THZ 231 - Mindfulness, Concentration and Superman
Published 01/21/23
Published 12/03/22
Published 10/15/22
We may not be able to let go of our preferences, but we can learn to let go.
Published 08/20/22
What are we capable of offering? Everything. And it starts now, where you are.
Published 07/16/22
Jizo can go anywhere—including to hell. Where can we go? Where are we afraid to go?
Published 06/01/22
The Buddha started with a question. Dogen started with a question. What's yours?
Published 04/24/22
A re-examination of the fourth bodhisattva vow: "The awakened way is unsurpassable; I vow to embody it.".
Published 03/03/22
A re-examination of the third bodhisattva vow: "Dharma gates are infinite; I vow to enter them."
Published 02/06/22
A re-examination of the second bodhisattva vow: "Delusions are inexhaustible; I vow to put an end to them."
Published 01/25/22
A re-examination of the first bodhisattva vow: "Beings are countless; I vow to free them all."
Published 12/31/21
In the face of injustice, don't let compassion be an endpoint. Don't let not-knowing be an endpoint. Move, somehow—that's what a bodhisattva does.
Published 12/23/21
On Shantideva's Prayer, and what it means to commit to something—to really commit—forever.
Published 11/28/21
Those who are staying at home right now may find themselves falling into little rituals meant to make things feel regular, and safe; in this practice, ritual is something else.
Published 11/20/21
Does Covid-19 have buddhanature? Do you? Why do we even ask things like that?
Published 10/30/21
Dogen likened the spiritual life to the experience of falling off a horse. Can you feel it happening?
Published 10/03/21
It can feel like it's all too much, too much to hold. We need to look at that.
Published 09/02/21
On the tenth precept, "Not defiling the three treasures." The three treasures are just fine, but still, we forget who we are in relationship to them.
Published 08/16/21
Freedom—the freedom we want (perhaps especially in the age of social distancing), and the freedom we already have.
Published 07/31/21
Fearlessness is one of the four types of generosity. Why? And how do we get there?
Published 07/10/21
A simple act of refraining, like not touching your face in a pandemic, can be both a practice of mindfulness and an act of generosity.
Published 06/29/21
Buddhism offers what looks like two contradictory ways of meeting our mind in each moment. But maybe we can hold both.
Published 06/15/21
If you knew you were dying, how would that change how you see others? Because you are.
Published 05/29/21
On Precept 9 (not indulging in anger)—it doesn't say there aren't good reasons to feel anger, just that we should learn not to be seduced by it.
Published 05/16/21
On Precept 8 (not withholding dharma assets), clinging vs. letting go, and realizing what you're capable of giving.
Published 05/01/21