像短篇小說的歌詞--Same Old Lang Syne
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什麼歌詞可以寫得像短篇小說?這首歌竟然有這麼多歌詞寫作寶藏可以研究!! 本集重點 1.民謠歌曲的歌詞特性 2.作者如何冷靜、節制的塑造男女主角的個性 3.什麼器官可以寫進歌詞裡 什麼不行(?!) 中英文歌詞對照 擷取自網友:救世主談話論:https://reurl.cc/XWE84D Met my old lover in the grocery store 在雜貨店遇見了舊情人 The snow was falling Christmas Eve 那是下著雪的耶誕節夜 I stole behind her in the frozen foods 我在冷凍食品區悄悄走到她背後 And I touched her on the sleeve 碰了一下她的袖子 She didn't recognize the face at first 起初她沒認出我來 But then her eyes flew open wide 但接著她突然睜大眼睛 She went to hug me and she spilled her purse 過來擁抱我,她的錢包掉落地上 And we laughed until we cried 我們就這樣笑到淚水滑落 We took her groceries to the checkout stand 我們把她買的東西拿到櫃檯 The food was totalled up and bagged 食物都被裝袋結帳 We stood there lost in our embarrassment 我們尷尬的站在那兒  As the conversation dragged 就這樣有一搭沒一搭的談著 We went to have ourselves a drink or two 於是想去喝個兩杯 But couldn't find an open bar 卻找不到一家營業的酒吧 We bought a six-pack at the liquor store 於是到了酒店買了六瓶裝的啤酒 And we drank it in her car 在她車上喝了起來 We drank a toast to innocence 我們為純真乾杯 We drank a toast to now 為此刻乾杯 And tried to reach beyond the emptiness 我們試著超越這份空虛 But neither one knew how 卻無能為力 She said she'd married her an architect 她說她嫁給了一個建築師 Who kept her warm and safe and dry 使她的生活飽暖無虞 She would have liked to say she loved the man 她很想說自己很愛那個男人 But she didn't like to lie 卻又不想說謊 I said the years had been a friend to her 我說歲月待他如友,一點也沒變 And that her eyes were still as blue 迷人的雙眼碧藍如昔 But in those eyes I wasn't sure if I saw 但我不確定在她眼裡看到的 Doubt or gratitude 是懷疑還是感激 She said she saw me in the record stores 她說她在唱片行裡看到了我(的專輯) And that I must be doing well 說我一定過得很好 I said the audience was heavenly 我說聽眾使你置身天堂 But the traveling was hell 但為演唱旅行卻身處地獄 We drank a toast to innocence 我們為純真乾杯 We drank a toast to now 為此刻乾杯 And tried to reach beyond the emptiness 我們試著超越這份空虛 But neither one knew how 卻無能為力 We drank a toast to innocence 我們為純真乾杯 We drank a toast to time 為時光乾杯 Reliving in our eloquence 我們侃侃而談的像回到過去 Another 'auld lang syne'... 另一首驪歌(美好的昔日情景)... The beer was empty and our tongues were tired 啤酒喝完了,唇舌也累了 And running out of things to say 也沒什麼話題可聊了 She gave a kiss to me as I got out 我下車時,他給了我一個吻 And I watched her drive away 看著她開車離去 Just for a moment I was back at school 那一刻我彷彿又回到了校園 And felt that old familiar pain 感覺到那熟悉的痛楚 And as I turned to make my way back home 當我轉身踏上回家的路 The snow turned into rain 雪,竟轉變成了雨..... 喜歡我的歌詞分析,歡迎來這裡上我的「歌詞,原來這樣寫才對」數位課程 https://reurl.cc/xGQxl5 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Published 05/30/24
留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckk6fjn4p4r4o0889sjim05sd/comments 本集重點: *從邦喬飛在Disney+紀錄片 「Good Bye,Good Night」說邦喬飛樂團的近況 *Slippery when wet專輯分析 *New Jersery專輯分析 *Keep the Faith專輯分析 *FB粉專:https://www.facebook.com/songscanhelp/ *合作或寫信給我:[email protected]...
Published 05/30/24
本集重點: 一、「絕美」創作、製作手法分析 二、什麼是好的唱片製作物 三、艾薇的下一步要怎麼走 如果您喜歡我們的節目,請多留言與我們交流,支持我們繼續創作優質的節目 *FB粉專:https://www.facebook.com/songscanhelp/ *合作或寫信給我:[email protected] *歡迎來這裡上我的「歌詞,原來這樣寫才對」數位課程:bit.ly/3IW3s9j Powered by Firstory Hosting
Published 09/05/23