Creation of Volozhin Yeshiva by Rav Chaim Volozhiner. R' Chaim's 1802 Letter. Why and How the Yeshiva Should be Created. Serving in the IDF. Opposition to the 2023 Demonstration in Washington.
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Creation of Volozhin Yeshiva by Rav Chaim Volozhiner. R' Chaim's 1802 Letter. Why and How the Yeshiva Should be Created. Serving in the IDF. Opposition to the 2023 Demonstration in Washington. - Jan 1, 2024 - R' Rakeffet's father's father. Wallet of grandson is found. תינוק שנשבה. Amalek today. Photo of Chafetz Chaim's wife. How Torah was taught in E. Europe before Volozhin. Creation of Yad Tamar Shul, Yerushalayim. History of Volozhin Yeshiva's actual building 1803-2025. אבי הישיבות by R' Dov Eliach. Overview of the Soloveichik family starting with Beit Halevi's grandfather. Warren Buffett. Prof. David Mirsky & PM Ben Gurion. .מוסדות תורה באירופה בבנינם ובחורבנם בעריכת שמואל קלמן מירסקי R' Chaim Volozhiner's 1802 letter describing his reasons for creating the yeshiva. Torah study was not organized efficiently. R' Chaim Noble. Three qualities of a good teacher: knowledge, love for his students, & talent as an actor. R' Kotler opposed attending university with one exception. Innovations of R' Chaim Volozhiner: 1) Yeshiva has its own building 2) Both teachers & students are from all over Europe, not just from the local town. 3) Funds are collected from all over Europe. Discourses on the Return to Zion & Jewish Destiny by Rav Soloveitchik, David E. Fishman, ed. Poskim who pasken that Jews in חו"ל must serve in the IDF. The Rav foresaw, in effect, the "chazir treif" comment coming.