What do our souls deem true “success?” And how do we handle the fears, limiting beliefs, and self-doubts that will inevitably come up when we commit to creating a “next level” soul-based life? My guest Diana Long @dianadrakelongcoaching is a transformational Master Certified Coach & Trainer.  She is known as the "Results Catalyst" and was recognized as one of the top 4% of professional coaches worldwide by the International Coach Federation. Her book, Dream It, Design It, Live It: The...
Published 07/05/23
We are living in a time when ancient plant medicines are making a strong comeback. The conversation around psychedelic medicine has shifted significantly in the past 10-15 years and has been covered by popular media outlets. This shift is attributed to the mental health crisis, with approximately 50 million Americans diagnosed with mental health conditions and the pandemic exacerbating the issue.    People are desperate to heal and are seeking out unconventional methods.   In this...
Published 06/21/23
Anxiety…who doesn’t deal with it from time to time? Anxiety can actually lead to a more mindful life - even becoming a superpower for sensitive people. How do we unlock the hidden potential of anxiety? How can it actually fuel personal growth? These are things that Dr. Jeanne Retief and I discuss as we explore the “seek for serenity.”    Jeanne has a long family history of mental illness and had a difficult home life growing up. She was always an anxious child, but panic disorder manifested...
Published 06/07/23
If someone would’ve told me years ago that I’d be diving into learning about the Venus Cycle- which would mirror my awakening process and alchemical descent journey…well, let’s just say I would have called ‘em crazy!  When I gave a full “yes” to finding my truth, I discovered some reallllly interesting out-of-mainstream mysteries that were absolutely fascinating. Venus (archetypally & cosmically) is one of them.    The Venus mysteries connect us to the sacred and divine feminine, and...
Published 05/24/23
I've spent my 20 + year career seeking to crack the code on depression & human suffering. I am now firmly convinced that SEPARATION is the root of all suffering.   When I was triggered (in a fear response) on my 7th night alone in Iceland, I looked up and saw the Northern Lights…vivid displays of color against the backdrop of a dark sky.   Something clicked. It initiated a realization about the Death/Rebirth Cycle, and prompted the idea for this Masterclass.   Join me for a FREE...
Published 05/17/23
What emotional patterns live beneath the surface of our conscious awareness…lurking in the shadows, impacting mood states, thoughts and behavior… and how do we shift them? The idea of shadow work can feel scary, yet it’s the key to our liberation on multiple levels. Shifts only happen as we are fully inhabiting our bodies, in the present moment, with direct attention -- NO dissociation. So, how do you do this… if you’re in fear?    First, you create safety through calming your nervous...
Published 05/10/23
Our bodies tell a powerful story of what’s going on inside of us mentally & energetically. Inheriting unprocessed trauma as a “root cause” of depression is a growing field of study. Depression lives in the past and anxiety lives in the future; both prevent us from being present & accessing our power in the here and now.    This is an interview from 3 years ago on Michael Sherlock’s “Shock Your Potential” podcast. Michael was chosen as #12 of the Top Female Entrepreneurs to Watch in...
Published 04/26/23
How might the generational cultural-collective “witch wound” factor into the downplaying of our intuition… and impact the expression of our inherent gifts? We must feel SAFETY in our gift expression, which means first identifying the thought behind the wound. In this episode, we delve into the importance of unlocking & expressing our spiritual gifts and addressing any conscious or unconscious patterns that prevent us from doing so.    This conversation ranges from embodying the Crone...
Published 04/12/23
This engaging and thoughtful discussion with my dear friend Amber Richardson is a good one for all of you who are drawn to mysticism & feminine spirituality…and who acutely feel the missing Mother wound. There has been a great proliferation of teachers and healers--what motivates them? What do you watch out for when looking for teachers, in them and in yourself? Amber is a storyteller & facilitator in many mediums, and has been teaching about spirituality & healing from...
Published 03/29/23
What would it be like to have sustained and embodied pure peace as your baseline state? As we’ll discuss in this episode, it IS possible to walk this earth as enlightened; to be in this state sustainably… bringing heaven to earth.    This is one of my richest, deepest and most thought-provoking discussions of all time! Rachael Jayne Groover @rachaeljaynegroover is one of my favorite spiritual empowerment teachers. She is the best-selling author of “Powerful and Feminine” and “Divine...
Published 03/15/23
This episode goes into some territory that’s tricky to discuss and uncomfortable to look at: internalized patriarchy and racism. Andrea and I are two white women who tread this space carefully and with respect; seeking to understand, heal, and create awareness around these issues that have maligned, subjugated, and separated humanity for millennia. We are living in a time of deconstruction on multiple levels  -inside ourselves and within all institutions. My new friend Andrea Ward Berg is a...
Published 03/01/23
Gulp. I’ve wanted to share this particular aspect of my story with you listeners for a while, especially because I receive several messages and texts to the effect of, “Where are you at with the church?”  The truth is, I’ve always seen my journey out of orthodoxy as very private and my personal awakening path as very tender and sacred…so I’ve been reluctant to share details publicly. I’m sharing now because I’ve had insistent feelings that there are people in transition who need to hear what...
Published 02/15/23
For millennia, male-centric spiritual paradigms have pervaded the dominant culture. This is shifting, as those who grew up with this influence as girls and are now women…women who are recognizing the imbalance inside themselves and are seeking for a more balanced approach to their paths of devotion. This episode is about mature feminine spirituality. My guest Karen Kinney has studied contemplative spirituality for over twenty years, and is an accomplished visual artist, freelance writer, and...
Published 02/01/23
What are the critical factors for good health and energy? As in, the things we simply can no longer bypass or overlook if we actually want to FEEL GOOD? Lahana Vigliano knows her stuff. She is a board certified clinical nutritionist, holds a Masters of Human Nutrition + Functional Medicine degree and is currently a doctoral student in Clinical Nutrition. She’s aligned with helping women recognize root causes for their symptoms, especially if they’ve been dismissed by traditional healthcare. ...
Published 01/18/23
Have you, like me, experienced pervasive periods of feeling EMPTY, lost, and alone throughout your life? I very recently had a profound awakening as to why these deeply unpleasant feelings of emptiness continued to cyclically rear their ugly head (and I do mean ugly) - even when things were going smoothly in my life. It was meaningful, in this episode, to discuss this pattern with my new friend, Donna. Donna Bond is coming to us from the gorgeous land of Costa Rica! She’s a Spiritual, Life...
Published 01/04/23
Alert! Name change of this podcast! Women Seeking Wholeness is now…drum roll puh-lease…STAND SPEAK SHINE. What are the odds that my 200th episode fell precisely on the last Wednesday of 2022? I had to change the name. Why? Because it took me 200 episodes and nearly 4 years of weekly podcasting to integrate the realization that I’m no longer a “woman seeking wholeness.” Wholeness is already within me, as it is within you. We need only EMBRACE it. This name change reflects the New Feminine...
Published 12/28/22
This is the LAST Women Seeking Wholeness episode before our official name change next week! As we go headlong into the Holidays, I can’t help but reflect on LONELINESS. What is meant to be the “most wonderful time of the year” can often feel like the most painful. Lahaina Daudt is an Embodiment & Confidence Coach, supporting the conscious woman to feel authentic and confident in her body, biz, and brand. Together we had a frank discussion on dispeling loneliness through practicing...
Published 12/21/22
It’s natural to FORGET what we’re really made of.  We’ve all experienced separation from Love (our core identity). Joining us from London, Birgitta Visser is a Soul Empowerment Coach & Author of  “BE-com-ing Authentically Me.” She calls herself a Light Configurator, delivering messages integral to helping elevate the consciousness.    Breaking patterns of  “doormat” & victim mentality Biggest contributor to trauma Tips to support the process of seeing yourself AS love   Find her:...
Published 12/14/22
When it comes to mothering, it’s “you before them.”  Spirit Mamas are on a unique, out-of-the-box mission to empower women on the soul level. Victoria Nielsen is an Akashic Records Reader, Breathwork Facilitator & Intuitive Energy Healer. Tiffany Wilkes is a Reiki Energy Healer, Sound Practitioner & Spiritual Coach.    Why more and more women are getting involved in sacred circles & rituals Raising “star seeds”  The tension between religious vs. “unauthorized” spiritual...
Published 12/07/22
  In this solo episode, I talk about truly doing your “ART”...your desired medium of expression and creation. Art is all about connection. It doesn’t conform to exterior structures; to fear and people-pleasing. It is living in you as a bold, unexpressed -and much needed- gift to humanity, universal consciousness - and to yourself. Why “facing” your fear doesn’t get to the center of it (and what really does) 4 things your Inner Artist needs in order to “come out” How indecisiveness inhibits...
Published 11/30/22
How do you consciously walk through the “mother chaos” of grief & creation? Amanda knows firsthand the intensity & darkness of grief after the death of her 5th child. Discovering the answers within led to a full awakening to the light & knowing of her wholeness. She is a Practitioner of Healing Arts in The Vistara School of Wisdom and author of Becoming: Poems for Awakening the Soul.     Every mother’s primal fear Making the decision to heal Surrendering: the KEY to authentic...
Published 11/23/22
What qualifies a person as being a true empath? This was enlightening for me personally! Jennifer Moore is one of 119 of the world's Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) International Master Trainers & author of “Empathic Mastery.” She took me through a quick, highly effective EFT process that released some long-held tension in my neck!   Differences between being an Empath vs holding Empathy  The 5 steps of Empathic Mastery Why EFT is powerful for releasing “stories” held in your body  ...
Published 11/16/22
How do you know you’re going through a kundalini experience? In Indian tradition, Kundalini is considered a goddess. Dana Swain, PhD, is a Jungian depth psychologist, expressive arts therapist, kundalini meditation teacher & author of “When The Light Breaks Through: Understanding Kundalini Experiences Through Psychology, Body, and Story.”   What is a Kundalini experience?  Awakening to the goddess can literally be jolting & shocking  How to receive through dreams   Find her:...
Published 11/09/22
Our beliefs and behavior are a collection of patterns. Your brain makes automatic decisions on your behalf, based on these patterns. How do you heal negative patterns of avoiding or quitting? Adele Spraggon is a thought leader, international speaker and award-winning author, “Shift: 4 Steps to Personal Empowerment.” Creating an “observing” pattern vs. a “reactionary” pattern The latest neuroscience on brain repatterning  Shift patterns, shift conflicts in your life   Find her:...
Published 11/02/22
Want to learn to read and sense what’s really going on inside your body - in seconds? Experience a simple, profound practice that will serve you every moment of your life! In this episode, I do a few minutes of introductory teaching to give context and then go right into a 5 minute meditation. So, get comfy and prepare to scan that beautiful body of yours! The Art of Noticing as a means to read physiological sensations Your 3 brains; centers of emotional info Train yourself to “sense” truth...
Published 10/26/22