Are you tired of the noise of other people's opinions drowning out your inner voice? Join us on 'When Life Happens' as we dive deep into the power of silencing the opinions of others and tuning into what you are truly created for. I'm your host, William Jackson, and together, we'll uncover the strength within your response to life's distractions. 🎧 Prepare for empowering conversations that ignite your passion, clarity, and confidence to pursue your purpose fearlessly. Subscribe now for...
Published 11/29/23
In this eye-opening episode of 'When Life Happens,' we're tackling the truth that sometimes, it's not about fixing things; it's about F.L.I.P.-ing the switch. Join us as we delve into the transformative concept that proper assessment can save time and bring about complete resolution, rather than settling for partial fixes. 🔄 Learn the art of recognizing when to flip the switch for lasting solutions and profound transformations in your life. Subscribe now and hit that notification bell to stay...
Published 11/10/23
Get ready for a captivating episode of "When Life Happens" where we dive into the intricate world of dating rules and why first impressions matter. We'll unravel the mysteries behind those all-important first encounters and share some insights that might just surprise you. In this episode, we're going to break down the infamous list of places not to take a woman on the first date, as well as the dos and don'ts of first dates. We'll explore the importance of authenticity, connection, and...
Published 11/03/23
In this profound episode, we delve into the powerful concept of generational healing and the urgent need to address and heal the deep-rooted wounds of generational trauma. As I often say, "Whatever you don't heal, you hand off to those who are coming after you." Join us on "When Life Happens" as we explore how the pain and challenges of previous generations can unconsciously affect our lives today. It's time to break free from these inherited burdens and pave the way for a brighter, more...
Published 10/27/23
Prepare for a powerful episode of "When Life Happens," where we tackle the profound journey of discovering that something you've cherished your entire life might not be as good for you as you thought. We explore the complex emotions, challenges, and the transformation that this revelation can bring. Join us as we discuss real-life stories, share insights, and provide guidance on navigating this difficult path of change. It's all about embracing the courage to confront the truth and to open...
Published 10/20/23
In this special episode on "When Life Happens Podcast," we dive deep into the topic of "When Loving You is Killing Me." We'll explore the intricacies of toxic relationships, unraveling the signs, behaviors, and emotions that can poison our lives. I'm your host, and I'm thrilled to have you on this journey of self-discovery. Join us as we share real-life  practical tips to help you recognize the red flags of toxicity and regain your emotional well-being. Remember, you deserve a life filled...
Published 10/13/23
Prepare to be inspired by a remarkable tale of defying the odds. In this extraordinary episode of "When Life Happens," we'll share the incredible story of a 104-year-old woman who decided to embark on a thrilling skydiving adventure. Her courage, determination, and zest for life serve as a powerful example of what's possible when we choose to embrace every moment and live life to the fullest. She reminds us that age is just a number and that life's greatest adventures often begin when we...
Published 10/06/23
In this transformative episode of "When Life Happens",  I'm honored to be joined by my dear friend and brother, Ezekiel Azonwu. Ezekiel is not just an international poet and speaker; he's also an accomplished businessman and a devoted husband and father of five. In this profound conversation, we'll explore the multifaceted journey of family accountability, the art of building a thriving business, and the courageous pursuit of breaking free from the chains of familiarity. Ezekiel brings his...
Published 09/29/23
On this episode of "When Life Happens." we have dedicated our focus to the art of healing effectively. Life is a beautiful journey, but it's not without its challenges. In this episode, we'll delve deep into the process of healing, sharing our personal experiences and insights. Stefani brings her unique perspective and wisdom to the table, and together, we'll explore how to navigate life's obstacles with resilience and grace. We'll discuss practical strategies for healing effectively, whether...
Published 09/22/23
Welcome to another heartfelt episode of "When Life Happens," where we explore the beautiful dance of Healing, Helping, and Having Fun through life's ups and downs. I'm your host, William Jackson, and today, I'm joined by a very special guest—my wife, Stefani Jackson. In this show, we dive deep into the fabric of life's most precious moments, where healing is a journey, helping others is a calling, and having fun is an art. Together, Stefani and I will share our personal stories, insights, and...
Published 09/15/23
Welcome to a groundbreaking episode of "When Life Happens," where we're diving headfirst into the complex formula that forms the backbone of winning relationships. Get ready to uncover the vital elements that fuel the fire of thriving connections. From mastering the nuances of communication to fostering deep respect and shared values, we're about to demystify the very recipe that elevates relationships to a whole new level. Now, hold onto your seats, because if you're truly committed to...
Published 09/01/23
In this episode of "When Life Happens," we delve into the process of relationship recovery and healing after a relationship doesn't work out. Join us as we navigate the emotions and challenges that come with moving on, and discover how to find healing and growth in the aftermath of heartbreak. Visit www.theofficialwilliamjackson.com for more information, valuable resources, and tools to support your journey of healing and recovery. Subscribe now and become part of our community, where you'll...
Published 08/25/23
In this episode of "When Life Happens," we delve into the process of relationship recovery and healing after a relationship doesn't work out. Join us as we navigate the emotions and challenges that come with moving on, and discover how to find healing and growth in the aftermath of heartbreak. Visit www.theofficialwilliamjackson.com for more information, valuable resources, and tools to support your journey of healing and recovery. Subscribe now and become part of our community, where you'll...
Published 08/18/23
In this illuminating episode of "When Life Happens," we delve into the powerful concept of breaking free from the negativity bias. Join us on this transformative journey as we uncover the tendencies of our minds to focus on the negative and how it impacts our well-being and decision-making. Learn practical strategies to rewire your brain, shift your perspective, and cultivate a more positive outlook on life. Visit www.theofficialwilliamjackson.com for more information, valuable resources, and...
Published 08/11/23
In this empowering episode of "When Life Happens," we confront the urge to procrastinate and the immense value of seizing opportunities. Join us on this transformative journey as we explore the reasons behind our hesitation and the potential consequences of delaying action. Learn practical strategies to overcome procrastination, embrace the present moment, and step into the possibilities that await you. Visit www.theofficialwilliamjackson.com for more information, valuable resources, and...
Published 08/05/23
In this compelling episode of "When Life Happens," we explore the consequences of running on fumes and the profound importance of refueling. Join us on this transformative journey as we delve into the dangers of neglecting self-care and the impact it has on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Learn practical strategies to prioritize refueling, rejuvenate your spirit, and restore balance in your life. Visit www.theofficialwilliamjackson.com for more information, valuable resources,...
Published 07/22/23
Join us on this transformative episode of "When Life Happens," as we embark on a profound journey of self-discovery. Together, we will explore the immense significance of connecting to this divine frequency, for it holds the key to unlocking our purpose and destiny. Through introspection and alignment, we can attune our spirits to the frequencies that resonate with our true calling. As we tap into Future's Frequency, we begin to witness the miraculous unfold—our dreams take shape, our goals...
Published 07/18/23
In the captivating realm of personal transformation, we delve into the art of healing our perspective, shifting our lens, and reframing our life's narrative. Join us on this extraordinary episode of "When Life Happens," where we discover the power within you to reinterpret your life's journey, transcending tragedy and embracing triumph. Unleash the ability to reshape your perspective, uncovering the hidden blessings and invaluable lessons that have propelled you forward. For more information...
Published 07/07/23
In this heartwarming episode of "When Life Happens," we celebrate the incredible impact of friends who enhance the quality of our lives and emphasize the importance of these relationships. Join us as we explore the joy, support, and shared experiences that true friends bring into our journey. Discover how genuine friendships can uplift our spirits, provide comfort during challenging times, and foster personal growth. For more information, valuable resources, and tools on cultivating authentic...
Published 06/30/23
In this insightful episode of "When Life Happens," we explore the vital skill of identifying and assessing true friendships and the profound impact they have on our lives. Join us as we delve into the qualities that define genuine friendships and the importance of choosing them wisely. Learn practical strategies to distinguish between healthy and toxic relationships, nurture meaningful connections, and surround yourself with a supportive circle. For more information, valuable resources, and...
Published 06/22/23
In this thought-provoking episode of "When Life Happens," we delve into the critical significance of confronting our issues head-on and taking responsibility for extinguishing the fire that burns within us. Join us as we explore the transformative power of self-awareness, self-reflection, and personal growth in overcoming our challenges. Discover why the fire on the inside won't extinguish itself and how we hold the power to take control and douse it. For more information, valuable resources,...
Published 06/16/23
In this insightful episode of "When Life Happens," we explore the importance of identifying and preparing for dry seasons to protect the things we value most. Join us as we delve into the concept of internal fires that can threaten our well-being, relationships, and goals. Learn practical strategies to recognize the signs of a dry season and proactively build resilience to prevent destructive outcomes. For more information, valuable resources, and powerful tools on navigating life's...
Published 06/09/23
In this empowering episode of "When Life Happens," we delve into the profound impact of positive self-talk and affirmations on our well-being and success. Join us as we explore the transformative power of nurturing a positive inner dialogue, cultivating self-belief, and using affirmations to rewire our minds for greatness. Discover how these practices can boost confidence, resilience, and overall happiness. For more information, valuable resources, and powerful tools on harnessing the power...
Published 06/02/23
In this enlightening episode of "When Life Happens," we tackle the crucial aspect of determining what you truly want out of life. Join us as we unravel practical tools and strategies to help you uncover your deepest desires, understand your motivations, and calculate the costs involved. By gaining clarity on your aspirations and the sacrifices required, you can pave the way for a purpose-driven and fulfilling life. For more information, valuable resources, and powerful tools on mastering...
Published 05/26/23
In this time-empowering episode of "When Life Happens," we delve into the significance of maximizing every precious moment. Join us as we explore practical strategies and mindset shifts to optimize your time, increase productivity, and achieve your goals. Discover how effective time management can enhance your personal and professional life, allowing you to make the most of each day. For more information, valuable resources, and powerful tools on mastering time management, visit...
Published 05/19/23