In the Zohar, from Parshat Yitro, teaches us how to protect ourselves from the evil eye and people who can cause you harm. But how do you know who is a bad person? How can we tell someone is bad? What tools does the Zohar give us to protect ourselves? 
Published 05/26/22
Turn the mundane into divine moments between you and God by putting your heart, will, and soul onto God. With a personal story, Yamine shares what it means to trust in God, His ways, and experience the help of God even in the most mundane things. God will set up the right path for you and all you need to do is put your heart, will, and soul onto God.
Published 04/27/22
What exactly split the sea during Pesach? How did it happen? Learn what the Zohar says about the seven accounts that all together split the sea according to the Zohar. 
Published 04/27/22
There is nothing easy about the recent terror attacks in Israel. In this episode, Elisheva joins her father (Yamine) to ask a few questions about the deeper meaning of what's going on from a Kabbalistic perspective - why is this happening and what can mankind do to stop the evil that's happening? Yamine shares what the Zohar says about these time, brings in political examples, and tools from the Zohar to guide mankind into redemption. 
Published 03/30/22
In the synagogue, before reading Megillat Esther there is a process of giving half a shekel in remembrance of a time every year the Jewish nation would give a half-shekel for the temple. But what's the deeper meaning behind giving half a shekel? Kabbalah addresses that. But why do we say 'Mahazit' instead of 'Hesi'? Kabbalah gives you the answer too, listen to find out. 
Published 03/16/22
On the surface, Haman appears to be a regular person filled with anger but what's underneath that? This episode uses Kabbalah to reveal the true essence of Haman and links it to today's current events. Learn what the Zohar says about evil forces and how it affects people. 
Published 03/16/22
How could it be that there are benefits to an enemy and hoes does it relate to Purim? This episode explores just how beneficial enemies are and their purpose. 
Published 03/16/22
What's the connection between Iran, Israel, and Purim? This episode takes you back in history and connects it to today's nations. How it is possible that something so long ago is relevant to today's nations? Discover the profound connections here.  
Published 03/16/22
Kabbalah explains profound secrets on Purim and this episode reveals the true meaning behind the actions we do in Purim and their significance. Curious about the deeper meaning of Purim and want to gain incredible wisdom? This episode delivers beyond imaginable. 
Published 03/16/22
The Megillat Esther was written in code. In one of the passages that name the 10 sons of Haman, there are three small letters - Tet Shin Zayin - why? What is the mystery here? How is it relevant to us? Find out in this episode. 
Published 03/16/22
In this series of Purim, in an earlier episode we addressed the background of Purim but what are the Kavanot? What are the intentions behind why we do what we do during Purim. What is behind the actions of Purim such as fasting, hearing the Megilla, a festive meal, and giving Mishloach Manot. These actions are to benefit from the light that comes down during this time to enhance our year. To take your Purim experience to the next level, this episode is for you. Learn what Mekubalim do during...
Published 03/16/22
All that you need to know about the story of the Purim is here. In this episode, we are looking deeper into the story of Purim from a Kabbalistic teaching. 
Published 03/15/22
This is episode 3 of a series on the soul's journey from the Zohar. Chamber 3 is called 'Noga' which translates into brightness and is connected to the Sefira, Netzach (victory). Find out which souls are in this chamber, which angels reside in it, and how your prayers move through this chamber. Each chamber has its own unique structure, this chamber is the Gate of Refuah (healing) where souls come here to heal. The angels have a job to navigate this chamber. To learn in-depth about this...
Published 03/15/22
With recent news around the world, what is the cause of all evil forces? How do we stand up against evil? What do learn from Jewish history and what guidance can we receive from the Zohar? This episode reveals the secrets to overcoming evil forces that are in the world but also within - and that's by standing up to them. Listen for the full teaching. 
Published 03/15/22
What's the point have having two Adar's? This year we are blessed with an extra month of increasing our happiness with two months of Adar - what does this mean?  This episode with special guest Elisheva Lavi will be exploring with Yamine the importance of two Adar's. In a nutshell, we have two months of Adar to help us align Passover with the Spring Equinox. The difference in energy is huge - in Adar I we don't fast, celebrate Purim or read the Megilla but in Adar II we do - making the...
Published 02/27/22
Chamber number two, Etzem HaShamayim. In this seven-part series, you will learn the journey of the soul according to Kabbalah. This episode is focused on the second chamber, the Sefira Hod. In this chamber, you will find souls that have suffered a lot of harm and tutored and went through the beit din (Jewish courts). Neshamot (souls) are renewed and healed in this chamber.
Published 02/13/22
Let's take a look beyond what the Gemara and Midrash say about Parsha TetZaveh. What does clothing have to do with protection? Learn the message that has to be taken from this parsha to draw surrounding light. 
Published 02/13/22
Before there was creation, there was only light. These lights were measured and precise, created by God. This is known as "Kav HaMida" - the light that comes out from the Creator.  In Zohar Chadash (new Zohar), Parshat Va'Etchanan, the Zohar speaks only about measured light. 
Published 02/10/22
In this episode, Yamine shares a personal story of an act of kindness. We all know kindness and chessed are important but how important are they? Let the Zohar tell you. 
Published 02/10/22
Have you ever wondered about the soul's journey? In a seven-part series, Yamine explains the soul's journey according to Kabbalah. In this episode, Yamine explores the first Hechal (chamber).  This is the chamber that prayers go through and connects to the Sefira Yesod. From this chamber, you can elevate to higher chambers. 
Published 02/10/22
Who is Yitro and why does Yitro have a whole Parsha named after him especially when it's the week the Israelites receive the Torah? The Zohar and the Ari answer these questions. 
Published 01/21/22
An introduction to the series on Hechalot- chambers of the soul. In this new series, you will learn the different levels where the soul goes after death. 
Published 01/20/22
Being humble is a trait that some of our greatest Jewish leaders possessed, like Moshe. To be humble is to acknowledge that you are not better than anyone else, no matter your success. In this episode, you will learn what the Zohar teaches about being humble and what happens if you are not.
Published 01/20/22
What happens without the knowledge of God? Isiah 11 verse 9 teaches us exactly that.
Published 01/20/22
*trigger warning* - A period of six weeks or eight weeks (depending on the leap year) started a few weeks ago when we finished the book of Genesis and started the book of Exodus. Shovavim is a subject that many Jews do not learn about however many tzadikim practice. In this episode, you learn the subject of many great tzadikim and mekubalim, what is Shovavim, how it rectifies sins that caused us to be in slavery, why Jews do it, and how to practice it. 
Published 12/30/21