As we continue on in our Bible study in Ecclesiastes, we’re mulling on the limits of humanity’s wisdom today, and what it is to obey the command to enjoy life, even when there are very weighty injustices in our broken world. For some follow up questions to chat through the passage with a friend, head to our episode show notes.
Published 11/17/23
What a gift that we have the wisdom literature to help shape how we live.  Sometimes it’s straightforward, and sometimes, like today’s passage, it’s not! Hooray for the challenge of trying to read it slowly, read it well, and drive it to our hearts all the same. For questions to dig into over a cup of tea, head to our episode show notes.
Published 11/10/23
What does it look like for our everyday worship to be shaped by matters of eternity? It’s another weighty chunk in our Ecclesiastes Bible study this week as we open the Bible and seek to drive it to our hearts. For questions to dig into over a cup of tea, head to our episode show notes.
Published 11/03/23
We are delighted to be joined by the author and Bible teacher Karen Soole today as we continue to drive Ecclesiastes to our hearts.  Karen helps us to think through how we really see Jesus in the pages of Ecclesiastes, and what it looks like to be shaped by the preacher’s perspective in all of life. For our show notes click here.
Published 10/26/23
How are you finding studying Ecclesiastes so far with us? There’s so much to ponder, and so much to confuse as well.  We hit upon some stark realities today, alongside what it looks like to wisely live in light of eternity. Find our show note questions here to continue talking through Ecclesiastes chapter 4.
Published 10/19/23
Have you noticed the beauty of poetry within the book of Ecclesiastes? We get another famous chunk of poetry in our passage today, and yet there’s a twist to the meaning we so often give it…
Published 10/12/23
Can the pursuit of wisdom, knowledge, pleasure and toil squash the reality that death undeniably looms? The preacher goes on an extensive search in our passage today, answering that very question.  Why not grab a friend to chat over the truths from this Bible study in Ecclesiastes?
Published 10/05/23
Join us as we consider the first eleven verses of Ecclesiastes today in our online Bible study over a cup of tea.  From all of creation, to the human being, what does it look like for eternity to shape the rhythms of life?  It’s a powerful start to the book! For questions to take the discussion further, head to our show notes on our website.
Published 09/28/23
Welcome to the first episode of Season 9.  This season we’re going to be studying some Old Testament wisdom literature - the book of Ecclesiastes.  We’re excited, we’re daunted, and we can’t wait to get stuck in.  Join us in this introduction to the season, as we introduce ourselves, the book, and what it looks like to make the most of this deep dive into Ecclesiastes. For more info, head to our show notes on our website.
Published 09/21/23
This season we're diving into some of the wisdom literature in the Old Testament, as we get into the book of Ecclesiastes.  Here's a little peak into what's in store... For more info, head to our season page on our website.
Published 09/07/23
Sitting side by side, we take a few minutes to look back, look ahead, and fill you in on our pop up shop launching on 30th August! For extra shop bonuses, sign up to our newsletter. Thank you so much for all your support on this podcasting journey, we so appreciate you!
Published 08/03/23
It’s the final episode of Season 8! We take some time to look back over Paul’s letter to Titus, considering our reflections and where it’s impacted our heart the most. Sign up for our newsletter, to stay in the loop with all we’re doing, and to be the first to hear of exciting announcements later this summer. Head to our show notes to find the questions we used to help us reflect on Titus together. We’ll be back for Season 9 in the Autumn!
Published 07/13/23
Can knowing the gospel truly impact the world for good? We’re considering this question and others as we consider the final chapter of Titus together. For questions, transcripts and more resources on the book of Titus, head to our episode show notes on our website.
Published 07/06/23
We’re delighted to welcome Natalie Brand onto the podcast today, as we talk about her new book Priscilla: Where are you?, how it links to the book of Titus, and the impact of sound doctrine on loving other women well in our church families. For the episode transcript, head to the show notes on our website.
Published 06/29/23
We’re in chapter 2 of our Titus Bible study today as we consider what fuel is needed to live as Paul commands.  Does knowing the gospel really make a difference for how we love and serve one another? Here’s the link to sign up to our newsletter. For some questions to dig into over a cup of tea, an episode transcript and other resources relating to the letter of Titus, head over to our show notes on our website.
Published 06/22/23
What’s at stake if church leaders don’t rebuke false teaching? There’s much to challenge our prayers and hearts in this next part of our Titus Bible Study. Click here for our show notes including questions to dig into over a cup of tea, and an episode transcipt.
Published 06/15/23
What does it look like for church leaders to be nourished by the gospel, and why does it matter? Join us as we continue to read Titus chapter one together. Click here for the episode show notes, a transcript and more.
Published 06/08/23
We’re beginning our bible study in Titus today looking at the first four verses, and considering how they help us to unpack the letter as a whole. Head to our show notes to find questions to help you dig into the passage further, and an episode transcript.
Published 06/01/23
We are delighted to welcome Sally Clarkson onto the podcast today as we begin our season in Titus.  Sally is a bestselling author, renowned speaker, and beloved mentor who has dedicated her life to inspiring countless women to live for Christ.  In this episode, we discuss her latest book, Teatime Discipleship, and the impact of sitting down for a cup of tea with others, and seeing God at work.
Published 05/25/23
This season we're reading Paul's letter to Titus.  Here's a little peak into what's in store...
Published 05/18/23
We’re delighted to welcome Jen Wilkin onto the podcast, as we wrap up the book of Deuteronomy. Jen is an author and Bible teacher from Dallas, Texas.  An advocate for Bible literacy, her passion is to see others become articulate and committed followers of Christ, with a clear understanding of why they believe what they believe, grounded in the Word of God.   Her most recent book Ten Words to Live By: Delighting in and doing what God commands would make an excellent read alongside...
Published 04/20/23
As we reach the end of Deuteronomy, we’re left longing for one greater than Moses who will wholly fulfil God’s covenant to his people. For bible study questions, a transcript and more, head to our show notes on our website here.
Published 04/13/23
Moses' sermon reaches a beautiful climax as he share's God's astounding grace and the work God will do to transform hearts in the future. For show note questions, and other info on this episode, click here.
Published 04/06/23
We’re all about mountains in our Deuteronomy Bible Study today as a stark choice is presented, not only to God’s people listening to Moses, but also to us, as we study chapters 27-28 of this Old Testament book. Click here for the episode show notes including a few bible study questions to help you process this part of Deuteronomy.
Published 03/30/23
As we dwell on chapters 19-26 of Deuteronomy today, we’re looking for all the ways that choosing to obey God’s law brings beauty, goodness and life to those around us. For our episode shownotes, click here
Published 03/24/23