“eat his shirt”可不是“吃他的衬衫”,真正的意思差远了!
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笔记:eat one's shirt 收回前言;亏本这个词组有两个意思,大家在使用的时候注意区分用法。You'll be eating your shirt if this new engine isn't as fast as you say it is.如果这台新引擎没有你说的那么快,你就得收回自己的话。I ended up having to eat my shirt on the cost of the lumber for the new shed after it was ruined by the rain.这次大雨把新棚子毁了,我最后只能白白损失木材的费用。获取节目完整音频、笔记和片尾的歌曲名,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“笔记”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!
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笔记:usher in 迎来usher这个单词本意是引导,引座员的意思, usher in这个动词短语就是迎来的意思。 Changsha ushered in its first snowfall since the beginning of winter in 2021 a couple of days ago. 前几天,长沙迎来了2021年立冬以来的第一场雪。New year celebrations may not always usher in a better...
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笔记:split  /splɪt/ v. 分摊,分开单词中间是短元音/ɪ/, 发音的时候面部非常放松,嘴巴微微打开,可以仔细听音频中Summer 老师的讲解。Split a bill 表示「AA账单」的含义,而 split up 可以指分手,和某人断绝关系。注意这个单词的过去式,过去分词都不会发生变化,都是写做 split. Can you accept splitting bills with your spouse?      你能接受和你的另一半AA账单吗?She has split up with her boyfriend.      ...
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