, raving testimonials from your past wedding couples and learn more about how that has helped me book 450+ weddings in the past 12+ years.   https://www.5starweddingphotography.com   -----   ===MESSENGER CHAT MARKETING FOR WEDDING PROFESSIONALS===   Want to learn more about a revolutionary way of getting consistent, quality wedding leads on autopilot that no...
Published 11/21/19
===HOW I’VE BOOKED 450+ WEDDINGS THE PAST 12+ YEARS===   Sign-up for my free, 3-part training video series on how to get 5-star, raving testimonials from your past wedding couples and learn more about how that has helped me book 450+ weddings in the past 12+ years.   https://www.5starweddingphotography.com   -----   ===MESSENGER CHAT MARKETING FOR WEDDING PROFESSIONALS===   Want to learn more about a revolutionary way of getting consistent, quality wedding leads on autopilot that no...
Published 11/20/19
===HOW I’VE BOOKED 450+ WEDDINGS THE PAST 12+ YEARS===   Sign-up for my free, 3-part training video series on how to get 5-star, raving testimonials from your past wedding couples and learn more about how that has helped me book 450+ weddings in the past 12+ years.   https://www.5starweddingphotography.com   -----   ===MESSENGER CHAT MARKETING FOR WEDDING PROFESSIONALS===   Want to learn more about a revolutionary way of getting consistent, quality wedding leads on autopilot that no...
Published 11/19/19
===HOW I’VE BOOKED 450+ WEDDINGS THE PAST 12+ YEARS===   Sign-up for my free, 3-part training video series on how to get 5-star, raving testimonials from your past wedding couples and learn more about how that has helped me book 450+ weddings in the past 12+ years.   https://www.5starweddingphotography.com   -----   ===MESSENGER CHAT MARKETING FOR WEDDING PROFESSIONALS===   Want to learn more about a revolutionary way of getting consistent, quality wedding leads on autopilot that no...
Published 11/18/19
===HOW I’VE BOOKED 450+ WEDDINGS THE PAST 12+ YEARS===   Sign-up for my free, 3-part training video series on how to get 5-star, raving testimonials from your past wedding couples and learn more about how that has helped me book 450+ weddings in the past 12+ years.   https://www.5starweddingphotography.com   -----   ===MESSENGER CHAT MARKETING FOR WEDDING PROFESSIONALS===   Want to learn more about a revolutionary way of getting consistent, quality wedding leads on autopilot that no...
Published 11/17/19
===HOW I’VE BOOKED 450+ WEDDINGS THE PAST 12+ YEARS===   Sign-up for my free, 3-part training video series on how to get 5-star, raving testimonials from your past wedding couples and learn more about how that has helped me book 450+ weddings in the past 12+ years.   https://www.5starweddingphotography.com   -----   ===MESSENGER CHAT MARKETING FOR WEDDING PROFESSIONALS===   Want to learn more about a revolutionary way of getting consistent, quality wedding leads on autopilot that no...
Published 11/16/19
===HOW I’VE BOOKED 450+ WEDDINGS THE PAST 12+ YEARS===   Sign-up for my free, 3-part training video series on how to get 5-star, raving testimonials from your past wedding couples and learn more about how that has helped me book 450+ weddings in the past 12+ years.   https://www.5starweddingphotography.com   -----   ===MESSENGER CHAT MARKETING FOR WEDDING PROFESSIONALS===   Want to learn more about a revolutionary way of getting consistent, quality wedding leads on autopilot that no...
Published 11/15/19
===HOW I’VE BOOKED 450+ WEDDINGS THE PAST 12+ YEARS===   Sign-up for my free, 3-part training video series on how to get 5-star, raving testimonials from your past wedding couples and learn more about how that has helped me book 450+ weddings in the past 12+ years.   https://www.5starweddingphotography.com   -----   ===MESSENGER CHAT MARKETING FOR WEDDING PROFESSIONALS===   Want to learn more about a revolutionary way of getting consistent, quality wedding leads on autopilot that no...
Published 11/14/19
===HOW I’VE BOOKED 450+ WEDDINGS THE PAST 12+ YEARS===   Sign-up for my free, 3-part training video series on how to get 5-star, raving testimonials from your past wedding couples and learn more about how that has helped me book 450+ weddings in the past 12+ years.   https://www.5starweddingphotography.com   -----   ===MESSENGER MARKETING, CHATBOTS, AND FACEBOOK ADS===   Want to learn more about a revolutionary way of getting consistent, quality wedding leads on autopilot that no...
Published 11/07/19
===HOW I’VE BOOKED 450+ WEDDINGS THE PAST 12+ YEARS===   Sign-up for my free, 3-part training video series on how to get 5-star, raving testimonials from your past wedding couples and learn more about how that has helped me book 450+ weddings in the past 12+ years.   https://www.5starweddingphotography.com   -----   ===MESSENGER MARKETING, CHATBOTS, AND FACEBOOK ADS===   Want to learn more about a revolutionary way of getting consistent, quality wedding leads on autopilot that no...
Published 10/31/19
===HOW I’VE BOOKED 450+ WEDDINGS THE PAST 12+ YEARS===   Sign-up for my free, 3-part training video series on how to get 5-star, raving testimonials from your past wedding couples and learn more about how that has helped me book 450+ weddings in the past 12+ years.   https://www.5starweddingphotography.com   -----   ===MESSENGER MARKETING, CHATBOTS, AND FACEBOOK ADS===   Want to learn more about a revolutionary way of getting consistent, quality wedding leads on autopilot that no...
Published 10/24/19
Last week I announced that I would be ending my podcast series at the end of this month and explained some of the reasons why. I’ve been juggling a lot of things over the past few years - a wedding photography business, a YouTube channel, a full-time job and being a father, as well as my wedding photography coaching program. But before I sign off, I want to share with you one more revelation I’ve had in the last few months - Facebook Messenger chatbots. I really believe that this is the...
Published 04/25/19
As they say, “You can do anything but you can’t do everything”. So I sat down and decided where I could utilize my time in the most effective way possible and have the most impact. I plan on continuing my YouTube videos, as I’ve found the visual content is more user-friendly than audio, and I’ll also be continuing my Wedding Photography Coaching program. This boot camp-style program is designed to help new wedding photographers fast-track their business, from just starting out to booking...
Published 04/18/19
It’s easy to always be comparing ourselves to our competition in wedding photography. You might be following other wedding photographers on Facebook and Instagram or you’re going to networking events where you’re meeting them and being exposed to their work. But constantly comparing yourself to others can harm your confidence and ultimately hurt your business. In this podcast episode, I’ll explain why focusing on what I needed to do to be the best photographer I could be has contributed to...
Published 04/11/19
This April marks 12 years since I got into wedding photography and in that time, so much has changed. But to be honest, a lot of the things I was doing back then are still fundamental to the success of my business today and haven’t changed at all. In this podcast episode, I’ll share with you some of the things I’ve been doing for the last 12 years that have helped me to become successful in wedding photography. These include providing great customer service, taking high-quality photographs,...
Published 04/04/19
With the internet at our fingertips, you really can Google any information you need and get answers straight away. Perhaps you type into a search engine “how to book wedding photography clients” and it will come up with millions of free articles offering tips or even courses and programs with the answers you’re after. So if everything you need is already out there, why are you still struggling as a wedding photographer? In my opinion, it’s because the information that’s out there is...
Published 03/28/19
“Be someone or do something worth talking about in wedding photography” - this is my take on Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote. In a day and age when there are so many photographers out there and the market is completely saturated, it can be difficult to stand out. It used to be easy to just have the best gear and be a great wedding photographer to get clients. But today, you need to do much more. The truth is, people really care about how you make them feel and what benefits you’ll bring to...
Published 03/21/19
When you first start out in wedding photography, you’re probably just soaking it all in and wanting to learn as much as possible. But there comes a point where you have to start taking action and put in the time required to get things done that will lead to bookings. In doing so, you have to start saying “no” to lots of other things in your life and focus that energy on growing your business. It might sound like a harsh reality, but saying “no” as a wedding photographer to other things in...
Published 03/14/19
Something I hear time and time again from reading industry-related articles and chatting with colleagues is that wedding photography is dead. The market has become completely saturated with so many wedding photographer entering the market and they’re driving the prices down, making it hard for existing (and new) photographers to make a living. Once you’ve paid for your operational and education expenses, as well as gear and marketing, you’re left with little to show for it. So is wedding...
Published 03/07/19
Chances are you have a timeline that you’re working towards and a goal for achieving success in wedding photography. Perhaps it’s when you start booking X amount of weddings a year or have the financial security that you can quit your conventional job. But the truth is, that window of success isn’t open as long as you might think it is and if you haven’t gotten to where you want to be in three years, it’s probably already closed. This might sound like tough love but it’s based on my...
Published 02/28/19
We’ve all heard the phrase about getting someone to “know, like and trust you” and this definitely rings true as a wedding photographer. In this podcast episode, I’ll break down why each of these elements is important to your success in booking wedding photography clients and introduce you to a couple more steps that are essential in the process. Wedding photography clients will probably “know” about you through your marketing or word of mouth from family and friends. Then they’ll decide...
Published 02/21/19
When you first start out in wedding photography, you’re probably excited and inspired about what lies ahead. But as soon as you start running into challenges, these feelings can quickly transition into nerves and fears about the reality of being a wedding photographer. Perhaps you’re afraid that despite all the hard work and investment in equipment, people won’t love your photographs and family or friends won’t want to recommend you. Maybe you’re worried that clients will arrange a meeting...
Published 02/14/19
After working in this industry for more than 10 years, it’s become apparent that (more often than not), we attract wedding photography clients that reflect who we are. Perhaps it’s in their personalities, beliefs or values, and this could translate into a good or bad thing for your business. If you’re getting your ideal clientele, then great - keep doing what you’re doing! Obviously, you have a clear idea of who you are as an individual and are authentic in how you present yourself to...
Published 02/07/19
Often you’ll hear wedding photographers saying they got X number of leads last month or a wedding photography directory claims they’ll get you a certain number of leads if you advertise with them. But it’s important to understand that not all leads are equal and there is a big difference between quality leads and those that are just wasting your time. So what exactly is a quality wedding photography lead? In this podcast episode, we’ll discuss their criteria so you know how to go about...
Published 01/31/19