EPISODE 1923: The Same Change
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There’s NO Best Version Of You! In order for you to live the life you love and love the life you live, you must make changes in your life. You have power to change the circumstances or situations in your life. But it doesn't come from "out there." Change and transformation begins on the inside of you, in your heart and soul. Perhaps you're like I was...looking for my "happily ever after" in someone else. Yes, I thought I had simply married the "wrong guy." It's not whether you did, or didn't, marry the "right" someone. The bigger question is this... Are you meeting, and falling in love with the girl in the mirror right in front of you? Your life can transform today, and you can begin the process IF you accept that CHANGE AND GROWTH ARE REQUIRED. Are you desiring the SAME CHANGE over and over — year after year — but you, yourself aren’t willing to change? You must look at your own heart and soul. I know this may seem way too simple, right? It's profoundly simple. If you’re willing to go within, you’ll no longer go without. The key to your change is in your heart and soul. YOU must change. This doesn’t mean becoming someone you’re not. You must be willing to stop being the same way you are right now, and go into the depth of who you really are. ...AND become the fullest expression of your most authentic self. It’s not about you being better or best. Authentic is better than both, because it’s about BEING. Authentic is better than better. When you commit to BEING your authentic, genuine self and the fullest expression of that, it’s no longer about better, best, or being more. There’s NO best version of you. There’s only the fullest expression of you, or the most authentic version of you. That’s BEING. EXCELLENT. STARTING. TODAY. When you tap into your authenticity, there’s no need to change that, or become better at it. Simply BE. Activate your BE. …and you will no longer stay the same! Our authentic version of who we are EXPANDS. Growth and change happen naturally. Life is about growth, movement, and change. If you’re holding onto the idea that you have to change to be better, and it’s the SAME CHANGE you constantly seek, but haven’t yet expressed it…then today’s the day for something NEW. DIFFERENT. COMPLETELY. AUTHENTICALLY YOU. Take a look at how you see change, and allow that to change and transform you from the inside, out. Life and change aren’t happening to you, but through you and for you. When you allow it to happen through and for you, you’ll become different and completely free to be all that you truly are. So you can experience the transformative growth and development that’s in you. That IS you. Please do yourself a favor, and give up the idea of wanting the SAME CHANGE. If you truly desire change, then get to know HER (you) fully, wholly, completely, innately and watch that change your life, and the lives of those you touch. It’s transformative. I promise you. You can’t live your life, and avoid change. Even your SAME will change. Give up the idea of trying to stay the same, or desiring the same change over and over. Make a commitment today to fully embrace, acknowledge, and engage with the truest version of you. You allow the change to be expressed in your life by accepting who you are, and expressing HER (you) fully. How does that sound? I really believe the way we look at change, self-development, growth, and life is often incomplete and backwards. None of these happen from the outside, in...OR by trying to improve yourself. Instead, it’s about YOU being who you are when you stop trying to prove who you are. Fully engage and express yourself like never before. Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Write down the ONE thing that you absolutely know to be TRUE about yourself that you wouldn't change for the world. Commit to fully eng
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