In this compelling episode, we delve deep into the intricate interplay of subtle energies around the terms Integrity and Confidence and how one is done in consciousness and one is not. We also get into how to shift your perspective from confidence and into integrity to align and stand in your power.
Published 08/08/23
In this transformative episode, we delve into how death teaches us to live and explore essential tools, techniques, and perspectives to manage worry, stress, and anxiety. Discover your best life and learn how to stay and live in that contentment no matter what experiences we may encounter. This episode is dedicated to our late supporter, Lindsey Prieur.
Published 07/19/23
In this thought-provoking conversation with special guest Ryan Biallas, we dive into rethinking manners in this modern age and explore the importance of consideration in our self-development practice. Join us as we unravel the transformative power of conscious etiquette, shedding light on practical strategies and inspiring stories that unlock resistance and foster acceptance in our contemporary world.
Published 07/05/23
In this episode, we navigate the differences in generational perspectives and discuss the art of intentional engagement to inspire compassionate awareness within conflicting points of view. Join us as we delve into the power of the J.U.S.T. Philosophy, exploring how conscious communication can foster understanding, empathy, and harmony across generations, leading to profound personal and societal growth.
Published 06/21/23
In this empowering episode, we explore effective techniques and insightful strategies to first stop energy leakage from happening and then replenish and revitalize your energy levels on all Five Levels after experiencing draining situations. Discover how to reclaim your inner strength and find renewed vitality, equipping you with the tools needed to recharge and thrive.
Published 06/01/23
In this episode of the Wise Whys podcast, we delve into the fascinating exploration of astrological and energetic blueprints to help you gain clarity in areas of your life where you seek growth and development, helping you embark on an empowering journey toward personal fulfillment and contentment.
Published 05/16/23
In this episode of the Wise Whys podcast, we discuss how choosing to be offended by someone's words or actions can result in giving away our power and leaving ourselves open to emotional manipulation. We explore the reasons why people might choose to be offended and offer practical strategies for reframing our thinking and taking responsibility for our emotions. Overall, this thought-provoking and insightful conversation encourages listeners to take ownership of their emotional responses and...
Published 05/02/23
When we constantly critique and criticize ourselves, we create a cycle of negativity that can erode our self-esteem and inhibit our progress. It's important to recognize that self-judgment is a natural part of being human, but it's also a behavior that can be changed with mindful effort. By becoming aware of our self-judgment patterns, we can begin to challenge and shift them towards healthier actions bringing us closer to our Authentic Selves.
Published 04/20/23
We all experience trials and tribulations within our lives and we have a choice as to how we want to view them. We can take on a dualistic perspective and see them as a negative experience and that God, the Universe, or someone is against us or we can choose to view it through polarity and accept that challenges are a part of life and that they can server to teach us something when we are open to it. Victimhood strips our power away while looking for the lesson in our experiences gives us the...
Published 04/04/23
Change, especially within our own self development work, rarely happens without us taking an honest look at our previous and subconscious behaviors and making a conscious decision and effort to alter our responses and actions going forward. In the event things get tough, we may need that extra something to hold ourselves accountable to follow through on what we ultimately want for ourselves and our lives.
Published 03/21/23
A lot of emphasis is put on compromise and sacrifice in our culture when it comes managing our romantic relationships. However, within the J.U.S.T. Philosophy, one of the most important aspects of a conscious relationship is having and practicing our own individual self development work which is also vital to conflict resolution in relationships.
Published 03/07/23
There can be a hidden cost to having preferences if we aren't flexible in our attachment to them. However, when we shift our perspective toward a state of neutrality around a given want, it removes our need to remain in that stagnant, one-sided energy and opens up the possibilities for more knowledge, wisdom, and overall wellness.
Published 02/21/23
Living in the flow of life doesn't necessarily mean your life will be easier but is rather a perspective that you take to bring in more acceptance, allowance and flexibility in how you relate and react to the world around you.
Published 02/07/23
If you have been doing self development work honestly and consistently, you may have recognized that you have become more sensitive or empathic to things like your environment, your diet, the contents of tv and social media you consume... so why is this happening if we are doing this work to overcome these types of things? We answer this question and cover a plethora of ways to alter your perspective and carry out the step by step practice to begin managing your environment as you peel away...
Published 01/27/23
In our return back to our initial format, we discussed the term 'Shadow Work' and how it relates to self development work within the J.U.S.T. Philosophy. We then shared some step by steps and tools & techniques for how to discover what your main shadow work is and how to begin working on bringing it to light and healing the triggers and traumas related to it.
Published 01/10/23
In this chapter of Inward Journey, Haven is in Asheville for business and sees Stan at a restaurant with his co-worker Rita. They engage in some drinks and interesting conversation which is then brought up when she returns home to find Stevie visiting Rio. Some of the themes discussed in this episode are emotional processing, staying grounded when not having all of the information in a situation, discernment around decisions, how to stay out of drama and gossip and many more.
Published 12/27/22
In this chapter of Inward Journey, Stevie takes a day off of work to visit Rio and share her recent experiences and breakdown and to inquire how she could have handled it all more consciously. Some of the themes discussed in this episode are emotional processing, Divine Order, trust, faith, non-judgement, spirituality practice, anxiety, our wants and needs and many more.
Published 12/13/22
In this chapter of Inward Journey, the video call with Louise has just wrapped up and we observe how Michael and Janet handle their communication after the friction around the call. Some of the themes discussed in this episode are conscious relationships, conscious conflict resolution, emotional processing, standing in your power, avoidance, addiction, family lineage trauma, stopping the ripple and many more.
Published 11/22/22
In this chapter of Inward Journey, Stevie is on her way home from work and is still crushed by the disappointment of not getting the job she recently interviewed for. She arrives home to an empty house and has to be consoled by Haven. Once Stan returns home from work, the two have a very challenging discussion in which both engage in unconscious tactics in their attempts to win the argument. Some of the themes discussed in this episode are conscious relationships, expectations, conscious...
Published 11/08/22
In this chapter of Inward Journey, Stevie utilizes her recently purchased tarot deck to gain more insight into whether she will get the job she recently interviewed for. She experiences extreme highs and lows within a short amount of time leaving her to experience a very emotional Monday. Some of the themes discussed in this episode are using tools and signs for guidance, expectations and disappointment, happiness and contentment, emotional highs and lows and many more.
Published 10/26/22
In this chapter of Inward Journey, Stevie "convinces" Stan to go with her to the new neighbor's house, Rio and Haven. There, they experience a unique house full of instruments, vinyl records and balanced energy. Stevie and Stan get an introduction to the Destiny Card and Human Design systems and learn a little bit about their Cosmic Design. Some of the themes discussed in this episode are relationship dynamics around sacrifice and compromise and why conscious relationships don't support this...
Published 10/12/22
In this chapter of Inward Journey, we witness a video chat between Janet and her mother to discuss a birthday card that Louise recently sent Zachary, Janet's son that was seen back in episode 5 of the series. With Louise on the chat, Michael takes full advantage of her attention and goes on a rant only to find out it was all misguided in the end. Some of the themes discussed in this episode are ways we may seek approval from a parent, defense mechanisms around confrontation, preparing for...
Published 09/20/22
In this chapter of Inward Journey, we get to experience the influence that Rio has had on Stevie in the days following their initial meeting. This is followed by a surprise invitation for Stevie and Stan to join Rio and Haven on a Friday night. Some of the themes discussed in this episode are around emotional releases and self care, expectations and disappointment, conscious relationships and where sacrifice and compromise may not have a place in those types of relationships.
Published 09/06/22
In this chapter of Inward Journey, we observe Janet and Michael as they encounter a challenging scenario instigated by Louise. Some of the themes discussed in this episode are empaths, the downside of trying to mediate or peace keeping between two parties, expectations and disappointment and more.
Published 08/24/22
We travel back in time again to the week before the initial family gathering (in episode 1) where Stevie meets her neighbor Rio for the first time and they exchange gifts and conversation about the metaphysical and life philosophy wisdom. Topics such as manners, giving, receiving, karma, saying 'I'm sorry', and respect were among the main themes discussed in depth.
Published 08/09/22