This week on the show our heroes are joined by all of their favorite lunatics in the Capper Cave for an end of year party. Joining Tony & the Wiz: Aaron Schembri, Karly Jewel, Simon Hosford, Jimmy Cupples, James Ryan and the worst production assistant in all of broadcasting, Nicky D. Join the gang for a night of great music while our hosts prove you can invest over 19 weeks of your life into something that adds zero value to society. So sit up straight, click your heels...
Published 12/31/21
Another week in the simulation for our heroes as they continue their journey of self discovery. After a tumultuous boat ride with Brian Mannix, Ricky Nixon and The Foss, Tony & Warwick call their great mate Michael Spiby from The Badloves and share a ride in his Green Limousine into an alternate dimension. Once again Warwick's new teeth provide enough lighting for an impromptu concert in the Capper Cave as the T-Wiz team add a sparkle and presence to Michael's songs he would otherwise...
Published 12/24/21
Only a few days have passed since we last checked in with Tony & the Wiz and our heroes have made some groundbreaking discoveries in their quest for self discovery. Wiz discovered that he is a pure empath with almost zero self interest, surprising considering the loft heights of fame, admiration and adulation he has received over his lifetime. Tony discovered that Warwick doesn't quite understand what the word empath means. It was an eventful week, on Sunday the boys got together while...
Published 12/16/21
Another week in the simulation for our heroes as the quest for self discovery continues. Warwick spent the last 7 days staring at himself in the mirror searching for answers to life and admiring his new neon white teeth, while Tony worked on his vertical only to find out he has a pretty good horizontal. One night this week our champions of the people decided they were hungry and called Uber Eats to get some Kung Pao Chicken delivered, but due to Warwick's new teeth making it difficult for...
Published 12/13/21
This week our heroes join forces with two legends of Australian music and together they carve out this incredible life altering conversation. This is a special edition show of the T-Wiz Podcast due to certain members of the entire team being held up at a Playboy luncheon where they provided life coaching to numerous grateful people. Now you will finally have the long burning question answered, what would happen if you got a Mouseketeer, a brand new set of teeth, a partially lobotomised...
Published 12/13/21
This week our heroes continue their journey of self discovery with Tony taking Warwick to have all of his teeth to be replaced with pure neon white dentures. The boys then spend the rest of the week working in a lighthouse getting Warwick to smile whenever a ship was near. This incredible act of altruism caught the attention of the Space X team and our boys have now been invited to travel into space on the forthcoming launch. To celebrate the pending trip into space, Tony & the Wiz...
Published 11/26/21
This week our heroes returned from a Top Secret Mission into space where the travelled at 39% the speed of light for exactly 6 seconds and returned safely to Earth. According to relativity, the rest of the world aged by 7 days while Tony & the Wiz are only 6 seconds older than they were in episode 12, and it shows through their immaturity on this episode. Joined by two supremely talented beings in Karly Jewell & Rusty Brown, both Tony & Warwick have once again proven that if you...
Published 11/20/21
This week our heroes returned from a week long self discovery adventure to meet with a fellow shaman, Warwick discovered his spirit animal is the drummer from the Muppets and proceeded to get his dentist to make him look like Dr Tooth, while Tony returned from the trek and had literally everything waxed as he claimed it would reduce unnecessary friction. Now both fully pimped out, the boys returned to the Capper Cave to meet with their guests who all want to click their heels so they might...
Published 11/13/21
Having taken the longest break in the history of the show, Warwick & Tony both travelled the world separately in search of enlightenment and a possible back to the simulation. Neither was achieved but our heroes didn't let that stop them from returning home and hosting the single most important podcast episode in human history. Joining the boys is a man who has never uttered a word that all of human civilization didn't consider the equivalent of scripture, the legend himself Sam Newman...
Published 11/05/21
After spending the past 7 days raising their vibrations to help communicate with a passing intergalactic craft, Warwick & Tony have both found the inner peace and have invited some close friends into the cave to help them celebrate. 10 weeks have now passed since our heroes were first contacted by other versions of themselves from a parallel universe. Other Tony & Warwick showed our boys how the formation of the T-Wiz Podcast triggers a chain of events that will transform the lives...
Published 10/23/21
After detecting a glitch in the simulation, Tony & Warwick form a human chain and travel to a spirit cave in the Amazon where comedy legend, Chris Franklin has been chanting the word "Bloke" for 22 years in an attempt to be at one with Mother Earth. After feeding Chris some Vitamin B and wrapping him in a flannel, they convince him to join them on their adventure. Along the way they discover a creature by the name of Jack Levi, often referred to as "Elliot Goblet" standing on a corner...
Published 10/16/21
Another week in the simulation and our heroes are once again placed into the adventure of a lifetime. Tony & the Wiz shelve a couple of Red Pills so our listeners can detect their trace signals for a whole new episode of the world's greatest ever podcast. Joining the boys in this reality are Rusty Brown & Simon Hosford, who both exude a radiance beyond human comprehension as they come within proximity of the T-Wiz team. So bask in the gloriousness as it pours over you like a fetish...
Published 10/08/21
This week Tony and the Wiz hold hands as they jump from the cliff of Vormir just so they would be worthy of their next guests. Jimi Hocking & Nat Allison both brighten the world with their respective magnificence and do a very nice job of containing the pure glee experienced in the presence of the T-Wiz team. Tune in again as our heroes take one small step for mankind and one giant leap for everyone else. Charge up your vibrators and take out your teeth in preparation for Episode 7.
Published 10/05/21
This week Wiz & Tony have an early night so they can conserve the energy needed to get really f****d up on Grand FInal day. After being burned by a couple of cock smokers the T-Wiz team change course and our heroes end up in a spiral of fake news with their superpowers tested after a week of lockdowns, riot, protests and the biggest earthquake in 200 years. Despite the world around them turning to darkness our heroes emerge once more from the ashes as a guiding source of light for all...
Published 09/25/21
Another week in the simulation for Tony & the Wiz as they try to find a back door to the Matrix while trying to overcome their ADHD. This episode they are joined by two great Australian artists that were still unsure if this was a good idea when our copywriter posted this content online. We hope you enjoy this madness in an otherwise perfect world, so strap on your accessories and put the kettle on in preparation for almost an hour of your life you will never want back. We love you.
Published 09/18/21
Mark of the year superstar of the Sydney Swans, Wiz Capper & North Croydon Under 10's Lightning Premiership player, Tony Marks press pause on the simulation once more and take a deep into the sticky mess of the T-Wiz Podcast. Featuring Kids in the Kitchen frontman, Scott Carne and Upwey's most eligible bachelor 1997, Jason Vorherr in a frantic and incoherent swamp of shit jokes and inappropriate behaviour.
Published 09/11/21
Warwick Capper & Tony Marks return with another episode of the T-Wiz Podcast. Joined by iconic vocalist & frontman from Boom Crash Opera, Dale Ryder & guitar virtuoso Simon Hosford. Listen closely and you will hear the moment each of our guests reputations begin to tarnish as they subject themselves to this madness.
Published 09/04/21
Wiz Capper & Tony Marks continue to explore the sounds of their own voices for no good reason. This episode they boys start iron out the kinks of their new show and are joined briefly by an actual professional, Grant Hansen, Producer & Host of the Marngrook Footy Show.
Published 08/28/21
Warwick & Tony make the whole world a little dumber and themselves a little happier by talking non stop garbage for almost 5 min. This episode will be removed once the real first show is recorded as it is only for testing the production and distribution mechanics of our new podcast series.
Published 08/26/21