WTDT S3 E1 Why They Did That returns for its 3rd Season with Host Dean Cullinane joined this time by Dee Casper, director of the CORE evangelism training program. Together they enter into the story of the Young King Saul, and how a life that started off with so much promise eventually became a blueprint on How to Lose the Kingdom. WTDT PATREON: patreon.com/wtdt ADVERTISEMENT LINKS: AFCOE:https://www.afcoe.org/ HUMBLE LAMB: https://humblelamb.com/ CORE: https://coreevangelism.com/
Published 08/06/21
The story of Adam and Eve is usually entitled, “The Fall,” but what were they like before sin? What was their marriage like? And what can we, as sinful humans, gleam from a then-perfect couple. Dean is joined by his wife Dorling Cullinane in the Season 2 finale, as they try to better understand the complexities of marriage through Humanities first ever Husband and Wife. https://mychildwakeup.com/ https://theconflictbeautiful.com/
Published 12/18/20
For those of you that struggle to read, study or just understand the Bible - this one’s for you! Join Dean and a very special guest in this unique episode as the story of the Saul and the Witch of Endor is brought back to life! https://www.lifeandlightcollection.com/ https://paconference.org/core/
Published 10/16/20
What if Samson was the most relatable character in the Bible? What if his big problem wasn’t women and lust? What if his greatest strength wasn’t even his strength? What if all this Nazarite wanted was to actually be a Philistine? Now stop asking what-ifs and join Dean and Dr. Karl Wilcox as they unveil the REAL Samson.
Published 10/02/20
“Thou Shalt Not Kill” is a very straightforward commandment - but does God follow it himself? The Old Testament has a number of accounts where it seems as though God acts harshly - and out of anger. Is this so? Join Dean and Dr. Wolfgang Stefani as they tackle perhaps the harshest of all Old Testament Casualties - The Death of Uzzah.
Published 09/18/20
Adam Patel, our guest that brought us this Season’s “Losing Your Fire” episode, is back with a testimony of biblical proportions. Join him and Dean as they head back in time to recall the incredible lengths that God went to add flame to this candle.
Published 08/28/20
Our Quarantine Series continues with Narlon Edwards bringing the testimony of Paul's protege Timothy to light.
Published 04/18/20
Did Jesus have favorites? Was it Peter? James? John "The Beloved"? Did this great Rabbi have a teacher's pet? Join Gem Castor as we look at one of Jesus' closest friends, and how the relationship they share is available to us too.
Published 04/10/20
Adam Patel uncovers the identity of the Mysterious Naked Man, and it might just shock you to find out who it is... Watch this episode on our YouTube channel as well!
Published 04/03/20
Join Dee Casper as he kicks off our Quarantine Series with a fascinating tale about the lives of Barnabas and John Mark. Watch this episode on our YouTube channel as well!
Published 03/27/20
In this episode, Dean is joined by a returning guest, Narlon Edwards, as they discuss what it means to be a true man through the story of Solomon. It is commonly known that Solomon was the wisest man to ever live, but there is more to the story of his world renown wisdom than meets the eye. Join Dean and Narlon and they seek to find biblical answers to the questions and desires intrinsic to a man’s heart.
Published 03/13/20
In this episode, Dean is joined by Pastor Jeff Walper as they discuss the mutual calling they have as pastors with that of Jeremiah. Dean and Jeff find themselves strongly resonating with many of the emotions Jeremiah seemed to struggle with—the common insecurities and doubt that seems to paralyze us. Whether or not God has called you to pastoral ministry or another ministry avenue, the principle still applies: God ordained you for a calling and a purpose from before you existed. He intends...
Published 02/28/20
Dean and Melanie Quion discuss the story of Esther. And as usual, it's a side of the story you've probably never heard discussed before.
Published 02/14/20
In this episode, Dean is joined by Adam Ramdin as they delve into the curious story of Ehud. The bible specifically mentions the fact that Ehud is left handed—a detail that is not often included in bible stories. So... why? Perhaps to show us that God can use anyone, and that our perceived limitations and obstacles are often some of His most valued assets. God used Ehud, a man of apparent defect and disadvantage, to deliver His people from captivity. Unlike Ehud, many of us let our service...
Published 01/31/20
In this episode of the Why They Did That Podcast, Gem Castor take us on a faith trip. “What do you do when God doesn’t make sense?”
Published 01/17/20
In this episode, Adam Patel invites you to follow David through a journey of trial and apparent defeat. For what seems like an eternity, David had been running from Saul—not in a game of hide-and-seek, but for the preservation of his very life. Now completely exhausted and worn beyond what he has ever experienced, David runs toward the people, the very enemies He had once boldly slain for the honor, glory, and vindication of God. David—like many of us—had one foot in, one foot out; but the...
Published 01/03/20
Published 11/15/19
Hey everyone! We’ve got some exciting new that we wanted to let you––our listeners––know about first. You could be a part of shaping the future of Why They Did That! Listen to this short announcement for more details.
Published 03/15/19
Hey everyone! We’ve got some exciting new that we wanted to let you––our listeners––know about first. You could be a part of shaping the future of Why They Did That! Listen to this short announcement for more details.
Published 03/15/19
Dean is joined by Why They Did That producer, Christian Freed. Together they head back to March 2018 to share with you just where the idea for this podcast came from, how they came up with the name, what inspired them to create content based around Bible characters––in other words, all the details on starting the show. Thanks for joining us on this incredible journey. Keep an eye out for our Kickstarter campaign so that Season 2 can become a reality!
Published 02/08/19
Dean is joined by Why They Did That producer, Christian Freed. Together they head back to March 2018 to share with you just where the idea for this podcast came from, how they came up with the name, what inspired them to create content based around Bible characters––in other words, all the details on starting the show. Thanks for joining us on this incredible journey. Keep an eye out for our Kickstarter campaign so that Season 2 can become a reality!
Published 02/08/19
In the penultimate episode of Season 1, Dean is joined by Amy Ratsara, a lawyer from Michigan that simply loves the story of Martha. Martha is often relegated to a background character — someone whose life is juxtaposed to that of Mary’s and her intimate devotion to Christ. However, Jesus didn’t see Martha as “an extra” — their friendship is expounded on through the narrative of her brother Lazarus’ death, and while Jesus shows up to call Lazarus from the grave, He also shows up to reach out...
Published 01/25/19
In the penultimate episode of Season 1, Dean is joined by Amy Ratsara, a lawyer from Michigan that simply loves the story of Martha. Martha is often relegated to a background character — someone whose life is juxtaposed to that of Mary’s and her intimate devotion to Christ. However, Jesus didn’t see Martha as “an extra” — their friendship is expounded on through the narrative of her brother Lazarus’ death, and while Jesus shows up to call Lazarus from the grave, He also shows up to reach out...
Published 01/25/19
Jacob is the product of a very dysfunctional family; his parents — although both believers — have vastly different opinions on how to go about being followers of God, and this lands their son Jacob in a lot of hot water, resulting in him cheating his father and stealing his brother’s blessing. Dean is joined by Mark Quion in this episode, where they look at the results of living out your parents’ religion without ever making God your own. How far can you go before enough is enough and a final...
Published 01/11/19
Jacob is the product of a very dysfunctional family; his parents — although both believers — have vastly different opinions on how to go about being followers of God, and this lands their son Jacob in a lot of hot water, resulting in him cheating his father and stealing his brother’s blessing. Dean is joined by Mark Quion in this episode, where they look at the results of living out your parents’ religion without ever making God your own. How far can you go before enough is enough and a final...
Published 01/11/19