“7-ELEVEn”的“n” 为什么小写?答案让人意想不到
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笔记:in seventh heaven 非常高兴,非常开心直接翻译表示“在第七天堂”,它来自犹太人或者穆斯林的信仰,认为七重天是至高无上的极乐世界,所以用来描绘处于尽善尽美的境地,表示“非常开心,非常高兴”的意思。A beach, a book and a mojito cocktail - I am in seventh heaven.沙滩、一本书、一杯莫吉托鸡尾酒——我就身处极乐世界了。Whenever I go somewhere new, I feel like I am in seventh heaven.每当我去到一个新的地方,我都觉得很开心。获取节目完整音频、笔记和片尾的歌曲名,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“笔记”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!
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笔记:disband /dɪsˈbænd/ v. 解散;解体;散伙The group broke the hearts of fans around the globe when they announced plans to disband.这个组合宣布了解散的计划,伤透了全球粉丝的心。I will never disband the team that we've worked so hard to create.我永远不会解散我们那么辛苦创建的团队。They all embarked on respective solo careers over the...
Published 06/29/24
笔记:tide /taɪd/ n. 形式,趋势*the tide turned 形势变了,运气转变(指客观形势改变);turn the tide 力挽狂澜,扭转局势(指人发挥主观能动性)I don't know how to turn the tide. 我不知道怎么样才能扭转局面。in light of 鉴于,考虑到*英式英语也写作in the light ofHis depression is not surprising in light of his father's recent...
Published 06/28/24