Constipation Morning Routine
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Constipation Morning Routine Before you even get out of bed we can start your constipation morning routine with some simple and effective constipation yoga to pull and pressurize the ascending and descending colon. This will help to move the stool along and encourage your bowel movement in the morning. When you get out of bed we will continue with some gentle stretching to lengthen and relax the colon to make elimination of your bowels easier. Moving into the bathroom, I will show you a simple dry skin brushing technique that you can use before you get into the shower to increase the circulation to your digestive organs. In the kitchen we will start our day with: 1 tsp of olive oil to line our digestive tract and encourage elimination Warm Lemon Water which promotes peristalsis (this means the contraction of the muscles in your colon, keeping waste moving out of your body) and Overnight Oats. Oats are loaded with soluble fiber, so more water remains in the stool. Stool is softer and larger and easier to pass. If you would like my 3 Favorite Breakfast Recipes to Beat Constipation this Summer CLICK HERE and I will be sure to send it to you!