Volozhin Yeshiva: R' Yehoshua Heschel Levine Challenges R' Naftali Tzvi Yehuda Berlin (Netziv) for Position of Rosh Yeshiva. The Unpleasant Conflict That Resulted.
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Volozhin Yeshiva: R' Yehoshua Heschel Levine Challenges R' Naftali Tzvi Yehuda Berlin (Netziv) for Position of Rosh Yeshiva. The Unpleasant Conflict That Resulted. - Feb 26, 2024 - Unusual responsa of R' Menashe Klein as compared to other poskim. Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe in Lakewood. Mekor Barukh compared to his Torah Temimah. My Uncle the Netziv. Future disputes in Litvish yeshivahs can be seen as influenced by the original machloket in Volozhin Yeshiva. Should we leave things out when publishing history? YU scandal. ישיבת ליטא פרקי זכרונות ע"י אטקס וטיקוצ'ינסקי. מלחמת הדינסטיות בישיבת וולוזין ע"י שמואל לייב ציטרון (Dynasties) R' Eliezer Yitzchak Fried and R' Naftali Tzvi Yehuda Berlin were appointed. R' Fried dies. Attempt to appoint R' Yehoshua Heschel Levine of Vilna as Rosh Yeshiva fails. His nature was affected by growing up in Vilna. His plans for changes in the yeshiva. His ancestry and his wife's. He starts his own breakaway yeshiva in Volozhin. How it differed. Moshe Mendelssohn's commentary compared to R' Hirsch's. Netziv strongly opposes this yeshiva and occasionally violent conflict that results. Many students of Volozhin yeshiva engage in their conflict with Netziv very disrespectfully. Closing of BMT and Machon Gold. R' Levine leaves Volozhin, moves from position to position to position, city to city to city, ends up in Paris, and dies there.