It's the day after hurricane Faye and things seem to have settled a little bit in the villa. In this episode Christina and Brenna discuss Liberty putting her feelings first and Millie and Liam rekindling their romance. Both Christina and Brenna have their own heroes of this episode and it might not be who you would expect. It's also the return of the Island Vibes Club, which I'm sure we all know by now, can only mean something bad is about to happen.
Published 08/09/21
This episode in particular was extremely heavy and hard to watch. Generally speaking, this podcast is light hearted and both Christina and Brenna enjoy bantering one another and making jokes, but they both thought this episode dealt with a lot of issues that we cannot take lightly. We must always remember that the people on Love Island are human beings with real feelings and not characters and that a lot of what is shown has been edited for our entertainment. This episode of the podcast does...
Published 08/09/21
Well folks, we saw the results of yet another dumping and honestly, it was probably the best results we could have asked for. In this episode Christina and Brenna talk about the quickest dumping we have ever seen on the show, Millie and Liam moving forward, and how the producers are being completely evil this season. Our favorite couple may be on the rocks and our hearts hurt, but we're still here to talk about it all with you. 
Published 08/09/21
NO WHEY! With another dumping on the horizon, Christina and Brenna get into it in this episode and talk all about Toby's pep talk in the mirror, the fact that wet condiments are disgusting, and how transparent Kaz is behaving. We're also seeing how pig headed and stubborn some of the islanders are and Christina and Brenna have come to the conclusion that Hugo is in it for the free holiday. 
Published 08/09/21
It's Operation Win Chloe Back and we love to see it! If someone could get us in contact with Chloe's people, please let us know because we would love for her to be on the pod. In this episode Christina and Brenna talk about all the drama that's going on in the villa including Hugo, the VIP party, Liam's speech, and the recoupling that has left some islanders seething. 
Published 08/08/21
So Toby did a full 360 and it looks like Toby and Chloe might be back on?! Ya know what, let their freak flags fly high because Christina and Brenna are here for it! In this episode we will see what's in the red flag corner for today and the continuation of the love triangle, or rather love square. While our contestants might be forgetting that they are on Love Island, we haven't forgotten for one second. 
Published 08/08/21
People are going forward, people are going backwards. We've come to the decision that this season is CHAOTIC and as much as we love the drama, we're also here for the love and we would love to see more of that on our screens. In this episode Christina and Brenna talk about whether they are team Tyler or team Kaz, the Lillie and Millie debrief, and most importantly, that kiss that meant the world to them. And at the end of it all we'd like to announce...Toby, your lawyers will be hearing from...
Published 08/06/21
Well ladies and gentlemen, that was probably the most dramatic Casa Amor recoupling that we have ever witnessed in Love Island history. Christina and Brenna's hearts are broken and in the words of Tyra Banks, "We were rooting for you! We were all rooting for you!" While we are left feeling completely hopeless and wondering if some of our islanders can ever come back from the events that took place at Casa Amor, our OG King of the Villa Hugo has been dethroned by the one and only Teddy. 
Published 08/06/21
We have never felt more disappointed in our entire lives after watching this episode. Casa Amor is doing its thing, unfortunately, and our faith in some islanders has been crushed. This episode Christina and Brenna discuss all of the big moments concluding with their predications for the rest of the recoupling. Although they don't know how this recoupling will end, one thing they both can agree on is that Chloe deserves her own TV show. 
Published 08/06/21
It's obviously not Sunday because there's no post on Sundays! The girls at the main villa received a post card and boy oh boy did that cause upset. The boys are moving mad and the producers are stirring the pot. With things shaking up we have no idea what's going to happen, but Christina and Brenna talk all about it. 
Published 08/06/21
Casa Amor is driving us NUTS! Like we predicated, it's separating the men from the boys and there is one boy in particular that I think we can all agree is SENDING US. This episode Christina and Brenna get into everything Casa related and also have an entire segment dedicated to their favorite topic, sports! (not really)
Published 07/29/21
CASA AMOR IS BACK...and we are not here for it honestly. This week gives both Christina and Brenna anxiety and I'm sure it gives you anxiety as well. They go over our new islanders and cross their fingers that our favorite boys will not stray from their leading ladies. History has shown that anything can happen at Casa Amor, so we better buckle up. 
Published 07/27/21
The rivalry between Toby and Hugo comes to an end...kind of. This episode Christina and Brenna talk all about their highlights from Sports Day and the conversation between Aaron and Lucinda that made us all see right through that relationship. We have another dumping and we did have to say goodbye to one of our OG boys and their partner who's response went something like, "reallllaaayyyyy?!" Keep our islanders in your prayers because...CASA AMOR IS BACK! 
Published 07/27/21
It's the aftermath of the recoupling and tensions are HIGH in the villa. It feels like there is a massive divide and all we want are for things to go back to normal. Amidst all the drama, there are some lovely moments that Christina and Brenna talk about like Millie and Liam's date! Yay! And we also have our first official couple in the villa! While there may be a divide between Christina and Brenna on this topic, this is what the show is all about, people. 
Published 07/27/21
OUR HEADS ARE GONE! This is probably the most dramatic episode of the season yet and Christina and Brenna get into it. They cover all the bases starting with Tyler and Kaz, the Toby, Chloe, and Abi triangle, and the amazing speech that Hugo delivered. If you aren't on Hugo's side then you need to get your head checked. With that said, justice for Georgia.
Published 07/27/21
We said goodbye to two islanders and hello to three more! What are we thinking about our new bombshells Abi, Georgia, and Tyler? Are they here to play games and mess things up or are they here to find love? Like Hugo said, you never know what's around the corner. 
Published 07/27/21
CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS EPISODE? Christina and Brenna have so many feelings after watching...some good feelings and some bad. We see Britain's sweetheart disrespected and we will not stand for it! But something we will stand for, Tour de Faye. Yes honey, Teddy and Faye get a date and we are living for it! The results of the voting are in and we have our bottom six, but who is going to be dumped? Stayed tuned to find out.  
Published 07/26/21
We begin this episode with Christina and Brenna finding out the answer to the question everyone thinks about,  how far would they go in Love Island? Who would be the winner? The saga of the love triangle continues and comes to a close (thank goodness). We have another Hideaway stay and in the words of Chloe and Toby, "oh yeah!" Our islanders play snog, marry, pie, and the game might have some repercussions...
Published 07/26/21
AND....we're back! This time around Christina and Brenna begin by taking a Love Island quiz to see which iconic Love Island girl they would be! Then they get into it and dissect all that's going on in the villa, but mainly the love triangle we didn't ask to see on our screens. Also, has anyone else noticed how aggressive the snogs are this season?! Just sayin'....
Published 07/26/21
Danny is in the villa, people and he's going on some dates! Christina and Brenna go over all of it and by it we mean mainly Danny and AJ having SO many chats with our other islanders. We have a recoupling looming and we have no idea what's going to happen! 
Published 07/23/21
Christina and Brenna are back with their thoughts on this episode of Love Island and the return of Brenna's Astrological Corner! We watched AJ make her move on Aaron, Teddy, and Hugo, but we don't know yet who she will be going for! Jake and Liberty share a cute moment boxing together, which reminded Brenna of that one time she took Christina to her gym and it didn't go so well. While the Love Island producers work hard, Faye has proven that she works harder and gets all of the islanders to...
Published 07/23/21
CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT DUMPING?! We're still reeling about it, but let's be honest, we knew what the outcome was going to be. We may have said goodbye to one of our islanders, but we're also saying hello to a new one. Christina and Brenna get into it this episode and don't worry, they discuss that fight between Chloe and Toby, too. 
Published 07/22/21
We are starting to see small connections form in our villa and we're here for it! Although our standards are pretty low, some things we are certain about, Liberty is our queen, Millie makes a cute nurse, and a cheese toastie is just a grilled cheese. This episode with Christina and Brenna features musical breaks and a whole lot of banter! They go over Brad and Lucinda's date and the most savage dumping technique that we haven't seen since season 3! 
Published 07/14/21
Finally! The first episode that made us feel like we were watching LOVE Island. Christina and Brenna get into the dramatic recoupling that kept us on the edge of our seats, the disgusting food challenge that the producers keep bringing back, and all. of. the. snogs. Can we also take a moment to acknowledge Hugo's speech because we are swooning! Please send someone in for that literal angel of a human. 
Published 07/14/21
Steady on, Teddy! We are here for our new bombshell and Christina and Brenna dissect all four of the speed dates some of our lovely ladies went on. Although they have differing opinions on who had the best date with Teddy, if there is one thing Christina and Brenna can agree on it's that one girl in particular needs to go. With the recoupling looming, what on earth is going to happen?!
Published 07/14/21