Ken Plume
Ken Plume loves to chat. Even more so, he loves to chat with people he finds interesting – really, the only criteria worth mentioning. In "A Bit Of A Chat With Ken Plume", he brings those conversations with interesting people to you, the listener.
Cabin Fever is the result of two geeks with too much time on their hands, broadcasting from Dublin, Ireland. Expect bizarre news stories, gross humour, endless pop-culture references, and a little bit of music thrown in to break up the tedium.
Join Ken Plume and Glen Oliver as they take you on a journey beyond geekiness and nerdiness - Well, they pretty much just nerd out geekily and have a bit of a chat about Doctor Who and all things sci-fi.
Adult Swim's Dana Snyder and FRED Entertainment's Ken Plume set out to have a literate conversation between two pals, but inevitably devolve into a verbal, and funny, free-for-all full of bickering, infighting, and the special kind of male bonding that comes from conflict expressed through the...