Are you struggling to grow your podcast despite your best efforts? This episode will reveal the best weekly routine for skyrocketing your podcast listenership in 2024. As a podcaster aiming for significant growth, you're likely facing the challenge of consistently attracting and retaining listeners. This episode delves into a comprehensive weekly routine that capitalises on collaborations with other podcasts to expand your reach effectively. By implementing these strategies, you'll not...
Published 04/10/24
In this episode, Megan of "Self Care Simplified" reveals how she grew her podcast to over 35,000 downloads per month. Host Name: Megan Dahlman Show Name: "Self Care Simplified" Current audience size at the point of publishing: 35,000 monthly downloads Niche/Focus of show: Fitness & Nutrition You can find "Self Care Simplified" here Every other Monday, a successful podcaster with tens of thousands of listeners and a fully monetised show will leave you a 5-10 minute voice note sharing...
Published 04/08/24
Are you struggling to get your podcast noticed on Apple and Spotify? Imagine unlocking the secret shortcut to skyrocketing your show's rankings with Podcast SEO. In today's digital age, where listeners rely heavily on platforms like Apple and Spotify to discover new podcasts, mastering Podcast SEO is the key to ensuring your show gets the attention it deserves. If you've been wondering why your podcast isn't growing as fast as you'd like, this episode is tailor-made for you. We're diving...
Published 04/05/24
Ever wonder why some podcasts seem irresistible & others struggle to keep listeners engaged? In today's episode, we're diving into a critical aspect of podcast growth: making your content binge-worthy with a demand-based content strategy. If you're a podcaster looking to attract and retain a highly engaged audience, this episode is tailored just for you. In this episode, you will. Discover how to create podcast episodes your audience can't stop listening to.Learn how to package your...
Published 04/03/24
Are you a podcaster struggling to grow your audience?  In this episode of "Why Your Podcast Isn't Growing," we discuss the importance of being brave and honest on social media. We also provide an in-depth analysis of "The DNF1-F1 Podcast" a podcast for anyone wanting to stay up to date on all things formula 1. Every podcaster faces the challenge of reaching and engaging their target audience effectively.  Whether you're replying to "less than friendly" comments online, understanding how to...
Published 04/01/24
THE USP EQUATION Specific targeting of your podcast + The weekly output of your show x The unique concept of your podcast = Your USP (unique selling point) Are you struggling to make your podcast stand out in the sea of millions? Discover the key to permanently ingraining your podcast in the minds of your listeners! Standing out is essential for growth in a world with over 87 million podcast episodes and counting. Whether targeting business, mindset, fitness, or personal development,...
Published 03/29/24
Ever wonder why your podcast isn't growing as fast as you'd like? Today, we're diving into the four-step system that can skyrocket your podcast to 5-10k monthly downloads in six months! Are you tired of seeing slow growth on your podcast despite your hard work? The struggle to attract and retain listeners can be frustrating. But what if there was a proven system to fast-track your podcast's growth, turning it into a highly engaging, rapidly expanding show? This episode reveals the secrets...
Published 03/27/24
In this episode, Gary of "Everything Everywhere Daily" reveals how he grew his podcast to over 1.5 million monthly downloads per month. Host Names: Gary Arndt Show Name: "Everything Everywhere Daily" Current audience size at the point of publishing: 1.5 million monthly downloads Niche/Focus of show: Educational & Personal Development. You can find "Everything Everywhere Daily" here Every other Monday, a successful podcaster with tens of thousands of listeners and a fully monetised show...
Published 03/25/24
Are you tirelessly working on your podcast but seeing little to no growth? This episode reveals why most podcasters fail to see substantial growth. You're not alone if you've poured hours into your podcast, tirelessly and consistently promoting it, yet you're not seeing the listener numbers or engagement you desire. In this episode, you'll learn why hard work and consistency alone might not be enough to propel your podcast forward, you will also: 1) Gain a new perspective on podcast growth...
Published 03/22/24
Are you struggling to understand why your podcast isn't growing as fast as you'd like? In this episode, Anthony and Taig explore the common reasons why podcasts lose listeners and what you can do to fix it. Whether you're experiencing a decline in engagement or stagnant growth, this episode offers valuable insights and actionable steps to revitalise your podcast and attract a highly engaged audience. In this episode, you will: 1) Gain clarity on why your podcast might be losing listeners,...
Published 03/20/24
Are you a podcaster struggling to grow your audience?  In this episode of "Why Your Podcast Isn't Growing," we discuss the importance of not falling victim to shiny object syndrome and provide an in-depth analysis of "Life After Menopause," a podcast for anyone wanting to learn how to navigate menopause safely. Every podcaster faces the challenge of reaching and engaging their target audience effectively.  Whether you're discussing how menopause can affect your life, understanding how to...
Published 03/18/24
Have you ever felt lost in a sea of podcast analytics, unsure of how to navigate them to unlock your show's true potential? In this episode we unravel the mysteries of podcast analytics, showing you how to pinpoint your most engaging topics, decide whether solo or guest episodes work best, and even re-purpose old content for renewed success. In this episode you will also: 1) Gain clarity on how to identify your podcast's most popular topics and leverage them to attract and retain more...
Published 03/15/24
Are you struggling to understand your podcast analytics and why your show isn't growing as fast as you'd like? In this episode we break down the essential steps to leverage your podcast analytics effectively, helping you identify where listeners drop off, which topics resonate the most, and how to measure the success of your promotional efforts. In this podcast episode you will also: 1) Gain clarity on how to analyze your podcast's retention time to pinpoint areas for improvement, such as...
Published 03/13/24
In this episode, Kyle of "Making Math Moments That Matter" reveals how they grew their podcast to over 20,000 downloads per month. Host Names: Kyle Pearce & Jon Orr Show Name: "Making Math Moments That Matter" Current audience size at the point of publishing: 20,000 monthly downloads Niche/Focus of show: Educational & Personal Development. You can find "Making Math Moments That Matter" here Find their second podcast "Canadian Wealth Secrets"...
Published 03/11/24
Have you ever questioned why comparing your podcast to others might be the key to unlocking its growth potential? In a world where podcasting is becoming increasingly competitive, understanding where your show stands in relation to others can provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn't in your niche. Leveraging this knowledge can accelerate your podcast's growth and attract a highly engaged audience. In this podcast episode, you will, 1) gain clarity on your podcast's...
Published 03/08/24
Are you struggling to grow your podcast despite your efforts? In this episode, we delve into one of the everyday struggles many podcasters face: stagnation in growth despite all their hard work. As well as discovering how this relates to investing your time and effort into something that might not yield immediate results, you will also, 1) gain clarity on the crucial inputs required to propel your podcast towards exponential growth. 2) understand the importance of shifting focus from...
Published 03/06/24
Are you a podcaster struggling to grow your audience?  In this episode of "Why Your Podcast Isn't Growing," we discuss the importance of making it clear from your title, artwork and show description who your show is for, including an in-depth analysis of The Agency Accelerator a podcast for anyone wanting to develop and grow their agency. Every podcaster faces the challenge of reaching and engaging their target audience effectively.  Whether you're discussing leadership styles,the rise of...
Published 03/04/24
Are you struggling to understand the true impact of reaching 10,000 monthly downloads with your podcast? In this episode, as well as explaining how hitting this milestone isn't just about seeing a big number on a screen, you will also, 1) understand how it directly correlates to solving the problem of lead generation, making sales effortlessly, and even opens doors to bigger opportunities like attracting high-profile guests and collaborations. 2) learn how hitting 10,000 monthly downloads...
Published 03/01/24
Are you struggling to grow your podcast audience? In this episode, we uncover the psychological tricks and principles to rapidly expand your listener base, engage your audience, and monetize your show! In today's competitive podcasting landscape, gaining traction and standing out is more challenging than ever. Whether you're a coach, an expert, a business owner, or an independent podcaster, understanding the psychological factors that influence audience behavior is crucial. By leveraging...
Published 02/28/24
In this episode we have Ryan & Cory of "The Weekly Juice" reveal how they grew their podcast to 10,000 downloads per month. Host Names: Cory Jacobson & Ryan Bevilacqua Show Name: "The Weekly Juice" Current audience size at the point of publishing: 10,000 monthly downloads Niche/Focus of show: Real Estate, Personal Finance, Investing. You can find "The Weekly Juice" here Every other Monday, a successful podcaster with tens of thousands of listeners and a fully monetized show will...
Published 02/26/24
Are you struggling to grow your podcast and wondering how to monetize it effectively without actually asking your listeners for a penny? In this episode we dive straight into the strategy of turning your podcast content into a profitable self-published book. As well as discovering how this method can address common podcast growth challenges while unlocking new avenues for revenue generation you will also learn how to... 1) gain massive brand authority and stand out as an expert in your...
Published 02/23/24
If you're struggling to expand your podcast audience, tapping into other podcasts' audiences through guest appearances can be a game-changer. In this episode, we delve into a step-by-step guide to mastering guesting, from overcoming rejection to maximizing exposure through pod swaps and sponsorship. In this episode you will also... 1) learn how to turn rejection into opportunity with pod swaps, where you and another podcaster mutually promote each other's shows. 2) discover the affordability...
Published 02/21/24
Are you a podcaster struggling to grow your audience?  In this episode of "Why Your Podcast Isn't Growing," we delve into the universal principles of picking your target audience, using real-life case studies, including an in-depth analysis of Unbreakably Bold a podcast for anyone wanting to show up as their boldest, most authentic self. Every podcaster faces the challenge of reaching and engaging their target audience effectively.  Whether you're discussing , detachment,...
Published 02/19/24
Are you struggling to convert listeners into customers through your podcast? In this episode you'll discover the secrets to ensuring your audience doesn't tune out but eagerly engages with whatever you offer. In this episode, we're delve into the common mistakes that turn off potential buyers, revealing why pitching too early, neglecting to position yourself as the authority, and halfhearted selling can sabotage your podcast's revenue potential. By understanding these pitfalls, you can...
Published 02/16/24
Are you struggling to monetize your podcast effectively? In this episode you will discover why sponsorship deals and ad rolls might not be the best route. If you're a podcaster looking to turn your passion into profit, understanding the pitfalls of traditional monetisation methods like sponsorship and ad rolls is crucial. In a world where every listener counts, learning why promoting your own products or services might offer a more lucrative and sustainable path to success. In this episode...
Published 02/14/24