Various Aspects of Volozhin Yeshiva: The Nature of its Students. R' Chaim's Various Roles. Attitude to Secular Education. Comparison of Chabad Yeshiva in Kishinev to Volozhin. The Roles of Emotion & Scholarship in Perpetuating Torah Judaism.
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Various Aspects of Volozhin Yeshiva: The Nature of its Students. R' Chaim's Various Roles. Attitude to Secular Education. Comparison of Chabad Yeshiva in Kishinev to Volozhin. The Roles of Emotion & Scholarship in Perpetuating Torah Judaism. - Feb 5, 2024 - Understanding Chatam Sofer's derashot in context of his time. What became of the family of Isaac Anixter of Chicago an 1879 student in Volozhin Yeshiva (VY)? Students of VY were often admitted at a very young age. Examples: R' Isser Zalman Meltzer (14) and R' Shlomo Polachek, the Meitscheter Illui (12). R' Polachek's sadness at not having a normal youth. Is baseball avodah zarah? Lack of curriculum in VY. Role of shiurim. Much greater emphasis on studying halachah in Chassidic yeshivot than in Litvish yeshivot. The impact on R' Chaim of the various roles he filled living in Volozhin. The role of his family. Study of Kabbalah in VY. Attitude to secular studies in context of the weaker presence of the Haskalah movement. Greek mythology. Attitude to pilpul in VY. The effect of World War II on frumkeit of Chassidim compared to Litvakim after the war. Arrival of Lubavitcher Rebbe in New York. ר' נחום שמריהו ששונקין: His spiritual move from Lita to Chabad. A detailed description of daily life in a Chassidic yeshiva vs. Litvish, as observed by R' Shashonkin. Belzer Rebbe and the Sinai Campaign. Merging emotion & learning is needed for our spiritual survival. Nefesh Hachaim plus Tanya.