WRITE life | Episode 5 Write your Dreams
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Hello lovely, Here we are ep#5. How are you? Thanks for tuning in. Holy heck, I love that you are taking the time to listen.  ♡ This week: an extra-special podcast review I had to share, a quick gratitude re-cap/reminder.... On my mind: accepting what is... (so powerful) On the page: It's time to write. Let's dive into writing our dreams...small, big, amazing, (possibly) impossible... onto the page. This is a 'just for fun' exercise. It's time to re-connect to your dreams. I wonder, what dreamy-dreams will flood onto your page this week! Be warned, your brain may not love your dreamy-dreams (at first). The brain likes to be efficient, safe and comfortable. It's content thinking the same thoughts, doing the same things, on REPEAT. Good news is, you are not your brain. Let's get those thoughts (and maybe blocks) out of your head and onto the page so you actually take a look at what's happening up there. Awareness is the first step to making change. Exciting stuff.  So glad you are here. xxx A thought is harmless unless we believe it. It’s not our thoughts, but our attachment to our thoughts, that causes suffering. Attaching to a thought means believing that it’s true, without inquiring. A belief is a thought that we’ve been attaching to, often for years."   – Bryon Katie
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Wondering what to do? Feeling guilty for doing things you enjoy? Feeling stuck? Tell me, how are you? Today just a few thoughts on moving 'forward' when it feels like the whole world has been locked shut. As always I'd love to hear your thoughts. Send me a dm on Insta @kimklassen or pop...
Published 03/31/20
Today, I received the loveliest audio messages in my Instagram DM's. They made me cry. (in a good way) Thank you to Rosa @alifeofwhimsey and Jo @redhouseinthewoods for inspiring this podcast and allowing me to share a little snippet of your message here. ♡  
Published 03/25/20