A disheartened listener
First, I want to show appreciation to you both for planning and sharing an enjoyable show. I gained some insight and loved the discussion and delivery of information. I am a recently married husband and stumbled upon this podcast on Instagram and decided to give a listen. My only issue is with the business model of this podcast. I am an avid podcast listener and from the many I have heard, some with thousands of followers and experience with delivering information in this format; I have never come across a podcast that charges for episodes in a premium format. I hate to say, this was discouraging and kept me from subscribing and sharing as it seems content is intentionally left out to be purchased in the premium model. Not only was the premium content for purchase, the prices are higher than large corporations like Amazon, Netflix and Apple who invest millions of dollars in content creation for their customers. I do not send this message to disparage in anyway. So I hope this is not received as such. I am only leaving a comment because I care an want to support people of my hue more than anyone. This model however, has unfortunately made it hard for me to do so. I’m not sure how much feedback you have gotten on this and if you have used the lean startup method when creating this podcast. Customer interviews of current or possible listeners could be beneficial in that regard if you have not already done so. And if I am wrong and you are seeing success and growth from this biz model please disregard and continue as planned and you will certainly have my prayers because I want you to succeed either way. I just had to share my thoughts on the premium content as I was surprised to see a model like this in the podcast world. Please take a look at podcasts like “earn your leisure” or tim Ferris podcast, who have ads biz model, or clubs where if you donate you receive certain things. Some podcasts also have classes and workshops like you have setup. Either way , in all of the above, content is so good that a listener feels compelled to support in this way. But In my opinion this works better when the original content is free. Thank you for putting this out in the world though and I hope you gain success and follow your instincts along the way!
Focused 02 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 02/10/20
More reviews of Young Black Married Christian
I see no flaws here. Keep it up.
Seekwill via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 09/18/19
We can operate in marriage through feelings so often rather through God!!! This podcast is a reminder that God should be the CENTER of the marriage and the benefits of operating that way!!! It is a blessing!!
meaganxo via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 07/25/20
I’ve been listening to the podcast for a few months and am so happy to find content that speaks to me as a newlywed. The hosts are engaging and transparent and I appreciate the biblical approach to the topics. And not just a random verse to start things off and then giving their opinions, but...Read full review »
jamharris via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 05/29/20
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