Climate change and the uncertainty about the health of our planet can be a source of stress for many. How can you manage climate anxiety, and do your part to save the planet? It starts by taking action.
Published 02/01/23
We all want success, but it can often come at the cost of burnout and exhaustion. The always on hustle culture pushes us to do more. But what we really need is rest, joy, and meaningful connections with others. On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks with Brad Stulberg, author of the best-selling book, “The Practice of Groundedness” and the co-author of the books, “Peak Performance” and “The Passion Paradox”, about principles that can help with improving...
Published 01/18/23
Anxiety is a daily struggle for many. In fact, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 40 million Americans also live with it. To truly manage anxiety long term, you need to address your holistic well-being and better understand the root cause of your anxiety.
Published 01/04/23
There are a lot of self-help philosophies out there, but some aren’t actually very helpful. We all want to become better people, but we also need to acknowledge that growth isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks with Mark Manson, #1 NY Times Bestselling author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck and Everything Is F*cked: A Book About Hope, about personal development and the importance of taking responsibility, making choices,...
Published 12/07/22
Building relationships are foundational to our humanity, but creating them with others, especially those that are different from ourselves, can feel challenging. On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks with Dr. Simran Jeet Singh, educator, author, and activist on religion, racism, and justice on tuning into our spirituality, empathy, and compassion to create connections with others.
Published 11/23/22
Thankfully, well-being has moved to the center of conversation. But moving from conversation to action with lasting impact can be difficult. By changing your mindset, you rewire your brain to help set you up for greater well-being and for true success. On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer, Jen Fisher, talks with Thrive Global’s Chief Training Officer, Joey Hubbard, about importance of well-being, beliefs, and mindsets. Learn about how neuroscience, motivation, and taking...
Published 11/09/22
Parenting is one of the most rewarding, but also hardest jobs in life. All parents want to raise happy and healthy children. But modern society, social pressure, and recent challenges like the global pandemic can make it incredibly difficult. On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer, Jen Fisher, talks with Dr. Becky Kennedy, clinical psychologist, mom of three, and author of Good Inside about parenting challenges, connection strategies, and how parenting shows up in the workplace.
Published 10/26/22
We all have experienced stress in one way or another. And for some, this stress can build up, and go far enough to where we experience complete burnout. But how can we help ourselves recognize what is causing us to feel burnout? On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer, Jen Fisher, talks with Jennifer Moss, co-founder at Plasticity Labs, author, and workplace expert on finding the root causes and strategies that address burnout.
Published 10/11/22
What we eat matters and the impact our diet has on our holistic well-being, including our mind, is sometimes forgotten. On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer, Jen Fisher, talks with Tess Bredesen, Cognitive Nutrition Director at Thrive and the founder of Sia Health, on how nutrition can prevent cognitive decline and enhance our lives.
Published 09/30/22
Incorporating healthy behaviors into our lives can be challenging. While there are a lot of behavior change and habit-forming strategies, what we think we know about making lasting changes is often outdated. On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks with Michelle Segar, the inaugural chair of the United States National Physical Activity Plans Communication Committee, and author of on updating our mindsets on how we develop our healthy lifestyle goals.
Published 09/14/22
Are you a creator, connoisseur, or a passive onlooker of art? No matter the answer, you may be surprised that art serves as an important tool to help enhance observation and problem-solving skills. On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks with Amy Herman, a lawyer, art historian, and author of the books Visual Intelligence: Sharpen Your Perception, Change Your Life and Fixed: How to Perfect the Fine Art of Problem Solving about visual intelligence and how viewing...
Published 08/31/22
We've all had the experience of dealing with a challenging colleague. It's not only unpleasant, but it can also impact our well-being, performance, and our organizational culture. So, what can we do as individuals and leaders to create a culture of kindness, respect, and community at work? On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks with Christine Porath, professor at Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business and author of Mastering Community: The Surprising...
Published 08/17/22
The great resignation is a clear indicator that many people are no longer willing to tolerate jobs that leave them unhappy, and in a constant state of stress and fatigue. But current conversations around workplace well-being often overlook the C-suite, how they’re effected, and how that can impact an entire organization. Together with Dan Schawbel at Workplace Intelligence, we conducted a marketplace survey of employees and leaders to better understand how the C-suite can improve both their...
Published 08/03/22
We all have dreams. Often though we get in our own way when trying to achieve them. But we have a responsibility to identify our unique purpose, to realize our dreams, and make an impact. On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks with Saul Blinkoff, filmmaker, animator, voice actor, inspirational speaker and host of The Life of Awesome podcast, about how we all have a unique purpose and with a lot of hard work, tenacity, and resilience we can achieve our dreams.
Published 07/20/22
How can we evolve relationships to have deeper meaning and better connection? It starts by learning the fundamental building blocks of exceptional relationships; feeling fully known, trusting each other, honesty, dealing with conflict productively, and committing to each other’s learning and development. On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks with Carole Robin, co-author of Connect: Building Exceptional Relationships with Family, Friends and Colleagues, and former...
Published 07/06/22
It’s no secret – people love their pets. Not only do we care for them, but they provide companionship like no other and have a positive impact on our daily lives. On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks with Mark Cushing, founder and CEO of the Animal Policy Group, and author of Pet Nation on the evolution of the human-animal bond, and how our love for our pets has ignited a cultural transformation.
Published 06/22/22
When the pandemic hit in 2020, we all experienced feelings of disconnection from our co-workers, friends, families, communities, and even ourselves. We learned the importance of human connection. We learned that we can still all show up for our community. And most importantly, we learned that we need to take care of ourselves to be able to take care of others.  On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks with Shelly Tygielski, founder of Pandemic of Love, author of Sit...
Published 06/08/22
Some of us live as two people, who we are at home and who we are at work. But our work and our lives don't have to be two separate identities. The key to bringing our whole selves to work every day is tossing out the myth that emotions don't belong in the workplace. When we learn to embrace our emotions at work, we not only allow our most authentic selves to shine, but also create a more human workplace for our colleagues. On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks...
Published 05/18/22
You are what you eat. A saying we’re all familiar with, but when putting to practice, we hardly know where to start. How do we turn old food habits into methodical choices that truly fuel our bodies and minds? On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks with Shannon Allen, creator of Grown, the first ever 100% USDA organic certified fast food restaurant with a drive thru, on how focusing on real, single ingredient foods can have an impact on many aspects of our...
Published 05/04/22
We all want to be happy, but we may be trained to value success over happiness. How do we break the cycle to prioritize happiness in our own lives? The answer to solving for happiness might be clearer than you think. On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks with Mo Gawdat, former Chief Business Officer of Google X, author of Solve for Happy and Scary Smart, engineer, and podcast host on how we can solve the equation to our own happiness from the perspective of an...
Published 04/27/22
When we’re hurt by others, we have the choice to forgive or hold onto a grudge. We often think of forgiveness as a gift we give someone who has done us wrong, but forgiveness is just as impactful to the giver. The act of forgiving is good for your health. On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks with Dr. Fred Luskin, a world leading researcher and teacher about forgiveness and the author of the best-selling books, Forgive for Good and Forgive for Love, about why...
Published 04/13/22
When you think about success in your job, what do you think about? Meeting deadlines, outperforming targets, fixing systematic issues? All of these may point to high performance. However, they fall short of some of the vital and often overlooked ways we should measure success like our own happiness. On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks with Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar, an international renowned teacher and author in the fields of happiness and leadership, about the...
Published 04/06/22
We often overlook one of the most important relationships we have in our life. The relationship with ourselves. On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks with Nataly Kogan, emotional fitness expert, founder and CEO of Happier, and author of “The Awesome Human Project: Break Free from Daily Burnout, Struggle Less, and Thrive More in Work and Life”, about how to look at ourselves and others through the lens of our awesome humanity by strengthening five emotional...
Published 03/23/22
Relationships are vital to our health and well-being. However, with the rise of technology and social distancing in a worldwide pandemic, our human-to-human connections have suffered, especially in the workplace. On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks with Susan McPherson, serial connector, seasoned communicator, founder and CEO of McPherson Strategies, and author of “The Lost Art of Connecting: The Gather, Ask, Do Method for Building Meaningful Relationships”,...
Published 03/09/22
Think about some of the best leaders you’ve known in your career. Were they great listeners, empathetic, cared about your and others well-being, and had your back? On this episode, Deloitte Chief Well-being Officer Jen Fisher talks with Dr. Dan Goleman, psychologist and author of the bestseller, “Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships”, about the importance of emotional intelligence throughout the workplace. 
Published 02/23/22