After dispatching the kind old man who turned into a toothless zombie, Craig and Jay have awoken in the morning, ready to make their move towards Layla and Faith's house. With a new day dawning, what new adventures with the plaid heroes come across? Tune in and see why 9 out of 10 dentists agree, You've Got Dead On You fights cavities!
Published 09/21/18
Craig and Jay continue their quest to save Layla and Faith, albeit without the awesome zombie killing know-how of Audy. After killing yet another zombie in the last episode, the plaid heroes are on the quest to find somewhere to stay for the night because, as Jay knows, zombies move faster at night Join us as we delve back into the world of You've Got Dead on You and the two men who show us that a zombie apocalypse doesn't mean you can't have fun
Published 09/21/18
Craig, Jay and Audy continue their quest to survive in a zombie world this episode as the three men make their way through the streets of a city gone mad. However, all is not well with our trio of awesomeness! Will Audy, Jay and Craig stay together to fight to the end? Will the men meet another dangerous zombie that they will have to dispatch in an epic manner? What new threats and random zombie facts will come up in this episode as the men try to rescue their girlfriends?
Published 09/21/18
With epic newcomer Audy, our band of heroes continues their quest to reach the home of Layla and Faith. In this episode, epic weapons make their debut and Audy realizes the folly of joining two men who have little clue of how to survive in a zombie apocalypse. Will Audy stay with our heroes, or will he hit the road to venture alone like the lone wolf he is? Will Jay and Craig find a weapon better than their shovels?
Published 09/20/18
Craig and Jay leave the wreckage of their car, with the thrashing zombie still on the hood, and begin their journey on foot to Layla and Faith's home. Along the way, they debate whether a piano leg is better than a golf club for a weapon, and they come across another survivor in a dark space. Will their journey end with this survivor
Published 09/20/18
Jay and Craig make the perilous journey from their own zombie infiltrated home to their girlfriend's. Along the way, they battle more zombies, meet a few more stressed out survivors and even get a couple of shovels. Will they make it to their destination?
Published 09/20/18
Craig and Jay learn the stable world they once knew has crumbled into a zombie apocalypse. While they debate the necessary precautions for a zombie outbreak, they receive news their girlfriends may be in trouble. Will they survive another day?
Published 09/19/18