Kacia Fitzgerald, multi-passionate entrepreneur, speaker, podcaster, and CEO, teaches us how to claim confidence by making deposits into our confidence bucket during all seasons of life, no matter what negativity or challenges we face.
Published 02/23/22
Kelley Tyan, Accountability Coach, and the podcast host and author of Addicted To The Climb, shares how we can claim healthy habits that are sustainable and easy to execute.
Published 02/16/22
Brianne Davis is a Hollywood actress, host of the Secret Life Podcast, and author of Secret Life of a Hollywood Sex and Love Addict. Sex and love addiction is an illness that affects 6% of the US population. Of that 6%, 37% or 5.5 million are women. Brianne shares openly how she quit living in secret, claimed her truth, and now uses her experience and newfound knowledge to help others.
Published 02/09/22
Life is short. Live it! We've all experienced losing a loved one too soon or a health scare that makes us reevaluate what's truly important in life. Every year on our birthday, we reflect on where we are, where we thought we'd be, and where we'd like to go. Every day we wake up and get to do this thing called life is a special occasion. Create a Live List, a list of experiences or achievements you hope to accomplish in your lifetime—when the opportunity presents, walk through the door. It's...
Published 02/02/22
Dominique D'Vita is a Transformational Tantra Coach and Nurse. Her mission is to help you live life fully from a place of magic, love, and abundance. She teaches you how to get off while getting the most out of life. She believes by blending science and spirituality, we can better understand our bodies, respect ourselves, and deepen our connections with our partners.
Published 01/26/22
No matter what season of life you're in, you don't have to go through it alone. At times we crave support, an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, and someone who can relate to what we're going through. This support may not come from our closest friends or family members. It may come from a complete stranger who then becomes a friend. Cue the magic of the universe, bringing the right people into your life at the right time, resulting in community.
Published 01/19/22
Have you ever questioned why something in your life is happening? You're sad, mad, or even frustrated because the story isn't playing out how you envisioned. It becomes clear why "that thing" didn't work out in your favor as time passes. Cue Erin. Last January, she manifested her dream man. She envisioned marriage, kids, the whole nine with him. That fairytale she conjured in her head came to a screeching halt. Erin grieves the loss of a partner/best friend as she claims courage to do...
Published 12/22/21
Angie Lee is a hype woman for the multi-passionate, a health hacker, and the host of the Angie Lee Show. Her podcast has millions of downloads. She's built her wellness brand, Soul CBD into an 8-figure business. She's an inspiration to many, a role model to Erin, not only for these accomplishments but more so for achieving success while staying true to herself. Angie owns her weird, embraces her inner Baby Grandma, and maneuvers through life being her true, authentic self.
Published 12/15/21
What if, as girls, we were equipped for the real world? What if we grew up not being told to be "good girls" but rather powerful girls? Melody Pourmoradi, empowerment coach, author, and host of The Empowering Her podcast is on a mission to engrain these principles into girls, starting with her own twin daughters. Her goal is for girls and women to know that they are powerful beyond measure and that they can create a life that lights them up from the inside out.
Published 12/01/21
Do you avoid sharing your hopes, dreams, and desires with others in fear that they'll want the same and perhaps experience or attain them before you do? If you desire to claim more abundance in your life and ditch feelings of jealousy and envy, join Erin for this solo episode as she helps you self-reflect on these five areas of your life: relationships, career, wealth, health, and pure happiness. Erin introduces her three-part series, New Year New Mindset, which will help you create a solid...
Published 11/24/21
Aimee Miles is a Shamanic Healer who specializes in Holistic Health. She became awakened to her spiritual connection and touched by the shamanic vibration. After meeting her spirit animal and shamanic guide, she answered the calling, becoming a certified Shamanic Practitioner. Aimee claimed healing in her life so she could pay it forward and help others do the same.
Published 11/17/21
JaMarr John Johnson, entrepremedian and transformative speaker, opens up about his traumatic childhood. His last memory of his father was at three. Shortly after, his father was murdered, and his mother began looking for love in all the wrong places. She became addicted to drugs, leaving JaMarr feeling responsible for his siblings as they navigated living estranged from their mother. He shares the pivotal moment in which he recognized he was put in this world for more, describes how his...
Published 11/10/21
Tiphany Kane, host of the Love & Life After Divorce podcast, shares her story of leaving behind the religion she was born into and moving cross-country at twenty to pursue a fresh start. After relocating, Tiphany fell in love and married. She describes the moment she realized her now ex-husband was not her person. She also depicts what it was like to escape her abusive marriage and realign with her authentic self, knowing that meant starting over again. Her story comes full circle as...
Published 11/02/21
Is there someone in your life, maybe an ex, that you haven't forgiven? Or perhaps you're punishing yourself for an action or a choice you made in the past? Forgiveness is 100% about your own healing process and allowing you the freedom to move forward. Join Erin for this solo episode as she recollects a time in which she learned how to claim forgiveness. Disclaimer: This episode contains discussions about Erin's life when she did not exercise sound judgment. She has great remorse for...
Published 10/26/21
Gabi Conti, Hollywire host, author of the book Twenty Guys You Date In Your Twenties, and contributing writer for Cosmo, shares her story as she claims self-love. After investing over 10,000 hours in dating, going on 30 dates in 3 days, recognizing a pattern of codependency, and experiencing her fair share of heartbreak, Gabi realized she needed to look inward and fall in love with herself first.
Published 10/19/21
Kristy Katzmann, host of the She’s Unscripted podcast, former Bachelor contestant, and the lead from Fox’s Labor of Love, shares her story as she claims self-worth. Kristy is on a journey of self-reclamation. She realized that she had lost herself somewhere along the way, trying to be the perfect woman, trying to live up to the standards and expectations of others. She is working toward embracing her authentic self and realizing that she is enough.
Published 10/12/21
I wish that I had let myself be happier is one of the top five regrets of the dying. When was the last time you were truly happy? If you desire to live a happier, more fulfilled life, join Erin for this solo episode as she shares the five things she's implemented into her life that have allowed her to claim happiness.
Published 10/05/21
She was documenting her Tinder nightmares, Bumble blunders, and Hinge cringey moments on this very podcast. Erin was determined to crack the code to dating, to figure out how to get from app life to monogamy. Did she find the right lure in her tackle box to set the hook and reel in the catch of a lifetime? Tune in to find out.
Published 09/21/21
That's a wrap! You're Such a Catch Season 2 has officially come to an end.
Published 07/20/21
Julie, a You're Such a Catch Listener, asks Erin, how long should my boyfriend and I date before we get engaged, or how long should I give him to propose?
Published 07/13/21
Why is it that we always deem other people worthy of getting the girl, the job, or whatever outcome we desire? Maybe we don't even try or put ourselves out there because we're afraid of rejection, but we'll never know if we don't try. What if we changed our mindset to, why not me? Dion McGill, Host of Off The Beaten Podcast, joins Erin to discuss this change of perspective, his dating life, and what it's been like to launch and grow his podcast alongside You're Such a Catch.
Published 07/07/21
Single Ladies, this episode is for you! Erin walks you through the 5 most common limiting thoughts we have as women for why we’re single and how to move past them to put yourself on a higher vibrational level. You’ll be more confident, happy and you’ll present a better version of yourself when that relationship comes your way.
Published 06/29/21
Dr. Matt advocates for improving your health today to reduce the risk of pain and illness in the future, as he described in his book: Pillars of Wellness: Achieve and Uphold Holistic Health, Vitality, and Longevity—A Natural Approach to Optimizing Your Life NOW So You Can Be Healthy 20 Years from Today.
Published 06/22/21
Feeling inspired by Cathy Heller's Your Soul's Calling, Erin chose to emulate and record this episode in the same manner that she connected with Cathy, from the heart, off the cuff, on audio and video, and through storytelling.
Published 06/15/21
Do long-distance relationships work? What about a relationship that started from a brief in-person encounter and since has been nurtured using Facetime and GIFs? It's possible, and Emma Pellegrino is proof.
Published 06/08/21