32. are you quitting on yourself
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in this episode... Oh my word, why oh why do we do this?
October hits and we put our goals, dreams and desires on hold...
cause you know... 'it's the holiday!' 3 months of the year. Poof. Gone! Today have a listen. I truly believe this is a message so many of us need to hear. In today's episode: First a recap from last week's all the things.
It seemed to resonate deeply with so many of you. Thank you for your messages. The podcast name will be changing soon...and the content will be expanding.
Not to worry, WRITE will still be a big part of this and much more. All the things.

Stay tuned. This week...we're talking giving up.

Quitting on yourself...during the holidays.

I really believe this is a must listen. Be sure to listen through to the end...
where I share an special invitation to join me for my new class reWRITE. Class starts November 11th.
Click HERE to join before November 4th and save $50 In a nutshell here's the class outline: Launches with an interactive LIVE session. (bring your journal) Monday - Friday writing prompts (audio messages from me to you). Mid-Class LIVE to check in and keep on track. Ends with a LIVE wrap party. BONUS:
follow-up LIVE in January to keep us all on track. Are you ready for a reWRITE? Pre-launch sign-up HERE and save $50 (offer ends November 4th)   sign up here: https://learn.kimklassen.com/rewrite-sign-up-for-the-action-takers/   read more here:https://kimklassen.com/are-you-quitting-on-yourself-and-a-special-invite-to-rewrite/
More Episodes
Wondering what to do? Feeling guilty for doing things you enjoy? Feeling stuck? Tell me, how are you? Today just a few thoughts on moving 'forward' when it feels like the whole world has been locked shut. As always I'd love to hear your thoughts. Send me a dm on Insta @kimklassen or pop...
Published 03/31/20
Today, I received the loveliest audio messages in my Instagram DM's. They made me cry. (in a good way) Thank you to Rosa @alifeofwhimsey and Jo @redhouseinthewoods for inspiring this podcast and allowing me to share a little snippet of your message here. ♡  
Published 03/25/20