BBS Radio, BBS Network Inc.
Study the effects of sound on the body, psyche and spirit LIVE with the Founder and Director of Globe Sound Healing Institute. Using the Voice for Sound Healing, Inner Sound Awareness and Transformation of matter and consciousness, and to connect to Spirit. The radio shows on this site will...
Julia Cannon carries on the work of her mother, Dolores Cannon, who authored 19 Books (so far) and was a Past-Life Regressionist and Hypnotherapist who specialized in the recovery and cataloging of Lost Knowledge. Dolores is widely acknowledged as a leading authority on Nostradamus and considered...
Galactic Connection... connecting minds and hearts everywhere to step out of the 3D matrix unilaterally. Even those of us who have done an immense amount of work are still learning how much the 3D set of rules and limitations has pervaded our recent outcomes. What you will learn as you listen is...
Janice Wolfe, the founder of Merlin's Kids, and a cancer survivor, searched for a reason why she survived while so many others did not. As a result, she has dedicated herself to helping to provide and train service animals for special needs individuals. Janice is known as “The Lady” Dog...
...Minister on behalf of the Cosmic Community for Conscious Cosmic Citizenship, she is consciously working towards the harmonization, unification, and reconciliation of individual and collective purposes, duties, responsibilities and identities with the Truths of Existence to establish Creator...
ET Yoga is a combination of extra-terrestrial information integrated with the wisdom of the great Yoga Masters related to the concept of Self Realization. Yoga meaning 'Union of you and your Higher Self'. ET Yoga is actually a new Yoga--the Yoga of Belief. Extra-terrestrial and Yogic information...
Listen to the show LIVE every Saturday at 7:00pm Pacific Time and 10:00pm Eastern on BBSRADIO.COM - Station 1! A Fireside Chat with Lance White (Zany Mystic) Famed & gifted psychic healer, author, and exceptionally adept practitioner of question triggered channeling, L.B. White is Zany...
Shadow Politics is a grass roots talk show giving a voice to the voiceless. For more than 200 years the people of the Nation's Capital have ironically been excluded from the national political conversation. With no voting member of either house of Congress, Washingtonians have lacked the...
'Dr. Christopher' pioneered quantum medicine in 1991 and is publisher of the Heartcom Network, culturing Net reality in our global village with quantum science as it relates to the Golden Rule-Law Language of LOVE in "form" (spiritual geometry) and "frequency" (heart coherence). As the producer...
Tune in now to this fabulous program, a program with your host Marietta Pickett. Explore the truth with an open mind, and be more than you are for having one and giving many! Join Us! Stargate Round Table was established 12 years ago as a place "to discover a way of governing ourselves using the...
In 1998, Susan E. Kolb, M.D., F.A.C.S. created Dr. Susan On-Call radio show to educate the public about the latest breakthroughs in health, science and spirituality. In 2003, we added additional medical expert co-hosts in the fields of holistic and traditional medicine and decided renamed the...
All Paws Pet Talk is directed to the millions of owners who are devoted to their pets and animals. Our hosts are animal industry professionals covering various specialty topics and giving free pet behavior and medical advice. We give listeners the opportunity to speak with animal experts one on...
Janice Wolfe, the founder of Merlin’s Kids, and a cancer survivor, searched for a reason why she survived while so many others did not. As a result, she has dedicated herself to helping to provide and train service animals for special needs individuals. Janice is known as "The Lady" Dog...