The Feeling of Joy at Chachmei Lublin Yeshiva. Social Aspects and Interaction of Rebbe'im and Students. Shabbat and Chagim in the Yeshiva. Erev Shabbat Jews. Pre World War I Versus Post World War I. Rav Soloveitchik and his Rebbi.
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The Feeling of Joy at Chachmei Lublin Yeshiva. Social Aspects and Interaction of Rebbe'im and Students. Shabbat and Chagim in the Yeshiva. Erev Shabbat Jews. Pre World War I Versus Post World War I. Rav Soloveitchik and his Rebbi. - May 29, 2023 - Eitan Personnel Carrier. Torah vs. Western Civilization. Merge Chassidic & Litvish learning. Surviving books of Lublin Yeshiva (LY) library. Hiding payot. LY guest book. Tel Aviv: Shemirat Shabbat & kollel in Devora Hotel. Students testing each other. Curriculum. Semichah. Torah lishmah, no limit, no end. R' Shapiro: "2 students will be Rabbis, 498 will be mevinim." Beginning & development of YU. Torah Vodaath differed. No secular studies in LY or elsewhere. Telz an exception. Little pressure in Lakewood, a lot in YU. Joy in LY. Little singing in Lakewood. Erev Shabbat Jews. Friday in LY. Shabbat dress differed among the students. Waiters at meal. Purim Rav. Purim Torah was treasured. Baking matzah. Yamim nora'im: Stay in LY or go home?