If you want to stay healthy and live longer, you should be incorporating NAD into your health regimen. Whether that's intravenous, intranasal, or oral, NAD taps into the mitochondrial theory of aging and can turn back the clock within your cells. But what about NAD and your skin? Well, there are now products that utilize the power of NAD, peptides, and more to regenerate skin cells — essentially reversing the effects of aging. Our guest today is an entrepreneur in the biohacking and beauty...
Published 01/04/24
Stress, mood, focus, sleep, energy, short-term memory — most of us have issues with some or all of these and dysregulated brainwaves may be the cause. Our guest today is here to help you optimize your brainpower utilizing neuromodulation modalities, including brain mapping, neurofeedback, neurostimulation, and photobiomodulation. This is the Story of NeuroFlex with Toby Pasman. EPISODE VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS Watch the Entire EpisodeThe Importance of Brain HealthThe Brain's Hidden EnemiesWhat is...
Published 12/28/23
Your home should be a healing sanctuary. We spend about 62% of our waking hours in our homes and basically 100% of our sleeping hours there. So you'd think we would optimize our homes for health, but the opposite is often true. From invisible toxins to mold and EMFs, many of our homes are actually making us sick. Our guest today is someone who calls himself a building biologist as well as a functional medicine doctor for your home, and his mission is to improve the health and lives of all...
Published 12/21/23
A parent's physical and mental well-being plays a pivotal role in fostering an environment conducive to their child's growth. In the realm of parenting, it is not merely a supportive role but a cornerstone for success, particularly when raising children with special needs. Our guest today speaks from experience — she is the mother of a non-verbal autistic child. She knows how important it is for a parent to stay healthy to ensure neurodiverse children reach their full potential. This is the...
Published 12/14/23
It's really unfortunate, but a lot of health issues we see today start in the mouth and they're the direct result of actions taken when in the dentist's office. From mercury fillings to root canals, we may have made the choice to receive dental treatments that years later affect our overall health. Today we're going to find out what we can do to reclaim our health, even if we've already made those choices – and it's going to start in your mouth. This is the Story of Biological Dentistry 2.0...
Published 12/07/23
Sound plays an incredibly important role in human health. Whether it’s sound played on an instrument or a frequency produced through a device, they both offer healing benefits. Our guest today will share how you can achieve better rest, less stress, improved performance, and a clear mind anytime, anywhere via their wearable device. This is the Story of HUSO with Bill Flanagan. EPISODE VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS Watch the Entire EpisodeThe Evolution of HUSO's Innovative Sound TherapyExploring HUSO's...
Published 11/30/23
GMO. If those three little letters scare you, you're not alone. Our guest today has been on a mission for over two decades to uncover the health risks of genetically engineered foods. We'll discuss the real dangers of the next generation of GMOs, including gene editing and the potential release of genetically engineered microorganisms. This is the Story of GMO 2.0 with Jeffrey Smith. EPISODE VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS Watch the Entire EpisodeThe Health Impact of GMOs and RoundupGlyphosate, GMOs and...
Published 11/23/23
Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation, or EBOO for short. While it sounds very complicated, this integrative therapy stands at the forefront of oxidative treatments and boasts vast health benefits, especially for those suffering from infectious diseases. Our guest today is a family medicine physician who is passionate about helping others in a compassionate and effective manner, combining the best of allopathic medicine in conjunction with an integrative and holistic healing...
Published 11/16/23
We live in a pretty toxic world. They are in the food we eat, the water we drink, the clothes we wear, and the majority of products we use. But are they really that bad and aren't we equipped to deal with toxins? Our guest today is a scientist and a dad on a mission to help people live healthier lives by making simple changes to their daily routines and to educate the masses about how to live a toxin-free life. This is the Story of the NonToxic Dad with Warren Phillips. EPISODE VIDEO...
Published 11/09/23
Many people aren’t aware there is a therapy available that takes what is already within us and can address the underlying causes of conditions, such as inflammation and immune system imbalances. Our guest today is here to share new research on the regenerative properties of platelets for individuals grappling with persistent symptoms and related co-infections of long-haul COVID, Lyme disease, mold exposure, and more. This is the Story of IV Platelet Therapy with Tapley Holland. EPISODE...
Published 11/02/23
The word metabolomics may not mean much to you right now, but it may just be the future of medicine. Today's guest is here to demystify this emerging field of science and show how it can help usher in a more precise version of personalized medicine. This is the Story of Theriome with Dr. Paniz Jasbi. EPISODE VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS Watch the Entire EpisodeThe Power of Metabolomics in Personalized HealthcareMetabolomics Testing Redefined: The Evolution of the AristotleConsumer and Medical Community...
Published 10/26/23
Life for many seems to be getting more hectic and crazy by the minute. But what if we were given the opportunity to take a break and recharge in our own personal meditation pod? Our guest today is an entrepreneur, artist, and musician who has a passion for enhancing well-being and productivity. With over two decades of experience in the startup world, he's recently ventured into the world of meditation with a unique twist, all within the confines of a quiet and private pod. This is the...
Published 10/19/23
Imagine waking up in the middle of the night and feeling like your heart is beating out of your chest, only to get a workup from your conventional doctor that shows nothing is wrong. Not very comforting, especially if those symptoms persisted. Maybe even got worse. Well if you're from Texas like our guest is, you go big or go home. This is the Story of Healing Texas Style with Cameron Cole.  EPISODE VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS The Story of Healing Texas Style with Cameron ColeAnxiety or Something...
Published 10/12/23
What happens when you're cut off from all outside stimulation, including sound, sight, and even gravity? Floatation therapy, also known as sensory deprivation, isn't exactly new, but it's making a comeback in the health and wellness space and it's an effective method to improve mental and emotional balance, as well as many other things. Our guest today, a lifelong martial artist and performance coach was on the search for finding the most effective recovery therapy, and found it by...
Published 10/05/23
Let’s face it, stress is unavoidable. But when left untreated and infiltrates our lives, it can ruin your sleep, immune health, your ability to think and concentrate, even your mental health; basically every aspect of your life. But a new suite of tools is now available that induces a state of natural calm through vagal nerve stimulation. This is the Story of Neuvana with Ami Brannon. NEUVANA PRODUCT DISCOUNT Use code INNOMED for a 10% discount off any Neuvana Xen Box Set or Xen Bundle...
Published 09/28/23
We're in the golden age of medical technology. Today, the ideas and discoveries of great minds of the past such as Einstein, Lahkovsky, Fritz Albert Popp, and many others are being turned into reality. Our guest today is a reformed ER physician who is now combining advanced bioenergetic science with the wisdom of the ancients in a device that truly turns heads. This is the Story of the Ammortal Chamber with Dr. Jeremy Stich. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: Watch the Entire EpisodeFrom ER Physician to...
Published 09/21/23
Over 20% of Americans are reportedly living with chronic pain that lowers their quality of life. And for most, the only options available are steroids, painkillers, or surgery. Our guest today has developed extensive protocols and workshops to help treat chronic pain and inflammation by targeting the lymphatic and vascular systems. He is a chiropractic physician and master fitness trainer with over 25 years of experience in the health industry. This is the Story of Stop Chasing Pain with Dr....
Published 09/14/23
What does the typical doctor do when diagnosed with an incurable illness? Usually they resign themselves to the fate of a conventional treatment by another doctor. But our guest today is a former plastic surgeon who went a different path and underwent an extreme lifestyle overhaul to fight and beat cancer. This is the Story of Beating Cancer Naturally with Dr. Dominic Brandy.  EPISODE VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS Watch the Entire EpisodeBeating Incurable Cancer: A Doctor's Journey to Recovery Through...
Published 09/07/23
Have you ever felt lost, unfulfilled, stuck and stagnant, almost like you were living in the movie Groundhog Day, with no way to break yourself free? Our guest today is an Author and Spiritual Psychology Coach who specializes in getting people "unstuck" by tapping into their own innate Divine Intelligence. This is the Story of Self-Mastery with Donna Bond. EPISODE VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS Watch the Entire EpisodeWhat is Spiritual Psychology?Healing Requires Change on All Levels of...
Published 08/31/23
Today's podcast is about light. See, there's all kinds of light - sunlight gives us life, and other types of light like UVC can make us sick. But what about using light to heal from some of today's most common ailments - especially ones focused on the brain? Today, we have the privilege of diving into the extraordinary world of transcranial photobiomodulation. This is the Story of Healing the Brain with Light with Dr. Michael Ellenburg. EPISODE VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS Watch the Entire EpisodeWhat...
Published 08/24/23
What makes a doctor great? Board certifications and specialties? Or curiosity and commitment to personalized care? Our guest today is one of the few doctors dedicated to expanding her toolkit and offering all available treatment options to her patients. This is the Story of Bioenergetic Medicine with Dr. Ashley Salomon.  CONNECT WITH DR. ASHLEY SALOMON  Website - Salomon Center LA Instagram (Dr. Ashley Salomon)Instagram (Dr. Ashley Health)FacebookCONNECT WITH INNOVATIVE MEDICINE Website...
Published 08/17/23
Our bodies are equipped with some amazing pathways for detoxification. But sometimes those channels become a little bit overwhelmed and we need some support. Well, that's exactly what our guest has spent the last 30 years doing. She's an expert practitioner and lead instructor of the International School for Colon Hydrotherapy.  This is the Story of Cleansing Colonics with Cathy Shea. CONNECT WITH INNOVATIVE MEDICINE Website Instagram Facebook YouTube CONNECT WITH CASPAR SZULC ...
Published 08/10/23
A number of Lyme disease patients report never having seen a tick or any signs of a bite. Today's guest experienced just that, going from being a young, vibrant construction manager and home builder to mysteriously becoming constantly fatigued with severe nervous system dysfunction. After some conventional treatment and clinical attempts to eradicate Lyme, he was told he'd just have to live with the disease. Fortunately, he didn't buy into that narrative. Instead, he found the New York Center...
Published 08/03/23
Unbeknownst to many, cellular communication is at the core of human health, and our cells know when we're in danger. But what happens when our cells are unable to turn off their response to stress after encountering a threat? To walk us through the powerful survival mechanisms of ourselves, we're speaking with a specialist in functional medicine and preventive healthcare, who also happens to be a doctor of pharmacy.  This is the Story of the Cell Danger Response with Dr. John Kim. CONNECT...
Published 07/27/23
Electromagnetic fields. They're everywhere – and harmful not only because of their ionizing radiation, but also for their ability to activate all sorts of pathogens, including yeast, fungus, mold, bacteria, and even parasites. Our guest today is a Board Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist returning for her second appearance – and we're going to discuss the relationship between toxins, parasites, as well as her tricks for cleansing parasites for healthier skin. This is the Story of EMFs,...
Published 07/20/23