In this podcast episode, we delved deep into the new age movement, it’s history and some of it’s practices. I brought home my point by sharing two experiences I had to solidify what I discovered through my research. I pray this episode opens your eyes and blesses you in Jesus name. 💙
Published 06/29/22
In this episode I laid it all down. (This is an emotional one). As a mental health advocate it is my prayer that as I speak out you will be educated and empowered to apply the strategies that God has asked me to share with you. This is not the end for you. There is purpose in your pain. God bless you💚
Published 06/22/22
In this episode I am joined by the powerful woman of God Vanessa Hyman. We discussed her new book “The waiting”, the importance of waiting on God and so much more. We pray this episode blesses you as much as it blessed us to record.💙
Published 05/25/22
In this episode I am joined with this phenomenal woman of God, Melinda Peter. Melinda is known for her witty ideas and speaking engagements as it relates to money. She’s no stranger to the screen, however she candidly shared with us about her divorce and how God beautifully redeemed her from the scars of her past. If you are a woman or a man who are currently going through a divorce and wondering what’s next… this episode is for you.💙
Published 05/18/22
In this episode I am joined by my pastor, Ronson small. He was diligent in sharing a few steps in how we can become effective in our christian journey and not just go through the motions. He also shared a bit about his amazing book “ 7 steps to being an effective christian”. We pray this episode blesses you💙
Published 05/11/22
In this episode we discussed the importance of gratitude in the life of a Christian. I also shared my personal experiences of my journey of gratitude. I pray this episode blesses you💙
Published 05/04/22
In this episode I am joined by my friend and Fav Jared Trotman. Jared owns one of the most unique businesses on island TROTTZ. He shared with us the process of developing his brand and how he has sustained it over the years. So many gems were shared and I know you will be blessed by them all. 💙
Published 04/06/22
In this episode I am joined by my amazing friends Keron & Tianna Henry. They’re now married and they shared candidly their experiences so far as a married couple and leading up to their marriage. They dropped so many gems you don’t want to miss this. We pray that you will be blessed.💙
Published 03/30/22
In this segment I delved into purity and also provided some steps on how you can stay pure. I pray this blesses you. God wants us to be pure. (Ps. There was an error in one of the scripture referrence it was Proverbs 4:23)
Published 03/23/22
In this episode I’m joined by Minister Roscoe Robinson, all the way from Memphis Tennessee. He candidly shared about his struggles throughout life and how God diligently empowered him to get his fight back and penn His first book “Get your fight back: strategies to win the battles of life”. We pray that this episode blesses you as much as it blessed us to create. It is time to get your fight back🥊❤️🖤❤️
Published 03/16/22
In this episode we are joined by my phenomenal therapist Mr. St. Clair Browne as we discuss mental health from his perspective. St. Clair is a certified holistic counsellor & life coach, wellness massage therapist, marketing advisor, playwright and director and most importantly a Minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We pray this episode blesses you. ❤️
Published 02/16/22
In this segment we delved into the reprocussions of growing up in a dysfunctional family, I also shared some biblical examples of the same. God is able to deliver us from any situation, He just needs you to trust Him. Be blessed 💕
Published 02/09/22
We are God’s chosen women, we are his handmaidens. Come join me as we delve into what it means to be a wife.
Published 07/07/21
As long as we are living we have all experienced minor and major inconveniences. Life has a thing for throwing curve balls at us. What will we do with our pain is the question? Will you surrender it to God and let Him make something beautiful or will you continue your pity party. The choice is yours join me as we delve into how we can rise above our ashes of defeat❤️
Published 06/30/21
God is calling us to a place of accountability as it relates to our spending. He wants us to store up for what is to come. He longs to bless us with more but He wants us to be aware of these principles as well.
Published 06/23/21
In this segment I shared the differences between success and impact. I also shared personal experiences learning to differentiate between the two. How can you make an impact? Tune in to hear more❤️
Published 06/02/21
Isaiah 40:31 teaches us the importance of waiting on God not just for us but those connected to us. When we soar we are an inspiration to others that they too can soar. The development that takes place as we wait is instrumental for where we are going. So we are learning to wait in EXPECTANCY in this season❤️
Published 05/26/21
In this segment I shared my testimony regarding the process of publishing my second book. The purpose in your pain. I pray that you will be encouraged as you listen. I love yall❤️
Published 04/28/21
I once heard someone say “ God can’t bless who you pretend to be because He wants to bless the real you”. I spent most of my life wearing a mask, doing life with God has taught me that masks are unecessary. If anyone knows me inside out it’s Him. And He created me this way for a reason. I pray that this segment will enlighten you and inspire you to embrace the way God created you.❤️
Published 03/17/21
We’ve gone long enough just merely surviving. God wants us to have life and have it more abundantly (John10:10). In this season He wants us to trust Him to take us on this journey of tranisitioning. This is our season to THRIVE🌺
Published 03/10/21
In this segment I spoke on boundaries and the importance thereof. I listed a few of the areas where we can set boundaries. Having boundaries are crucial to your growth and growth is something I will always promote. I pray this recording blesses and encourages you💋♥️
Published 03/03/21
In this segment I was transparent about the relationship I’ve had with my dad, that was seemingly detrimental to my growth as a teenager. I’ve had to unlearn many toxic traits, behaviors and attitudes as a result. I replaced them with the things that God says I am. As He covered and delivered me I know he can do the same for you. Be blessed♥️😘
Published 02/10/21
In this podcast segment we had our first guest, Dr.Lesley Reece, who is an avid host, the founder of pink megaphone the podcast, the assistant medical director of the Barbados palliative care Association. Lesley shared authentically how she battled with limiting beliefs in her journey to becoming a doctor and as a woman. We pray that this episode will bless you as much as it blessed us. We love you guys♥️
Published 02/03/21
In this segment I delved into a not so readily discussed topic, forgiveness. I shared my experiences of actively walking out forgiveness from offenses I have experienced. It is my prayer that just as God has liberated me from that bondage, you will allow Him to liberate you too. 🤗
Published 01/06/21
Here I shared how faithful God has been to me this year in the midst of a pandemic. I pray that it will encourage you as you listen. Remember, God will always have the final say🙏🏾
Published 10/28/20