Riffopolis Network
Adult performer, writer, director, and too-many-credits-to-name Stoya joins her longtime friend (comedian, web developer) Mitcz for discussions of sex, politics, relationships, society, life, and more. Join them in Aural Spaces — you just might like it.
No longer active. Comedians Mitcz Marzoni and Teddy Tutson come together weekly with a rotation of special guests to tear down and crack jokes about our world and times, where nothing is taboo and everything needs to be riffed on.
Tackling hot-button and controversial subjects with a light-hearted attitude, this panel-based show is for exploring opinions – not winning debates. There’s only three rules : 1. All opinions are allowed 2. No personal attacks 3. The vibe stays chill
No longer active. A weekly conversation between a 30-something liberal atheist in Hollywood, and his 70-something conservative religious father in Texas. You’ll be surprised by what they agree on, and amused by what they don’t.
This ain’t y0 mama’s tech podcast. We talk about tech with a slant towards mature subjects, comprised of both a lifelong nerd plus a nearly-technophobic co-host – complex subjects are analyzed and explained.
Comedian Mitcz Marzoni doesn’t get high often, but when he does, he likes to do so with friends, special guests, and strangers. Sometimes, these talks are recorded. This is where they land.
A podcast dedicated to exploring the parts of the sporting universe that make you question why you fell in love with sports in the first place (and they’ll talk stats and shit every now and then). But rest assured, this show is as depressing as it is entertaining!