O.G. Young American Alec Dent returns to the show for a discussion of No Time To Die: Its Millennial character, whether it succumbed to wokeness, whether modern pop culture will allow the continued existence of James Bond, and more.
Published 10/17/21
RealClearPolitics White House correspondent Phil Wegmann (note the second ‘n’) joins Jack to dish on his, er…fourth-row seat witnessing the struggles of the Biden administration. They also chat about Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Aristotle, and . . . drinking water? Give it a listen.
Published 09/29/21
On the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Jack brings Nic Rowan back to the show for a conversation about the day: Their memories of it as it happened, the cultural effects, its ultimate historical legacy, and more.
Published 09/11/21
Wisconsin teacher and fellow Millennial/runner Daniel Buck joins Jack to discuss some of the challenges of being an educator in a time of coronavirus and wokeness.
Published 08/30/21
Young Northern Irishman Cameron Hilditch returns to the show to swat away resurgent fantasies about 20th-century Portugese dictator Antonio Salazar.
Published 08/18/21
Jack brings back his NR colleague Isaac Schorr to examine what the heck is going on with the schism at the College Republican National Committee.
Published 07/31/21
With Jack temporarily out of the news cycle, he asks Brady Holmer, his fitness-expert friend and fellow runner and podcast host, to talk about something a bit removed from the headlines (though not entirely): America’s obesity epidemic. They discuss how bad it is, how it got so bad, and what, if anything, can be done […]
Published 07/17/21
With everyone talking about Big  Tech these days, Jack brings on his National Review colleague Daniel Tenreiro to discuss whether the companies are monopolies, what (if anything) should be done about their business practices, which anti-Big-Tech arguments hold water and which don’t, and more.
Published 06/30/21
Jack Butler brings his National Review colleague Jimmy Quinn back to the show to attempt to solve the dual problem of corporations that advance left-wing pieties at home but roll over for the Chinese Communist Party abroad (and also at home).
Published 06/18/21
Jack brings his National Review colleague Cameron Hilditch back to the show and attempts to force him to take a side on the plausibility of recent UFO revelations. The two then ponder the theological implications of possible extraterrestrial life, and wonder whether one should baptize an extraterrestrial.
Published 05/30/21
Isaac Schorr returns to go over the somewhat dispiriting results of a YAF poll that revealed the extent of young people’s liberalism, and to try to figure out what, if anything, can be done about it.
Published 05/10/21
Madeleine Kearns rejoins Jack to discuss her problems with the growing marijuana industry, one that would rather ignore a growing body of evidence that the increasingly popular and legal drug has some serious negative consequences for users.
Published 04/16/21
Jack is joined by his National Review colleague Mark Antonio Wright, who, in the course of his (relatively) young life, has spent time living in Mexico, roughnecking in oil fields, serving in the Marines, and, now, attempting to give advice to young people with his new “Vitruvian Life” column for NRO. If you’re a young […]
Published 04/01/21
After a long delay for which he offers profuse apologies, Jack returns to the podcast with his National Review colleague Isaac Schorr to mock Joe Biden’s goals for a return to normal life (maybe the Fourth of July? Are you kidding?), goals that seem disconnected from reality but definitely connected to the now year-long pattern […]
Published 03/16/21
Jack brings on Reason editor Robby Soave to discuss the struggle (against . . . teachers?) to reopen schools, and the terrible consequences for kids — you know, the people the schools are supposed to be for — of their being closed.
Published 01/30/21
Jack interviews Andrew Egger and Audrey Fahlberg, two writers for The Dispatch who witnessed the chaos at Capitol Hill last Wednesday firsthand, to get a full account of what happened.
Published 01/15/21
For the last episode of 2020, Jack goes shockingly topical, inviting his friend Noah Weinrich, a Georgia native, to discuss and — with some cajoling — predict what will happen in his home state’s upcoming Senate runoff elections.
Published 12/28/20
Jack brings on his National Review colleague Alexandra DeSanctis to discuss why Pornhub is evil, and what we can do about it and the broader pornography epidemic, even as porn itself grows in social acceptability.
Published 12/12/20
With the tenth anniversary of Kanye West’s album My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy upon us, Jack takes the opportunity to discuss the music and the persona of its creator with Kanye enthusiast George Messenger.
Published 12/01/20
Taking a break from politics, Jack brings back his friend, budding exercise scientist Brady Holmer, to talk about what the “runner’s high” really is, how it doesn’t mean that running is all hunky-dory, and how to deal with running-related setbacks.
Published 11/16/20
Don’t let the rancor of the election mislead you: America is awesome. But sometimes it takes an outsider to be truly persuasive, so Jack brings on his National Review colleague Cameron Hilditch, currently living in Northern Ireland, to explain why he loves America and why its critics are mistaken. Along the way, they also converse […]
Published 10/31/20
Jack brings on Citizens’ Climate Lobby Conservative Fellow Nate Hochman to hear out Nate’s case for a conservative climate change agenda.
Published 10/12/20
If young conservatives are our future, should we sell our bonds? Former Cornell University College Republicans president and current National Review ISI Fellow talks about campus conservatism and assesses the current debate about the future of the right, particularly as it pertains to young people.
Published 10/01/20
Does the cancellation of 18th-century philosopher David Hume portend ill for the future of Western civilization? Jack brings his National Review colleague Daniel Tenreiro on to discuss.
Published 09/19/20
Jack brings back his now-colleague Madeleine Kearns to discuss Harry Potter and the increasingly un-woke status of the books’ author, J.K. Rowling (increasingly, to the left, She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named).
Published 08/31/20