When You’re Truly Small, Then You’re Really Big A curiously small letter appears in the first word of book number three of the Torah. With the help of a story about a famous Rebbe teaching his young grandson, what starts off as a lesson in humility turns into a much broader instruction on how to ace the balance between humility and pride.
Published 03/18/21
The last effective leadership book you read preached the qualities of placing others' needs before yours. But then life gets tricky, and certain times call for other priorities. What to do? A lofty effort of twelve noble leaders gone flat tells the story of true leadership.
Published 03/11/21
TODAY OR TOMORROW? A Rip-Roaring Ride across the Talmudic Sea to the Raging Waters of Life Two Talmudic sages debated different things that seem entirely unrelated. Discover the hidden key that threads them all together, and by the time you’re done navigating the waters, you may just emerge with the ship of your life steered in a profound, new direction.
Published 03/04/21
Have you tried doing something while trying to leave the back door open—you know, with your eyes on the way out just in case you don’t get too excited about it? If yes, it probably didn’t work. Discover the formula for maturing from “why not?” to “of course!”
Published 02/11/21
Reaching the Pinnacle of Human Achievement . . . and Beyond Are you possessive about your own personal space? Through the lens of an interesting discussion about the parameters of personal space in Jewish law, discover the limits of your own personal growth—and how to smash them, too.
Published 02/04/21
Life presents all sorts of situations that challenge us to keep within our moral, ethical, and religious bounds. A lesser-known law of Shabbat observance that cautions against wandering too far out of town teaches us the right formula for a healthy framework.
Published 01/28/21
Parenting Isn’t Only about You Let’s face it: parenting is really, really hard—perhaps one of the most challenging things in the world. So here’s a thought: your children are entrusted to you by G-d, so He must believe in you that you’re up to the job. Run with it.
Published 01/21/21
Sometimes, We Must Be Unequivocal G-d brought ten plagues on the Egyptians, right? Of course. But did you know that some of them were experienced by the Jews, too? Wait . . . What? That’s right: the Jews were subjected to some of the plagues to make a bold statement that some things must be unequivocal—for everyone.
Published 01/14/21
A Time to Be Right, a Time to Do What’s Right Elijah the prophet is one of the most beloved figures in Jewish lore, famed for mysterious visits and messianic tidings. But his life story was one of fire and brimstone. So who, really, is Elijah? Discover your inner Elijah and his historical counterpart, as well: none other than Moses.
Published 01/07/21