For this week's chat we're answering a question that we saw on the WelderSkills.com Forum.  That being what controls the size of the puddle while welding aluminum with Tig.  There are a lot of different things that can affect the puddle and its size so we just let this conversation roll where it wanted.  Hope everyone has a great week!  
Published 08/09/21
For this week's episode we had a great chat with @Steel_Gun_Fab aka Brad McKee.  Brad's story is very interesting and he delivered some serious knowledge bombs if you're looking at starting a business.  You're going to want to get your paper and pencils out for this one!  Have a great week everyone!  
Published 08/02/21
This week's chat is about the disconnect between Schools and Industry.  We know this is a touchy subject and can be very controversial at times.  Just remember we all want the best for this industry and we understand that schools are limited to many variables.  This is just the beginning of the conversation and we're looking forward to having more in the future.  This topic hits home to us all.
Published 07/26/21
For this week's chat we're talking about reading prints.  Being able to lay a good solid weld is only a fraction of the battle.  Being able to build the job to what the designer or engineer intended is the whole point!  The print is a key factor in transmitting this information and being able to decipher what is needed is a very important skill that you need to learn!  
Published 07/19/21
For this week's chat we thought it would be a good time to have a look back at this first half of 2021.  We hope your year has been going great and looking forward to seeing what the rest of this year has to offer up!  Have a great week everyone!  
Published 07/12/21
If you follow any of the three of us on Instagram you've seen us talking about WelderSkills.com.  We thought it would be a good time to explain a little more of what it is and what the hopes are for it to become.  Hope this answers a few questions!  Have a great week!   Thank you Mag-Tools.com for sponsoring this week's episode!  Check out all the great products Mag Switch offers and be sure to use code WTTP at check out for 10% off!  
Published 07/05/21
For this week's chat we had a fun talk with @Keypointfabrication aka Ron Sackowitz.  Ron has an interesting past and has done a lot over the years.  We hope this episode lets you in on opportunities come when you're uncomfortable!  You just never know where they might lead you.  Have a great week!   Thank you Mag-Tools.com for sponsoring this week's episode!  Check out all the great products Mag Switch offers and be sure to use code WTTP at check out for 10% off!  
Published 06/21/21
For this week's show we answer a question we received from one of our Patrons.  This question gets a little on the real side of the industry, that being how do you deal with disappointment?  We thought this was a good question to talk about because it is a topic that doesn't get talked about often.  Mostly we see all the good but we don't see much of the rougher side.  We hope that some of you needed to hear what we had to say and it might help.   
Published 06/14/21
For this week's guest we had a fun conversation with @JTwonable, aka Jody O Neill.  Jody has a very interesting story and a few twists that might surprise you, too.  If you're not following Jody, please stop now and go follow, you will not be disappointed!  We hope you enjoy this week's chat with Jody and have a great week!   Thank you Mag-Tools.com for sponsoring this week's episode!  Check out all the great products Mag Switch offers and be sure to use code WTTP at check out for 10% off!  
Published 06/07/21
For this week's chat we reached out to our Patreon members and asked them for some topic questions.  The question being, after you've spent the first $5K on your business what would you buy for the next major purchases?  We hope this episode gives you a little idea of what we think and maybe what you should look into for your home shop or growing company!   Thank you Mag-Tools.com for sponsoring this week's episode!  Be sure to use code WTTP at check out for 10% off!
Published 05/31/21
For this week's guest we had a great conversation with @Petty_Welding aka Drew Petty.  Drew has an interesting background in the welding field which we dove rather deep into, pun intended, ha ha.  Hope you all have a great week and Enjoy this week's chat with Drew Petty!   Thank you Mag-Tools.com for sponsoring this week's episode!  Check out all the great products Mag Switch offers and be sure to use code WTTP at check out for 10% off!  
Published 05/24/21
For this week's chat we talk about mistakes that we've seen, well at least that is what this topic was but we just let it roll where ever it wanted to.  We hope you enjoy this chat/topic and have a great week!    Thank you Mag-Tools.com for sponsoring this week's episode!  Check out all the great products Mag Switch offers and be sure to use code WTTP at check out for 10% off!  
Published 05/17/21
For this week's chat we talk about some of the odd materials we have worked with in our careers.  We hope this episode might help open your eyes to a few different types of materials that are common in different industries and makes you do some research outside of your normal welding world.  Have a great week! Thank you Mag-Tools.com for sponsoring this week's episode!  Check out all the great products Mag Switch offers and be sure to use code WTTP at check out for 10% off!  
Published 05/10/21
For this week's episode we have a fun chat with our guest @LostSkills, aka Sam Hagan.  This episode goes all over the place with Sam's past, trucks, skill sets, and much more.  We hope you enjoy this chat and have a great week!  Thank you for all the support and be sure to share the show with others!  It really does help!   Thank you Mag-Tools.com for sponsoring this week's episode!  Check out all the great products Mag Switch offers and be sure to use code WTTP at check out for 10% off!  
Published 05/03/21
For this week we answer another question and this one is all about Stick Electrodes.  We talk about amperage, uses, storage, and more.  We hope you get some great tips out of this one!  We apologize for the rough audio.  Tried several different things to get a better connection but the internet was not on our side the night of recording.  Have a great week!   Thank you Mag-Tools.com for sponsoring this week's episode!  Be sure to use code WTTP at check out for 10% off!  
Published 04/26/21
For this week's episode we answered another question we received from our DM's on Instagram.  What are some things that happen to us in our careers that made us a better welder or better person?  We hope this episode helps you think back over your career and remember the things that change you along the way.  Thank you for the support!  Enjoy Thank you Mag-Tools.com for sponsoring this week's episode!  Use code WTTP at check out for 10% off! 
Published 04/19/21
For this week's episode we talked about Jody's most recent video about welding over Mill Scale.  This can be a very touchy subject depending on who you talk to and can be a rather deep topic, so we just started the conversation and let it go where it wanted.  Hope you're able to pick up a few good tips in this one that can help you along the way!    Thank you MagSwitch.com for sponsoring this week's episode!  Be sure to use code WTTP at check out for 10% off!  
Published 04/12/21
This week we were not able to record a new episode but still wanted to post something fun for you to kick off the week.  We thought it would be good to dig out of the archive episode 43 where we talked to Barbie the Welder!  This was almost 200 episodes ago so the audio is... okay but the story is great!  We hope you're able to pull out a few good nuggets even if this is the second time you've heard it!  Thank you for all the support and understanding!  
Published 04/05/21
For this week's chat we answer/talk about a question we received over email.  The question was should they go to school before opening their own welding company.  This question has many different avenues that it could go down and we took a few.  If you're thinking of starting a company in the future we hope this ep might help you answer this question.  Have a great week everyone!  
Published 03/29/21
For this week's chat we had a question come in from a listener asking what was the hardest weld test we've ever taken or administered.  We thought this was an interesting question and ran with it.  Hopefully this will make you think back to your hardest tests or might give you a little insight to what you might run into when you get a new job.  Have a great week everyone!  
Published 03/22/21
For this week's chat we talk all about shop lighting.  We've all worked in dark dungeon shops and know it is not a good time.  To dive deeper into this subject we asked @Fireballtool, Jason Marburger, to join in to talk about how he is lighting his new shop!  Loads of great information was dropped in this episode!  Be sure to take some note!  Have a great week!
Published 03/15/21
This week's topic we found in the Welding Tips and Tricks Forum and thought it was interesting.  1/2-13 or Through Hole Fixture Plates?  Which is the best option?  We talk a lot about Roy's Crummy plates but there are other options out there and sometimes even just a plate with no holes might be the way to go.  If you're on the fence on getting a fixture plate of some kind in your shop, we hope this episode helps give you that extra push either way.  
Published 03/08/21
For this week's chat with everything going on in the recent past few weeks we thought it would be a good idea to talk about being prepared.  This conversion went from being prepared in life to being prepared in business.  We hope this episode might help you think about some of the time you should do to prepare yourself or your business for those crazy times that seem to be coming up more often these days.  
Published 03/02/21
For this week's topic we talk about welding Pot Metal.  What is pot metal?  How to identify it?  Can you weld it?  These are a few items we talked about during this conversation.  We hope that this chat will help you next time someone brings you something to repair and you suspect it might just be pot metal.  Have a great week everyone and Thank you for the support!   This episode is sponsored by ISOTunes.com
Published 02/22/21
Last week's ep we talked about defects in welds and at the end we brought up Cracks.  We thought this would be a good topic to have it's own episode.  To add into the chat we asked Tim Luskin to join in.  Tim, also known as @TimWelds, has an interesting background when it comes to cracks.  We hope that this chat helps you dive a little deep into why your weldments might be having some issues and also might help with identifying issues before you even start your parts!  Enjoy! 
Published 02/15/21