Witchcraft Resources And Knowledge -Books, Sites, And A PSA In this week's episode, I talk to you about how to gain knowledge in your craft. I'll talk about free sources and also illegal practices and why you shouldn't download books illegally.  I also will probably piss some of you off but I'm going to talk about doing your own research vs being spoon-fed answers.  I give you reasons why you should be putting work into your craft and how that can make your journey empowering and valuable...
Published 06/29/21
Green Witchcraft In My Practice Let's talk about green witchcraft! Plants and plant spirits are some of the most important parts of my personal practice. I ramble on like no other in this episode and I'm blaming it on being plant obsessed and Mercury! Heads up! In the episode this week I'm going to give a code word during the episode! Sooo listen to the episode, write down the code word, send it to @[email protected] with the title of the email CODE WORD, and I'll add you to a...
Published 06/22/21
Weather And Witchcraft Here in Nebraska, the weather has been pretty hot and humid, so it is inevitable that a storm will be coming soon.  A few days ago I got some jars ready to collect stormwater if one should roll in.  It got me thinking that maybe I should talk about the weather and its place in witchcraft for some practitioners. Not everyone wants to or does work with the weather and that’s ok. Just wanted to share what I do and also ask you if you do anything different so we can learn...
Published 06/15/21
Spiritual Shifts  Warning, I'm a rambly Mercury affected mess in this episode so listen at your own risk. LOL Can you have more than one spiritual awakening? Absolutely, and I'm calling them spiritual shifts. I'm going through another one now and it has been especially difficult this time. I'm leaving a lot of beliefs and limiting ideas I had about myself and my spiritual path behind. But what am I left with when I weed out all the things that no longer resonate? That is the scary part. I...
Published 06/08/21
Tarot Talk with Kalem Turner Today let's talk about Tarot! We got to have Kalem Turner come back on the show to share his knowledge of tarot as well as his tarot journey and personal experiences! Let's get to know this triple threat divination machine! He is an expert tarot instructor, palmistry expert and instructor, and astrology expert! I could pick his brain for hours! This Gemini loves all that knowledge in that beautiful brain! You can find Kalem here to book a reading or inquire...
Published 06/01/21
Spiritual Awakening And Starting Witchcraft with Madi Let's talk about spiritual awakenings! And Madi shares her experiences with her own spiritual awakening and starting her witchcraft path. Resources Madi mentioned: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/to-ride-a-silver-broomstick-silver-ravenwolf/1111464361 https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=witchcraft&rs=typed&term_meta[]=witchcraft%7Ctyped https://moonly.app/ Join the WW Coven  Join the coven to get access to our Classes in...
Published 05/18/21
Let's Go Foraging for Plants and Witchcraft Ingredients! I went foraging with my daughter this Mother's Day and I wanted to share what we found and some things I do to forage responsibly! Here are some links you may find helpful: https://www.gore-tex.com/blog/foraging-food-wild-plants https://www.wildedible.com/blog/7-backyard-wild-edibles https://www.skilledsurvival.com/popular-edible-plants-flowers-usa/ https://www.farmersalmanac.com/20-common-wild-edible-plants-24920 Join the WW...
Published 05/11/21
Activism, Spirituality, And Monastery Life With Dusty Dionne Activism, Spirituality, And Monastery Life With Dusty Dionne in this week's episode of Witchy Woman Podcast! So excited to share this episode and introduce you to Dusty Dionne! He lives in a pagan monastery that is a part of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church! He shares his work with activism and religious freedom, his goals for the ATC, and why fighting the government with their own rules works!  Please share like and review!!!!! Links...
Published 05/04/21
Cord Cutting - What is it? How do we do a cord cutting and why? When scrolling through social media I often see references and posts about cord cutting and was thinking this would be something we should talk about. Most of the posts I see are spells and rituals to get over a relationship using cord cutting or to sever a romantic partnership. There are many more uses for cord cutting than romantic issues and I want to talk about that today. Cord Cutting...
Published 04/27/21
Danielle Dulsky - Sacred Hags Oracle Deck Today I'm sharing an interview with Danielle Dulsky about her new oracle deck! We chat about her creative process and of course we get off topic and just have some great time chatting! I absolutely adore her and I know you will too! Taken from her site https://danielledulsky.com/about/  Danielle is a heathen visionary, painter, and word-witch. The author of The Sacred Hags Oracle, Seasons of Moon and Flame, Woman Most Wild, and The Holy Wild, she...
Published 04/20/21
American Brujeria With Author J Allen Cross Today I share an interview with author J Allen Cross regarding his new book, American Brujeria, that comes out on May 1st!  We talk about his practice, the inspiration for his book, what brujeria is, and some of the false information on social media regarding closed practices.  Find his book, Etsy shop, Patheos blog, and Youtube channel here: https://linktr.ee/J.Cross Join the WW Coven  Join the coven to get access to our Classes in the WW Coven...
Published 04/13/21
Death And Witchcraft In this episode I talk about the death and dying process as well as grief.  Witchcraft is not the primary modality for healing grief but it is an amazing supportive healing method that we can use.  Let's talk about ways we can use Witchcraft to process the death of a loved one.  Also, what does a witch or pagan funeral look like? What are some things to consider? And do you have a death plan? I reference a beautiful book of rituals and information called Whispers on the...
Published 04/06/21
Magical Days of the Week Making your week witchy, one day at a time! I share with you what I do each day to make my day magical and filled with intention. Each day has a specific energy to draw from and when incorporated into a regular routine, your life can be filled with witchcraft every day! References: Book of Witchery by Ellen Dugan Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kynes Join the WW Coven  Join the coven to get access to our Classes in the WW Coven Group! Check out all the...
Published 03/30/21
Spiritual Attacks And Fear Culture I’m seeing so much on social media about hexing and cursing that I thought it might be a good idea to have a conversation about it. I want to preface this episode by saying this is all my opinion and it comes from my experiences and interactions with others. As always, I highly recommend that you research and do your own digging. Don’t always take what I say as the end all be all, find YOUR truth too. This episode is sponsored by Bright Witch!!! Bright Witch...
Published 03/16/21
Color Magic In Witchcraft And Everyday Life What is color magic? It is using colors to represent specific intentions and energies. This can be done by using various altar tools and spiritual items like candles, altar cloths, clothing, decor, etc. Let’s dive into some basic color correspondences and some ways to use color magick in your magickal practice and some ways that I incorporate it into my daily life. Join the WW Coven  Join the coven to get access to our Classes in the WW Coven...
Published 03/09/21
Pervy Ghost And Our Vacation I share with you our little vacation that my husband and I took to South Dakota.  We desperately needed some time away and it felt amazing!  I had some really strange things happen at the hotel room we were in and I'll tell you about it as well as some other fun things we did that made my witchy heart happy! **We wore masks, be safe if you go out and about!** Join the WW Coven  Join the coven to get access to our Classes in the WW Coven Group! Check out all the...
Published 03/03/21
Spring Cleaning With A Side Of Witchcraft Spring cleaning is right around the corner and I love to weave some witchcraft into that process. In this episode, I share with you my entire spring cleaning process from top to bottom! I share recipes that I use for incense, cleaning products, and how I do it all.  Join me this week and plan your day of cleaning!   Join the WW Coven  Join the coven to get access to our Classes in the WW Coven Group! Check out all the info at the link...
Published 02/23/21
Jewelry & Witchcraft Let's talk about jewelry and witchcraft; charms, talismans, and amulets to be specific. I wear a lot of jewelry and some of it specifically related to my spiritual practice as well as witchcraft purposes. I love all things that sparkle so I tend to wear a lot of crystal jewelry.  I will go over what the different types of charms are and some history of uses of charms for magical and spiritual purposes.  Join the WW Coven  Join the coven to get access to our Classes...
Published 02/16/21
Love Magic and Witchcraft Love magic is one of the subjects I get most in my DMs as far as witchcraft goes. Love is such an important component of our humanity that love has been the reason for wars, empires crumbling, and for absolute blissful happiness as well. Let's talk about a little bit of the history of love magic, how pop culture has portrayed it, ethics, and how you can use love magic in your witchcraft practice.  Join the WW Coven  Join the coven to get access to our Classes in...
Published 02/09/21
Imbolc And Witchy Gardening Gardening is one of my favorite things! I incorporate my witchcraft practice into my gardening and I feel like that has deepened my connection with my practice. I want to share with you what I do on Imbolc and why it is an important time for goal setting and manifestation! Also, I will go over easy herbs to grow inside if you have limited space to have a garden! Plants are absolute magick and just having one to take care of that you also use in your witchcraft is...
Published 02/02/21
Self-Care And Witchcraft - Making the Mundane Magickal This week's episode I share my self-care routine with you and how I make it a part of my witchcraft practice! I also share a card of the week for you! Stay tuned for a HUGE offering I will be revealing soon! I'm leaving little hints on my Instagram stories! Join the WW Coven  Join the coven to get access to our Classes in the WW Coven Group! Check out all the info at the link below!  Join our online coven...
Published 01/26/21
The Poison Path With Coby Michael - Baneful Plants and Magick Coby Michael joins us to talk about The Poison Path : Baneful Plants and Magick.  Coby is a lifelong student interested in religion, folklore and magical practice.  Having studied religion at Arizona State University, Coby has a diverse background in history and human spirituality.  He is a contributing writer for The House of Twigs and Patheos Pagan, and is currently publishing his first book on The Poison Path.  Coby teaches a...
Published 01/19/21
2021 Planetary Peek with Astrologer Brandy Burrow So what do the planets have in store for us in 2021? Listen as Astrologer Brandy Burrow gives us a play by play of major astrological events in 2021 and how it may affect our lives. Schedule an astrology reading with Brandy Here: www.brandyburrowastrology.com  Join the WW Coven  Join the coven to get access to our Classes in the WW Coven Group! Check out all the info at the link below!  Join our online coven...
Published 01/12/21
Money Magick - Get That Abundance! If I had to pick a most asked question about witchcraft it would probably be money and prosperity, tied with love magick. We all have the need for money and we can incorporate money magick into our practices to bring in that prosperity! What is money magick? It’s spells and intention work to bring prosperity in the form of money to you or someone you are doing the spell for, with consent of course. One of my first spells was for money when I was just...
Published 01/05/21
My Favorite Things of 2020 - Witchcraft, Hair Dye, Noodles, And More! This year has been a wild ride and not all of it has been very positive, but I did find some cool witchy shit and muggle stuff this year that I'd like to share with you. I also wanted to show gratitude for all the guests I've had on the podcast as well as everyone that listens! Also big gratitude to the WW Coven members of our Patreon group! You are what keeps me able to keep doing the podcast and I am so thankful for your...
Published 12/22/20