Key Words: journey / breeze Text: "Last week, my friends and I went on a road trip to Annaba. We needed to quench our thirst for adventure after a whole year without traveling. We left El Djelfa at the crack of dawn so we could reach my friend Djafar’s native village by lunch time. He’s originally from the region of Biskra and still has many uncles and cousins living there. Driving there was amazing. It was impressive to see the millions of date trees. We ate at the best local restaurant....
Published 07/17/21
Thank you for listening :)  Key Words: Out of the blue / Unannounced Text:  "My friend Salsabile showed up to my house yesterday, out of the blue, unannounced, and said she was staying with me for a week. Of course my door is always open,, she can always come to me when she needs a shoulder to cry on. After all, that’s what friends are for. But this is so unlike her. I don’t know what she’s going through but it can’t be good. I asked her several times what’s wrong but she refused to tell...
Published 06/24/21
Join us on Instagram @zalamit.podcast Key Words: Driver's license / book a spot Text:  "Hi, I have a question; what are the fees for a driver’s license? It costs 20 000 DA to get one. And, how long does it take? Well, first you’ll need to pass a written exam. For this you can come to class or you can learn on your own. You will decide how long you need to memorize all the rules and signs. Here’s a booklet that explains everything and there’s also an app if you prefer. There’s an exam...
Published 06/17/21
Key Words: Manufacture / Straight out of  Text:  "Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) is an American aerospace company. They manufacture rockets and satellites. They also offer space transportation services. It was founded by Elon Musk in 2002. Its headquarter is in California. The goal of the company is to reduce space transportation costs and make the colonization of Mars possible. Can you imagine living on Mars? It seems like an idea coming straight out of a Sci-fi movie. I...
Published 06/12/21
Key Words: coping mechanism / Give back Text:  " Whether the relationship lasted three weeks or three years, breakups can leave us feeling heartbroken, lost and even physically ill. While there’s no magic formula to make the pain disappear, having healthy coping mechanisms in place is essential to getting over your ex and moving on to the next chapter of your life. To help you on your way, here are three things you can do to help you cope with the stress of a break up: 1- Write or Talk it...
Published 06/10/21
Let's be friends: @zalamit.podcast Key Words: Worse/ Worst / Turn "Do you know the game “Truth or Dare”? It’s not a game for the faint of heart. You need to be brave to play it. I usually love it because you discover so many things about your friends if they choose Truth and it’s very funny when they choose Dare. We played it last Sunday with my friends and this time it wasn’t fun at all. When I chose Truth the first time, they asked me if I had a boyfriend. That was easy, I just said no....
Published 05/03/21
Keywords: Could / On the right track Text:  "Plastic has polluted the countryside and endangered wildlife for decades. Environmentalists told us to cut the amount we use or switch to biodegradable alternatives. Scientists have now made a biodegradable plastic, so the billions of plastic bags, cups, straws, etc. that we throw away each day could be "compostable". They could break down like organic waste. The plastic breaks down within weeks, rather than centuries, using just heat and...
Published 04/30/21
Website: www.breakingnewsenglish.com Keywords: was pointing at / just in time Text: "I watched an interesting news story earlier. A young man was walking in the street in Ain el Fakroun when he heard a loud scream coming from above. He looked up and saw a woman. She looked scared. She was at her window pointing at something. The young man looked at what she was pointing at and saw a toddler dangling between the railings of a balcony, on the third floor of the building across the street....
Published 04/16/21
Key words: go fishing/ don't get me wrong Text: "I am living the good life! What does the good life mean? I think it’s different for everybody. To me, the good life is having a house near the beach. I finally have it. I am truly happy. I lived all my life in Biskra. I love Biskra, don’t get me wrong. It’s a beautiful region but my heart belongs to the sea. I bought this little house in a village near Jijel and this is where I’m spending my retirement. It’s close to a small beach. The water...
Published 04/06/21
Key words: make money / make a difference  Text: "Hi, my name is Reda. The first thing I do when I wake up is check social media. The last thing I do before I fall asleep is check social media. It really has become an addiction. I check how many likes I got, how many comments were left, how many messages I received. It’s really important for me to see how much traffic I get on my pages. My business is tied to my social media presence. I get many sales directly from Facebook and Instagram....
Published 04/02/21
Thank you for listening! Text: - Do you have any pets? - I do. I have a turtle. - A turtle! That’s unusual. - Is it? I don’t know. It just feels normal to me because it’s always been there. - You’ve always had a turtle? - Yes, it was there before I was born. - It’s more than twenty five years old? - It is! It’s always been with us. It appeared in the vegetable garden one day and ate all of the lettuce that my mom had planted. And it never left. - This is so funny to me. I know...
Published 03/25/21
Symptoms. Text: "My daughter Oumnia is sick. She has a fever. I measured her temperature. It’s 38.8. That’s pretty high. She is coughing, a dry cough. She has a runny nose. She is tired. She was bedridden all day yesterday. She doesn’t have a stomachache or nausea or anything, which is good. She has a headache though, a terrible one. She complained about it many times. I’m taking her to the doctor. I’m taking her to the hospital. The hospital might be crowded but that’s fine by me. There...
Published 03/23/21
Key Words: Soul mate / Hope. Text: "Do you believe in soul mates? Do you believe that there is one perfect person for you? Just one? Just for you? I don’t know personally. I’ve had three girlfriends in the past but I have never felt the deep, passionate, unconditional love, that you see in the movies. I hope I can find that some day. If I find her I will put a ring on it right away. These days, love stories are complicated. Or maybe, they have always been complicated. I want someone who...
Published 03/14/21
Key words: getting out of hand/ let go Text: "I love fashion. For me clothes are a way to express myself. They are a way to show my style and my mood. I love to play with different colors and fabrics. I love stripes, patterns, dots, floral prints, block colors. You name it. The problem is, my wardrobe is getting out of hand. I have too many clothes. I am embarrassed. I want to declutter my closet. I made three piles. One pile is for clothes I will keep, one for the clothes I will donate and...
Published 03/13/21
Key words: Should / Shouldn't Text:  "I am worried about my father. He smokes like a chimney. He is overweight. His gut is huge. He looks pregnant. He eats dessert for breakfast and fast-food for dessert. He works long hours and sleeps late at night. He never walks. He always drives everywhere. He basically does the opposite of what you should do to stay healthy. I try to give him advice to help him change his lifestyle. I say: “Dad, you should drink water. You shouldn’t drink soda.” But he...
Published 03/12/21
Text: "Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Samia. I’m from Algeria. Oh you don’t know Algeria. Well, it’s in North Africa. Yes, I’m North-African. Algeria is the biggest country in Africa. It’s on the Mediterranean sea. Some people like to say it’s the door to Africa, or the door to Europe. It depends where you are, I guess. Do you know the Sahara desert? Well, the biggest part of this desert is in Algeria. Many tourists go there to look at the stars. Desert skies are just stunning. The stars are...
Published 03/10/21
نتمنّى تكون عجبتكم هاذ الحلقة  إذا عنكم سؤال أرواحو    instagram @zalamit.podcast Text:  "We're so excited! We can finally afford a new home. This city is very expensive. For the same amount of money, back home we could have rented a big house, maybe a villa. We have lived in this apartment for six years now. When we first moved in we were newlyweds. this two bedroom apartment was enough for the both of us. Just two people. And then, two years later, we had our son and shortly after...
Published 02/25/21
What do you do in the morning? What's your morning routine? Text:  "Hi, my name is Aymen. I’m from Saida but now I live in Oran. I’m a student here. I live on campus. My morning routine is simple. I wake up every morning at 7 am. I try to be quiet because my roommate likes to sleep in. He is so lazy. He misses half his classes because he wakes up too late. I go to the shared bathroom. I wash my face, I brush my teeth then I go back to my room and I drink some water. I don’t eat...
Published 02/21/21
يعطيكم الصّحّة على الإستماع . يعطيكم الصّحّة لي راكو تحاولو تتعلّمو حاجات جدد. نستعرف بيكم. لازم الكوراج باش واحد يسيّي يتعلّم! نتمنّالكم تتعلمو و تنساو كامل بلّي واحد النّهار ما كنتوش تفّهمو. Text: "Hey, yeah, I’m waiting for my friend Leila. We are going to a new pizza place. It’s called Pisa Pizza. I want to try it. I heard that they sell their tomato sauce. If it’s good I will buy a jar. It’s 12.30 already! We were supposed to be there at 12. Leila is always late. It drives me crazy....
Published 02/16/21
El vide?  يعطيكم الصّحّة على الإستماع . يعطيكم الصّحّة لي راكو تحاولو تتعلّمو حاجات جدد. نستعرف بيكم. لازم الكوراج باش واحد يسيّي يتعلّم! نتمنّالكم تتعلمو و تنساو كامل بلّي واحد النّهار ما كنتوش تفّهمو. Text:  "Hey hi, what's up? My name is Slimane. I'm 23 years-old and I'm from Setif. How do I spend my free time? Well, I have a lot of free time right now. I graduated recently and I'm looking for a job so right now  I have a lot of free time but I enjoy it. It's good because I have so...
Published 02/11/21
Mother, father ou rba3t'houm يعطيكم الصّحّة على الإستماع . يعطيكم الصّحّة لي راكو تحاولو تتعلّمو حاجات جدد. نستعرف بيكم. لازم الكوراج باش واحد يسيّي يتعلّم! نتمنّالكم تتعلمو و تنساو كامل بلّي واحد النّهار ما كنتوش تفّهمو. Text:  "Hello, this is Samia. You asked about my family so here we go. My family is a bit strange but all families a little strange if you ask me. My father was in the army so he acts like an army man even at home. He is so organized. My mother is the opposite. She is...
Published 02/11/21
تعرفو على الطريقة لي تتعلمو بيها في هاذ البودكاست Lesson one 1: Name, birthday, status... يعطيكم الصّحّة على الإستماع . يعطيكم الصّحّة لي راكو تحاولو تتعلّمو حاجات جدد. نستعرف بيكم. لازم الكوراج باش واحد يسيّي يتعلّم! نتمنّالكم تتعلمو و تنساو كامل بلّي واحد النّهار ما كنتوش تفّهمو. Text:  "Hi, how's it going? My name is Boualam Boubriss. Well, my first name is Boualam and my last name is Boubriss. I'm originally from Batna but now I live in Algiers. I work here. I work at a clothing...
Published 02/11/21
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Published 02/11/21