14. The Single Most Essential WRITE Practice (a call to action)
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Today...the WRITE practice that can change your life. On My Mind We start with a story. How my Monday Magic Zoom call with Xanthe wasn't quite magical. (or maybe it was). A call to consider who your Xanthe is? Do you have a safe friend to connect and share your dreams and desires? A friend who 'gets you'...no matter what? We will dig deeper into this in an upcoming episode. In the meantime, if you're not quite sure who this is or who this could be, I invite you to get on the page, plant the seed and expect she/he will find you. Some of my dearest soul-friends are far away, but thanks to the wonders of tech we can chat every day. Just when you least expect it you may find that person. The how is none of your business. Last fall I went to a life coach training and met the most amazing friend. We 'walk and talk' and zoom lots. We GET each other completely. If I didn't take that leap and book that flight... I never ever would have met her. You just never know! Ok...so after my funky Monday and Tuesday too...came Wednesday. I asked the page 'I wonder what can I do to get out of this funk?' "I wonder"….. is a powerful way to start your daily writing. Anyhow the answer came (not immediately on the page). It was after, in the shower. The best answers come on the page, the shower or on my walks. How 'bout you? The answer: was NOT do this or more of that… it was…. give yourself some grace, take some time to be still and recharge today And so I did.  I stayed home most of the day. On my bed, surrounded by books and paper, pens. my Mac. I didn’t leave til my late afternoon walk. I wrote, I read, I studied, I dreamed, I mind-mapped. My word, how I needed that. Do you give yourself time to re-charge? What are your no matter whats in life? Hang tight for a future episode on getting clear on your no-matter-whats? You must know this, my friend. On the Page Anyhow, This me-time lead me back to Julia Cameron’s work - The Artist way. She invites us to write 3 long-hand pages every day. Morning Pages This is what I am begging encouraging you to do? Daily stream of consciousness writing on the page every day… 3 pages… in the morning…. Will you join me? Question: If you knew this practice could change your life, bring you more clarity, peace, positivity…. creativity…. Would you do it? I believe it truly can. You can decide to go all in and believe this too. Join me…. let’s do this….. Let’s change our lives. Your Questions I get this question a lot. 'Kim, I'm scared someone may read my writing. Any suggestions?' Suggestions loopy, overlapping handwriting... or goodnotes/notability on your iPad or tablet using the Apple pencil or stylus. Speaking of Goodnotes part of my daily write practice is a daily affirmation (written 25 times). I do this in Goodnotes on my iPad. (watch for a video on this in the soon to launch WRITE life resource library.) The Write tools & Links Join the WRITE life Challenge wait list Julia Cameron Artist Way Good notes APP Notability APP
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